anyone else in the same boat...recently made redundant. Residence visa is being canceled next week. Then what? Look for a job or go home?
And the problem is I am in love with a woman here in Dubai who has a job, has everything here, and who is the best thing to have happened to me in a very long time. If i survive this credit crisis i'm going to marry her.(because what woman is going to marry a guy with no job.)
And 99% of me wants to stay and make a stand here...the other 1% is saying 'screw this, go back home man and start over there..."
but the economy back home is so screwed up, so would i be any better off? i might be in worse shape...alone, jobless, living in a crappy apartment while i look for a job.
i hate the economic recession. it pisses me off. life was good until the damn credit crisis started. anyone else pissed off, angry, confused, and uncertain?
I just wish the UAE would say 'we are going to come out of this crisis better than before and if you have been sacked, you have 12 months to be part of the solution and we give you 12 months (instead of 30 days) to find a job.
sorry, bit frustrated after spending two days spamming recruiters with resumes.