Why Are Guyz So Confusing?

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why are guyz so confusing? May 30, 2006
2 months ago, this guy (J) in my college said hi to me and i smiled back, after that he always said hi and we became friends, well not very good friends as we were not seeing each other much. i hang around with different friends. so with him it's has always been hi, how r u? that's it.

but last week while i was with my other friends J came up to me and said i want to talk to u,it's important, i said okay but he is like not here ( he didn't wanted to talk to me infront of my friends)he said,
just give me 10min and lets go and sit there( he pointed to this place).

Rest of the conversation goes like this
Me:- what is the important thing?
(He didn’t say anything)
Me again:- we don’t even know each other very well, what can be so important?

J:-yesterday when you were leaving the lab(computer lab) and said bye to me
Me:- yeah
J:-this guy came up to me and asked about you. He was asking if I was ur friend, and how long have i known your for? She is pretty and then I said yeah she is very pretty.
Me:- was that the important thing?
J:- no that’s not want I wanted to say. I am just telling that this guy was asking about you

After a minute of silence

J:- u are very important to me
(I laughed my head off, as I was not expecting this from him, and the way he said it)
Me:-we are just friends and I don’t want to go any further than that.
J:- u know what? When that guy said u are pretty. I was like why the hell is he saying it.
J:- u are very prety alina
I smiled
J:- I want to invite you on Saturday
Me:- sorry I am busy I won’t be able come (I didn’t want to go, as I don’t even know him much)
Me:- I have to go, I have class
J:- I’ll walk with you……alina do u know u are very pretty ?
Me:- ask others .don't talk about my looks, i get shy
And then I changed the topic and said bye

But after that day, j ginores me, he still says hi when he sees me. But he is not like b4. I can tell he trys to hide now.

So what’s wrong why did he change? My best friend says he is embarrassed, he got rejected, guyz don’t like it when they get rejected.

One more thing, guyz always have guts to come up to me and talk to me because I am very friendly which gives them hope. My best friend gave me this advice…. Don’t be friendly to anyone.. just act rude.

So 2 question to ask?


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May 30, 2006
re read your post are you sure it is guys that are confusing?
Dubai Forums Knight
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May 30, 2006
If I understand correctly, his J guy became jealous when some other guy asked about you, and so he decided to ask you out himself. Then you said no - rejecting his invitation.

You say that you don't know him so didn't want to go out with him. How can you get to know him if you don't spend time with him? If you don't find him attractive or interesting and said no for that reason, then why do you care if he speaks to you much or not? He still says hi. Isn't that enough for you?

You rejected his invitation, so why do you still want to receive his attention? Sounds like you want this guy to pine over you, even though you aren't interested in him. That sounds a bit egotistical to me.

This guy got shot down and will now focus his attention elsewhere - what is so complicated about that?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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May 30, 2006
to make a long story short:
you rejected the guy so don't expect him to drool over you anymore.
from what i see that guy did nothing wrong.
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May 30, 2006
Stop double posting. :x
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May 31, 2006
Sounds like both of you are young and insecure...if he is a real guy, he'll just walk up and say what he thinks.

Similarly, you need to maybe stop playing games with him and tell him straight out. If you don't like him, then say you are flattered by the attention but you are not interested. If you do like him, which reading between the lines you might, then stop messing about and go out with him.

End of story...

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