Tom Jones wrote:Misery Called Life wrote:As much as I sympathize with the couple what on earth were they thinkin. What significance can such a ridiculous ceremony have? At the very least one is supposed to understand the vows one takes. And to think they shelled out cash for that crap. Infuriating!
To you it's crap, but to them it's fun and part of the enjoyment of the holiday. And something to talk about and to show to friends back home. Otherwise they wouldn't do it!
Different strokes for different folks, my friend!!!

At 23 yrs, guess I'm just an old timer, who would like tho think that before one does sometin in life one should know what one is doing. The whole concept does sound like loads of fun, but to do it in an
alien language is akin to folly. But at the end of the day if making a fool of urself sounds appealing, then who am I to complain?