The Effect Of Being Made Redundant On A Love Life

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The effect of being made redundant on a love life Mar 30, 2009
anyone else in the same boat...recently made redundant. Residence visa is being canceled next week. Then what? Look for a job or go home?

And the problem is I am in love with a woman here in Dubai who has a job, has everything here, and who is the best thing to have happened to me in a very long time. If i survive this credit crisis i'm going to marry her.(because what woman is going to marry a guy with no job.)

And 99% of me wants to stay and make a stand here...the other 1% is saying 'screw this, go back home man and start over there..."

but the economy back home is so screwed up, so would i be any better off? i might be in worse shape...alone, jobless, living in a crappy apartment while i look for a job.

i hate the economic recession. it pisses me off. life was good until the damn credit crisis started. anyone else pissed off, angry, confused, and uncertain?

I just wish the UAE would say 'we are going to come out of this crisis better than before and if you have been sacked, you have 12 months to be part of the solution and we give you 12 months (instead of 30 days) to find a job.

sorry, bit frustrated after spending two days spamming recruiters with resumes.

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Mar 30, 2009
sorry to hear about your job loss... its indeed frustrating and god bless everyone in this situation.

this news was published this morning and it may hopefully give you some hope

good luck
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Mar 31, 2009
Sorry to hear you situation.

Spamming recruitments will only get you so far... Try picking up the phone and making some meetings, will get you a lot further.

True love isn't about a job and money... Timing may not be the best right now, but tomorrow is a new day.

I wouldn't leave until I exhausted every possible option. Would you?

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Mar 31, 2009
Until the government initiative on stretching the ‘grace period’ is in full work, an employment in Abu Dhabi may help. Few friends of mine found jobs and moved recently leaving the family here.
You will as well get the chance to try the tick and thin with your gf to see if you 2 come as 1 from the other side.
Wish you the best of luck :)

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Apr 02, 2009
Don't say sorry for your post, you must be going crazy right now. I think things in a lot of countries are worse then here still, if you have money in your hand to stay for another 6-8 months, then do the visit visa runs when you need to and hang on for a while. Deadwood is clearing out and oportunities may come sooner than we expect (god willing). I still don't believe that recession will ever get as bad here as developed countries.

Plus you have the woman you love too. If she will support you through this (I don't mean with money) then you also will know that the relationship is strong. I think they say most people break up over money issues.

Good luck mate.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Apr 02, 2009
Speedhump wrote:Don't say sorry for your post, you must be going crazy right now. I think things in a lot of countries are worse then here still, if you have money in your hand to stay for another 6-8 months, then do the visit visa runs when you need to and hang on for a while. Deadwood is clearing out and oportunities may come sooner than we expect (god willing). I still don't believe that recession will ever get as bad here as developed countries.

Plus you have the woman you love too. If she will support you through this (I don't mean with money) then you also will know that the relationship is strong. I think they say most people break up over money issues.

Good luck mate.

Nice words and advice SH.

And yes, I believe the majority of relationships break up because of the importance put on money.

If she stands by you - not in front or behind - and you two get through it - I know that she is in for a wonderful journey with you. I hope is works out for both of you.
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Apr 03, 2009
if shes marrying u for your money and your job. i would suggest you go look some where else mate. tell her you will only marry her as long as you sit at home and she works. see what she says. if she says yes then bro ROCK the boat ;)
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Apr 03, 2009
I think it's his assumption that she won't marry an unemployed man, he didn't say that she said that. Maybe he is also too proud to want that situation which I can understand although maybe not agree with.

Anyway, I hope it works out.
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