I'd like to ask ppl here about possibility of having a relationship with local girls?
After a few visits to Dubai at my vacations I found it as a very interesting place. Where I think I'd come back many times during next years.
I'm asking my question cuz I know that in muslim countries, especially in mideast, it hard to get into relationship with local woman if you don't have a connections with community she lives in. As those those communities usually are very closed.
I found out that a few things about dubai locals (also on this forum):
1) u should have enough cash to go in relationship with local girl - this point is ok and I have no problems in it, even I'm not a billionaire but I believe my family earns more then average emirati family.
2) u shld be from GCC region -well, I'm not.
3) there r some crazy brothers that go mad when their sisters get in relationship with non-local guys - I believe it happens but not every time.
So now to the question:
In western communities it's easy to meet a girl as there're places to hang out and women are open minded and usually opened for flirt and etc. But for here it's different situation, I don't imagine how you can get into conversation with local girl wearing abaya especially in public as it's a kinda dangerous and everything can turn into very weird and uncomfortable situation

How do people in Dubai meet local girls? where? and if you have any examples I'll be glad to hear it.