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uae75 wrote:Hmmmmm.....let me see how i can help u .....
A whole year and ur still thinking about her!!!!!!!!! Why would you feel sorry for yourself, while she is enjoying her life?.....MOVE ON DUDE....what you need is to find yourself another girl ASAP...usually thats the best healing process
sam_dude67 wrote:I had a girl friend here she was rocking beautiful we had four wonderful year together. But all of sudden she changed and she now had a local bf and dumped me without any reason Now i do not know where is she but i still can not forget here. Every night each moment that we shared together tease me i even some time can not sleep.
Its been a year now that we had brk up and no contact but still it look that the pain is new and i got it tomarrow
Can anybody help me
SarahC wrote:Time is really the only thing. The first few days are the WORST, but later you'll start to feel a bit better. Surround yourself with friends, even if youre not up for it, DO go out. Talk about it, it doesnt help to keep it in. Think about the breakup...was it for the better? If so, think about how much harder it would have been if it ended later on. For now, keep yourself busy; focus on work, friends, family. If youre feeling down, call someone up and talk about it. When you start feeling like you could start a new relationship, go for it.