bedro wrote:sara08 wrote:lol I don't think so, I rarely even find Arab men with Arab ladies strolling around side by side or hand in hand in the streets of UAE. It IS your culture from the very start. Let's admit that you can't do everything or perhaps anything with an Arab chick compare to being with an Asian or Western chick..can you?. It doesn't take a genius to figure this out. I just don't like the fact that you USE innocent ladies to satisfy your hunger. I'm sorry for being harsh, but this is the internet hence I'm open to say anything and this is just absurd.
Well, In my home I used to see all what you are talking about, men and women from the same nationality, same culture are strolling around side by side (nice expression).
The things here is people didn't get it so far, culture now is becoming a history, as the globe is becoming a small village, I mean I bet all of us have friends from all nationalities.
But don't talk about all women like they are innocent, come down to the earth and see how many asian,western, and all kind of women are using arab men for money!!! (nobody can deny that).
"you can't do everything or perhaps anything with an Arab chick. I just don't like the fact that you USE innocent ladies to satisfy your hunger"
you are talking about adults not kids, so if a women allowed a man to use her, you can't only blame the man.
About using "YOU use innocent ladies to satisfy you hunger"!!!!
I just have no comment on that. its
ing and makes me feel its a jungle we are living in, although I don't like talking about comparisons and statistics about countries, cos most of the time it doesn't reflect the the community, but review the percentage of rape in the western world, might be helpful.
have a nice day everyone, its time for the coffee, and for my boss to kick my !!!! of course not mine, may be my junior