the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Dubai Knight wrote:So BM, you can keep your X6 'Kubelwagen' as I am perfectly capable of showing you a good time in a 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee nicknamed 'Thunderbird 2'! At least the sand in my treads is genuine and not picked up because Sunil the roadsweeper forgot to clean the curb in JBR one day.
Bethsmum wrote:I can see two choices here for the ladies
Option 1
Mr Emirati comes to pick you up,immaculatey turned out, dressed all in white, smelling of Cartier and driving his brand new shiny BMW X6 to whisk you off for dinner at the Royal Mirage.
Option 2
One of you two lecherous old gits turns up, unshaven, driving your shed and smelling feintly of wet dog holding the tantalising prospect of a drive thro Big Mac Meal. And if we're really good and stick to the rules you'll throw in a caramel sundae.
Difficult one, that.
desertdudeshj wrote:DK you gotta give it to her, she never said she was deep, intellectual or unmaterialistic. Anything for a good meal eh
Ain't nothing going on but the rent.
desertdudeshj wrote:Abe Lincoln said it best "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
desertdudeshj wrote:desertdudeshj wrote:Abe Lincoln said it best "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
This was also meant to be advice aswell as a comment. I think you should seriously consider listening to Abe
melika969 wrote:Hey WJ, Long time no see! How have u been?
WhiteJade wrote:melika969 wrote:Hey WJ, Long time no see! How have u been?
Hi hi, PMed you
Misery Called Life wrote:WhiteJade wrote:melika969 wrote:Hey WJ, Long time no see! How have u been?
Hi hi, PMed you
I was hoping for one too
WhiteJade wrote:![]()
Misery Called Life wrote:Just wanted to agree with you..in relationships women are definitely more sacrificing (dnt knw why but compromising seems vulgar)
WhiteJade wrote:Misery Called Life wrote:Just wanted to agree with you..in relationships women are definitely more sacrificing (dnt knw why but compromising seems vulgar)
Compomising being vulgar, do you mean the word or the act?