Love at first sight is nothing more than an instantaneous physical attraction. Nothing more nothing less.
It could develop into infatuation or fascination but seldom into true love!
As a proof, it’s said that virtually all relationships that originated from the so-called “love at first sight” ended up in failure.
So if you think you’ve fallen in love with that person you saw last night, you’re wrong. There is no such thing as “love at first sight.” You were just momentarily attracted to that person, but there was no love in the air!
“Love at first sight” is a fairy tale which only occurs in songs and movies, but not in real life!
Have you ever been in a relationship that was based on love at first sight? And if so, how was it? And to where did it lead you????
I have … when I was in my 20’s. Three times ….in fact!!
Unfortunately, and as expected, all of them were short-lived experiences that ended up in big disappointments!!! Needless to say, I did not walk away unscathed either. I carried through a lot of heartache for a long time!!!
My advice: Look only for true love... and watch out for that false feeling called "love at first sight!!!"