I Slapped My Lad

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Re: to HP Feb 10, 2006
TOTrev wrote:Are you drunk?

Since when does slapping justify a break. NO breaks given.

Let's reverse the roles....guy slaps girl.

Then what's your response. HP wake up.

This is a cycle of violence...brewing.


Until no circumstances ,i would slap a girl , rather i would say "you are fired" :roll: . Being a man it doesnt suit us to slap a girl who is physically weaker than us. If a girl slaps ,we shuld forgive her and make her ashamed with our attitude ( we can hit her more powerfully but we didnt) . :oops:

i understand sometime girls behave like bittch and it slap of culture is inevitable but a man gotta do what a man gotta do :P

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Feb 10, 2006
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Feb 10, 2006
*go in for the kill* Harry Potter
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Feb 11, 2006
lady_nampy_pampy wrote::oops:

Lady namy pampy ,

whats is current situation today , update us :P .....where is the guy come from by the way?
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Feb 11, 2006
:( well I saw him 2day,but he didnt even come 2 me. He is local, now I HATE local guys :evil:
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Feb 11, 2006
lady_nampy_pampy wrote::( well I saw him 2day,but he didnt even come 2 me. He is local, now I HATE local guys :evil:

where are u come from by the way?....... Hey can u tell me if local people wear underwear under the white arab dress? i am just curious :oops:
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Feb 11, 2006
Whhhoooaaaaa peeps, did you not read the bit about the falling for someone else? If he'd cheated on you then a slap was definately justified! I'd have lamped the bastard!

But seeing as you heard from a friend that he's got the hots for someone else, I can well understand how crushing this info must have been, but at that stage a slap wasn't really justified as you don't know whether he intended to do anything about it. You needed to talk about it. But sadly now I think you've given him justification to go off with the other girl. Let him go, if he's too chicken to tell you about his feelings for someone else, he's not worth it anyway.
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Feb 11, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:So true guys, sadly domestic violence against men is more common than people realise, just men don't admit to it.

Thats a good one lool :D
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Feb 11, 2006
I'm serious! It's been an issue that's been higlighted alot in recent years. There are many beaten men out there who're victims at home.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 11, 2006
hehehe .. choco.. you are right.... and i have seen those kind of MALES around... even when he is shopping at the mall with his "wife" or "GF" you can see the misery in his eyes.. :D i feel pety for such males..

i dont know.. but i understand that love is about tolerance and sacrefise.. but to make it as such... i dont think its love anymore!!! its controling and making use of that person's love.. regardless it was a male or a female.
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Feb 11, 2006
Sadly Intimace I think you could be right. I think in many relationships now there's a bit of a power war going on and a bit of a fight over who wears the trousers. And lines of responsibility are blurred alot more with women going for careers but now many men are happy to be stay at home dads.

I think women are able to play guys a little better though, we know that you like to be right and sometimes we have to let you win because you like to feel like the guy.

Relationships are always tricky and there has to be balance, it's a partnership, they're never easy and they take bloody hard work, particularly these days, you can't give up at the first hurdle you come across.
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Feb 11, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Sadly Intimace I think you could be right. I think in many relationships now there's a bit of a power war going on and a bit of a fight over who wears the trousers. And lines of responsibility are blurred alot more with women going for careers but now many men are happy to be stay at home dads.

I think women are able to play guys a little better though, we know that you like to be right and sometimes we have to let you win because you like to feel like the guy.

Relationships are always tricky and there has to be balance, it's a partnership, they're never easy and they take bloody hard work, particularly these days, you can't give up at the first hurdle you come across.

Choco.. i will tell u whats the problem...

the problem mostley in men.. not women.. and when i say that i mean MEN ..

When a man Respects him self.. and show the respect to the ppl around him.. his wife or GF.. friends and relatives.. he would force politly his respect over the ppl.

A man is the person who Says Sorry when he is wrong...

who knows when to say YES and NO.. not just to show that "i am the man here"...

A man who is not making his wife suffering all the day.. being harassed by a@@holes while he is setting watching TV at home. and at the end of the day waiting for her to get back home to ask for money!!!

A man is the one who is there for his family all the time..

A man who knows when its the right time to show control.. not acting like a silly officer in the field putting his nose in everything..

A man who knows how to make his partner feel feminine with his manhood...

A man who knows that manhood is not with muscles and shouting.. or with how much money u have...

if a man would be as such.. and IF he is lady is a genuine person... she would definitly would be what ever he desires for him...

Thanks Choco for highlighting this issue :)
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Feb 11, 2006
Nice reply Intimacy, although I wondered what you were on about when you said 'manhood' - hehe to me that means a mans well, not his masculinity if you get what I mean.
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Feb 11, 2006


:wink: :wink:
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Feb 11, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Nice reply Intimacy, although I wondered what you were on about when you said 'manhood' - hehe to me that means a mans well, not his masculinity if you get what I mean.

No comment :D wahahahah
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Feb 11, 2006
HP : actually he Does wear his underwear :roll:
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Feb 12, 2006
lady_nampy_pampy wrote:HP : actually he Does wear his underwear :roll:

Lady nampy pampy ,

if i find a local UAE girl ,i ll take the revenge of u ,so dont worry :roll: .... But local UAE girls never looked at me ,they must be thinking that i ws working as labour for some Al-David construction company :wink: or i had been waiting for my salary for last 3 months .

Can you give me tip ,how can i talk to and convience UAE girls .........the only arabic word i know is " Sirat-ul-Mustaqeem (straight path) ".

PS " you must remember that i dont have impressive look ,solid bank account or nice qualification :roll: .....The only fixed asset which i have is my computer and letters of keyboard have been faded cauz of chat and chat without any result .. oh yeah ....and the second asset is my mobile phone ,which is only for incoming calls , i only dial 112 /911 emergency numbers to avoid bills :roll: "
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Feb 12, 2006
slapped the lad? good now slap his dad to produce such a boy so bad! :lol:
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Feb 12, 2006
sniper420 : nice advise , I will :P

HP : just b urself with her,but do u really need a UAE girl? there's plenty of girls of ur nationality .)
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Feb 12, 2006
lady_nampy_pampy wrote:sniper420 : nice advise , I will :P

HP : just b urself with her,but do u really need a UAE girl? there's plenty of girls of ur nationality .)

Girls from my nationality :roll: .............if u see a beautiful girl ,dont hesitate to let me know :wink: i will wait for until valentine day :)
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Feb 12, 2006
HP wrote:
lady_nampy_pampy wrote:sniper420 : nice advise , I will :P

HP : just b urself with her,but do u really need a UAE girl? there's plenty of girls of ur nationality .)

Girls from my nationality :roll: .............if u see a beautiful girl ,dont hesitate to let me know :wink: i will wait for until valentine day :)

.............or till the Day of Judgement.
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Feb 12, 2006
sniper *forbidden word describing sniper420* (edited by sniper420),

where were u ,havent seen u for long time? everything was okay down in Canada ? It must be exciting weather .......
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May 29, 2009
wen u r so smooth with him then the thing will consume lots of time.
I mean in this whole world wen one person calls the other alot or apologize alot then the other person will not forgive easily or make it over quickly.

So in my opinion u can goo 2 his work place and stand strongly make urself look angry or tough and pull him out and give him a big kiss and keep on sitting in his office tel him if u r not going to pic my calls i will b more than happy 2 sit here and work with u..

It deoends upon u f u can do it
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May 29, 2009
seriuosly, a good bj would do the job :lol:
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Jun 02, 2009
Call him and tell him to give you 2 slaps, one is in return to your slap and second slap is that you wont slap him back. He is not a man if he takes slap from his lady.
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Jun 02, 2009
The path to forgivness is easy you should let him punch you in the t#ts and then do you up the gary
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What's the mystery of Bermuda Triangle? Jun 13, 2009
The Bermuda Triangle, which is also known as Devil's Triangle, is a source of much debate. The Bermuda Triangle mystery is nothing but a sham, at least according to a myriad of skeptics, and there still remain many who believe there is something fishy going on here. As for Bermuda Triangle facts, we do know that the Bermuda Triangle covers just over 932,000 square miles of open seas in the Atlantic Ocean. The exact Bermuda Triangle location is almost as controversial as the larger overall mystery, as there are varying opinions as to what the actual borders are. However, for the sake of offering a sound Bermuda Triangle location suggestion, we'll go with the standard triangle shape, which has its three points falling near Florida's Atlantic coast, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda.
Where the ships and planes goes if they pass this triangle? Y they vanish from world?
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Re: I slapped my lad Jun 13, 2009
lady_nampy_pampy wrote:Recently I got into an argument with ma bf. It was a stupid row,but i ended up slapping him. :oops: I feel really bad abt wht happened,but now he's avoiding ma calls. :cry: What's t best way 2 apologise?

by t way,I'm new member here))) :P

Well..why don't you try slapping him again..as ask him what the F--- is wrong with him????..I mean..its not like you killed him or something...maybe it was just your reaction..a fit of rage...try speaking to him....if he comes back...good for you or just forget about him.....just imagine..what if you were married and such a thing had to happen..would he just walk away out of the marriage...just coz you slapped him.....I would strongly suggest..go seek out for someone who is much more matured & practical than he is...stop running after kids..coz if you do so they will just keep on running...well just thought of telling you...I am quite matured and practical as well.... :twisted:
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Re: I slapped my lad Jun 14, 2009
lady_nampy_pampy wrote:Recently I got into an argument with ma bf. It was a stupid row,but i ended up slapping him. :oops: I feel really bad abt wht happened,but now he's avoiding ma calls. :cry: What's t best way 2 apologise?

by t way,I'm new member here))) :P

Just Undo Ctrl+Z ;)
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Re: I slapped my lad Jun 16, 2009
pradee wrote:
lady_nampy_pampy wrote:Recently I got into an argument with ma bf. It was a stupid row,but i ended up slapping him. :oops: I feel really bad abt wht happened,but now he's avoiding ma calls. :cry: What's t best way 2 apologise?

by t way,I'm new member here))) :P

Just Undo Ctrl+Z ;)

Wow....we all had been suggesting her our ideas......you made it soooooo simple for her..... :D
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