TattOo In A WOmanS BOdY

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May 16, 2006
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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May 16, 2006
Eeewwwww Dk that's minging!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 16, 2006
wonder if women handle tattoos better because they have a thicker layer skin than men .... ever noticed how mens veins are alot more pronounced than a womans.
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May 16, 2006
Also Im from New Zealand so Im wondering what you all think of the way traditional Maori women get tattoos on their faces?
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May 16, 2006
It's got nothing to do with the thickness of the skin. Women are naturally more capable of tolerating pain. We are built to handle child birth after all! Put it this way liken it to a bowling ball coming out of a guys bum - not a pleasant thought, but a good enough likeness.

Hhhhmmmmm those tattoos you're talking of are done in a traditional way as well aren't they? Ouch, must take ages. I guess it's no different to many tribes around the world where both men and women have facial tattoos and odd piercings.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 16, 2006
Some of them still get the tats in the traditional ways ..... similar to how the Tongan (from memory) men get their entire thighs tattooed using a hammer and chisel type arrangement .... ouch!
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May 16, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:It's got nothing to do with the thickness of the skin. Women are naturally more capable of tolerating pain. We are built to handle child birth after all! Put it this way liken it to a bowling ball coming out of a guys bum - not a pleasant thought, but a good enough likeness.

Hhhhmmmmm those tattoos you're talking of are done in a traditional way as well aren't they? Ouch, must take ages. I guess it's no different to many tribes around the world where both men and women have facial tattoos and odd piercings.


I totally take offence at your insinuation that we males pain tollerence level is less than females

You wait till you get some sort of serious injury like a paper cut or a splinter in your finger.

Only the other day i stubbed my toe against the bottom of the bed. You probably cant imagine how excrutiating the pain was. A woman would have needed oxygen and hospital treatment with that type of serious life threatening injury.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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May 16, 2006
You are dead right Arnie - I once had a splinter in my finger and had to be admitted to hospital. I discharged myself, but I can imagine if it was a woman they'd have been in for a few days observation, followed by a few weeks off work.

I won't even tell you how nasty a paper cut I had a couple of weeks ago - lets just say the consultant, 3 paramedics and the team of nurses had never seen anything like it :!: :!:
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May 16, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:It's got nothing to do with the thickness of the skin. Women are naturally more capable of tolerating pain. We are built to handle child birth after all! Put it this way liken it to a bowling ball coming out of a guys bum - not a pleasant thought, but a good enough likeness.

Hhhhmmmmm those tattoos you're talking of are done in a traditional way as well aren't they? Ouch, must take ages. I guess it's no different to many tribes around the world where both men and women have facial tattoos and odd piercings.

Well Chocs, you already said you liked Chakotay...

Not heard the expression 'minging' for years! :lol: :lol: :lol: goes with the classic one: 'gopping'!!!

We men are definately more thick skinned that the girlies, after all we have to put up with that constant whining in our ears...its called nagging! As for crapping bowling should have been there on friday!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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May 16, 2006
the_zooter wrote:You are dead right Arnie - I once had a splinter in my finger and had to be admitted to hospital. I discharged myself, but I can imagine if it was a woman they'd have been in for a few days observation, followed by a few weeks off work.

I won't even tell you how nasty a paper cut I had a couple of weeks ago - lets just say the consultant, 3 paramedics and the team of nurses had never seen anything like it :!: :!:

You baby zooter thats nothing. Yesterday i got stung by a Stinging Nettle. I was so brave i insisted the paramedics just treat the one sting on my leg on the spot. Any woman in the same situ would have needed emergency resus then admission to hospital.

I am bravely managing today with the use of crutches.

:lol: :lol:
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May 16, 2006


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Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 16, 2006
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Very good Chocs

But we have obviously proved our point regarding the male superior pain tollerence level

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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May 16, 2006
Hmmmm I think the jury's still out on that one :wink:
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 16, 2006
Well Zoooter and Moi have given you cast iron evidence of how brave we are

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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May 16, 2006
arniegang wrote:
the_zooter wrote:You are dead right Arnie - I once had a splinter in my finger and had to be admitted to hospital. I discharged myself, but I can imagine if it was a woman they'd have been in for a few days observation, followed by a few weeks off work.

I won't even tell you how nasty a paper cut I had a couple of weeks ago - lets just say the consultant, 3 paramedics and the team of nurses had never seen anything like it :!: :!:

You baby zooter thats nothing. Yesterday i got stung by a Stinging Nettle. I was so brave i insisted the paramedics just treat the one sting on my leg on the spot. Any woman in the same situ would have needed emergency resus then admission to hospital.

I am bravely managing today with the use of crutches.

:lol: :lol:

You poor soul! I sympathise entirely...I myself am currently waiting for the air ambulance to arrive on the roof of the building as my tea cup handle was really really warm. The post traumatic stress has already set in and I am undergoing counselling, but I am sure I shall make a full recovery within the next 6 months. A girl would have already been forced to undergo full surgery including liposuction and a full breast lift as well as suing the manufacturer of water for the stress inflicted!

They are just a bunch of girls!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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May 16, 2006
Us? Or you guys! :shock:
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 16, 2006

That must have been awful. However you didnt state if the cup was full burning hot liquid when this tragedy occured.

Time will heal the scars buddy

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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May 16, 2006
arniegang wrote:DK

That must have been awful. However you didnt state if the cup was full burning hot liquid when this tragedy occured.

Time will heal the scars buddy

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thankfully the cup was empty! If it had been full, there would have needed to be a full international emergency mobilisation and the Red Cross had planes waiting on the tarmac in Geneva. However there is now a full emergency procedure in place and it has been ratified by a small minded man in a grey tank top who apparently is the Health and Safety Exec (2nd. class) for the whole of Rutland. We are saved!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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May 17, 2006
As an immediate aid to the prolific injury caused by papercuts I would like you all to lobby your local health and safety organisations to enforce safe paper handling technique i.e. All paper handling activities must be carried out whilst wearing protective gloves.

Surely this will increase productivity through minimising staff downtime and reduce costs associated to paper related law suits!
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May 17, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:CLASSES FOR MEN

Classes are all well and good Chocs, but everyone knows us men are just kids ;)
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May 27, 2006
a turn on indeed.

by the way is there a place to get a tattoo in Dubai?
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my opinion May 31, 2006
to add my opinion to the main questions:

I think both are absolute turn ONs!

And when you get older (I am "older" and have a piercing), why do you think you will automatically get ugly?
Piercings can be removed, the hole closes after some time, depending on the diameter.

I think everybody is or should be free to decorate his body as he wants it. (if he is 18+!!)

Professional piercing in Dubai is available, I send you the details if you ask me private.

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Jun 01, 2006
Moester wrote:a turn on indeed.

by the way is there a place to get a tattoo in Dubai?

Its illegal but I know of a good one Moey.
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Piercing Jun 02, 2006
it is NOT illegal to do piercings in Dubai! Parts are sold officially and the piercing studio is officially registered and run very hygienically!

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Jun 03, 2006
Of course you can buy the piercing parts and jewellery, but to date I've never heard of the municipality licensing any studios as body piercings and tattoos are haram, unislamic.

Certainly I wouldn't trust to get anything done here as there's no regulation and I'd be very suspect over how everything is being steralised and that includes the jewellery which should always come in individually sealed sterile packs. Do you know how many germs are on those things after people have handled them?
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jun 03, 2006
Oh tattoos I luv 'em, I like guys with tattos & piercings BUT not when its TOO MUCH, then that sux.

I've been thinkin of havin tattoo since God knows when, just a small One, like a butterfly or japanese writin or maybe an angel!! But I was told that it really hurts. SO I'm thinkin NOOO better stick to those sticky tattoos 8)
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Jun 03, 2006
XRW-147 wrote:
Moester wrote:a turn on indeed.

by the way is there a place to get a tattoo in Dubai?

Its illegal but I know of a good one Moey.

cool man, you'll be hearing from me soon :wink:
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Jun 03, 2006
Sara, The pain is related to where you have it. Fleshy areas are less painful than boney ones.
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tattoos Jun 03, 2006
I think the small japanese symbols look great on women along with small arm bands or tribals at the lower back area same with belly buttons being peirced
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Jun 03, 2006
Oh okay, thnx
still thinking :wink:

yep tribals & japanese are pretty coOL, I think small tattoos are way better than those big ones! the small ones would look more cute on a womens body!
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