Pre-Nuptials The Way Forward?

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Oct 05, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Well the pre-nup can actually state what each party would get in the event of a separation. So things could still be divided equally or the higher earning party could agree to make sure the other party is financially stable in the event of a seperation. It's not a case of someone being left with nothing, or the other party beign taken to the cleaners. Pre-nups protect what you go into the marriage with, but make sure both parties are taken care of in the event of a seperation.

Totally agree.
the whole idea is to protect the interests of both parties. Remember a court case is decided by an external group who may not get the full picture. More often than not, one party is left disadvantaged. The Pre nup may assist in playng the balance.

Thanks for your example about your aunt and not wanting to go to court. She was left pretty worse off it seems by avoiding it. If a pre nup had taken place then there would be no lengthy process needed as everything would have been pre determined.

I guess it is upto the individual couples to decide whether a pre nup is suitable for them or not. I've had mixed reactions from both men and women whenever ive spoke to them.
However i know of one lady who has very little compared to her partner, is pushing for marriage and refusnig a pre nup....and he's suspicious!

i believe the rates of divorce have led to this stage.

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Oct 05, 2006
I never said it was to the male's advantage to have a pre-nup, in fact, according to stats it is probably smart for women to insist on them if they are earning less money or no money due to having children. I was talking about stats for average couples without pre-nups. In the majority of cases it is not the women who are ruining the men - it is the men who are leaving the women and children in the lurch.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Oct 08, 2006
Do Pre Nups exist in the UAE?
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Oct 08, 2006
Just don't get marry then. If two people love each other there is no need to get marry.

If the man think the woman here is for his money, then this relationship is already over.

And if my bf ask me to marry him and sign a pre nup, I will walk out right away.
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