Hi, I'm a newby to this techno forum thing as well as this particular subject matter.
Have been out here 4 years now and the place has proved to be a total disaster for me on the romance/marriage/relationship front. The GF followed me out here, persuaded me to get married, hung around for all of 18 months and then took off with some spotty youth covered in tattoos and bits of metal. Since then, romance has proved to be like the desert just outside town.
I seem to have loads of friends who are female and these have stayed as close friends, but have found many others who are so totally fake and up themselves that I am simply not interested.
Can any females out there tell me why so many girls in this town are as fake as the snow in the Mall of the Emirates? Most of them I have met are only interested in what car I drive, how big a villa I live in and what number Jumeirah it's in. Others see guys here as meal tickets or gift factories who can provide them with the 'bling' that seems to be the norm amongst the female expat community. Locations such as Cyclone hold zero interest as one can hardly have an intelligent conversation or lasting relationship with some bleach blonde who sees you as the next trick/Euro passport and speaks fluent Tadjikistani.
I classify myself as the old fashioned chivalrous gentleman type, who opens and closes doors without prompting, pulls out chairs and always gives a girl the last word...and am definitely not a stay at home in front of the computer type, frequenting many of the better establishments in town...but where are all the real women? Emirates girls are really only interested in pilots (or locals who can buy them stuff...this from personal experience) and see every guy as a predator. Men are in the majority here so the girls have plenty to choose from and I see so many who hook up with real sleaze bags. Why?
Any advice would be nice.