Well BM was able to stay awake for the Ireland v France match! I was awake early as had to spend a few hours at the Fun Factory this morning! You have no idea how many men consider themselves expertise on the building trade! I have spent four hours today reading bullshit from men hoping to get a taxbreak on their properties due to major structural work. Oh lordy! The pleasure BM gets in knocking a man back! I'm now an expert on all things building (not) but takes great pleasure in saying 'no chance' to a man

Oh the power...
Anyways back to the match... I'm not sure I like this game! Everyone is so rough.... and ugly!
France brought a subsitute on, God, he was mean looking!! What was his name..Chabal? I wouldn't want to mess with him (on any level!) Jesus, he frightened the life out of BM and she doesn't scare easily! I quite liked that little fella, Morgan something, he scored a lot, and then was taken off

The Irish weren't bad. looking that is. The commentator said they were ok, better than last week, but not as good as the French obviously as the French won (I think). But the Irish weren't that far behind! I liked their stadium, the Ariva Stadium! That sounds like a good idea!
The referee looked as if he liked his pies! He was a geordie i think! he was quite cuddly! BM likes a cuddly intelligent northern man! Apply here if you fit that bill!
Anyway the result was Ireland 22 France 25
MMMM i like that accent, along with the Australian twang, and Leeds