The lads are doing a fine job taking out the convicts

That Pakistani lad's mother didn't look too pleased when he was caught out! The first Muslim to play for Australia, quite a nice looking lad, born in Pakistan and a trained pilot by all accounts, and a broad Aussie accent. Well done him (for the play, not the accent). Shame he only scored 34 (or something like that).
What's going on with the weather, rain in Sydney and floods in Queensland. I thought it was supposed to be summer?
-- Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:15 am --
Well I got up early to watch the final hour and a half and came on to DF to read a PM telling me what a naughty girl I was and I missed Trott being bowled out! Damn!
Aliatair Cook has just been caught out but escaped as it was declared a no ball. BM has to dash now as needs to get to work early, VAT has gone up to 20% and I need to make sure our computer system at work is sorted.
I must say I do like David Lloyd and Shane Warne's commentary. Last night David Lloyd was saying how he used to shove a pair of grey socks in his pocket to use as thigh guards and Shane Warne was saying that David Hasselhoff was in his hotel and that he's been larging in on Bondi Beach in his budgie smugglers. Most entertaining.
I can see what Liz Hurley sees in Mr Warne.
England are doing well, let's hope it continues.
-- Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:50 am --
Rule Britania.