How do you define friendship?
I have different types of friendships depending on the person.
My casual friend are those whom I hang out during my free time, joke around with and enjoy their company.
My close friends are those whom I do all of the above with, and feel comfortable sharing my feelings and thoughts with. I basically TRUST them.
The only difference between my two types of friends is Trust.. Its a small word, but peronally, means a lot to me.
According to you, what makes a friend a 'true' friend?
A true friend is there when Im in need. They know when Im down or happy, and they can read my mind. They make me feel comfortable talking to them and I dont need to think twice before saying anything.
They take me as I am, and dont judge me for who I am.
A person would know I consider them a true friend, if I tell me they did something wrong towards me or others, without me telling other people. I accept them as they are and HATE to see them hurt..
I know Im considered a trusted friend, if they critisize me constructively. I really appreciate my friends telling me my faults, coz without them, I'd never be a better person.
How many friends can you trust and count on?
I dont have a specific number of friends I can trust. My trust grows with the amount of time I spend with a person and get to know them more.Sometimes, I feel soo comfortable with a person, that we click instantly,and in no times I trust them. But Im a very careful person. I dont know if thats good or bad though
How much importance do you give to friendship?
I try my best to give it 100%... without my friends, I wouldn't be what I am now. I know I can be a better person, but will never do unless I have my friends to tell me how to improve.
waiting for you guys, hope I'd be able to know your difinitions