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Aug 23, 2006
Well head case whatever the issue.

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 23, 2006
ok thats kinda long but fine you may want some comments, I will give you one.

What your feeling is typical. I think its called puppy love, but who knows really? Just enjoy what your feeling,it wont last for a decade :wink: .

Stop waiting for the guy alina, "he is just not into you" ( :!: )

He might found you cute and all but he is not making any move which means he doesnt want to do anything with you. Stop pushing yourself to him. You will find someone else which is right for you. But
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Aug 25, 2006

I love little flopsy rabbits.
Princess Banana Hammock
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Aug 28, 2006
its quite funny how ppl come up with things. maybe hacking is impossible 4 u but to me if u know someone quite enough u can hack it. n i din't say i used his number to hack in. i had his number but he didn't had mine. we both had each others e-mail addresses. my point was that he didn't had my number ...just my e-mail id.
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Aug 28, 2006
^ian^ wrote:
alina_4u wrote:
^ian^ wrote:
alina_4u wrote:and this is different and serious

No it's not serious, it's pretty far from serious.

I suggest the Myspace forums might be able to help you though.

it might not seem serious to u. but to me it is. ian if u have nothing good to say, keep ur mouth shut.

Listen *censored*, let's get a few things straight:

(1) I know you made this story up and it's a complete load of BS.
(2) You can't even hack criticism let alone someone's account.
(3) You're just an attention seeking brat that obviously doesn't get enough attention from her other cyber 'buddies'.

everytime i post something,somehow ppl always find something wrong with it

Possibly because:

(1) You don't live in Dubai, aren't interested in coming to Dubai, and you will most likely never set foot in Dubai.
(2) You've got tickets on yourself and you pretty much shout down anyone who doesn't agree with you.
(3) You smell. Even from here.

So please stop making up stories to get attention.

u seem to be jealous. sorry i know everyone will hate me again for saying this but IAN guys have never been my problem. i m not an attention seeker. guys cum after me, but this one i was just confused if he knew that i was playing games with him.

i know i m posting about boyz most of the time, n df members think i make up stories. u r not here to know the truth so u have no right to say that kinda stuff to me.
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Aug 28, 2006
You don't live in Dubai, aren't interested in coming to Dubai, and you will most likely never set foot in Dubai.

what does that suppose to mean MR IAN? so u do admit that coz i am not in dubai u can treat me the way u want . other DF members are also not in dubai and have never been in dubai. they don't get that shit from u. why?

u are a one jealous *censored*.
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Aug 28, 2006

If you really like him and still want him, you have to come clean and tell him. I know you admit making a mistake but if you start a relationship in lie, it will never be stable. Why people complicate things, all these games and playing hard to get are very old style. You like him just go for it girl, it does not have to be the guy call first but as I said you have put yourself in this deep mess and you have to tell him. I think he knows it is you, just tell him and explain, he either forgive you and start over or say no in either way, you will know where you stand.
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Aug 28, 2006
thank u sara.

df members i was expecting replies like sara replied me. see this is what i meant before that ppl of dubai are arrogant and up em self.
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Aug 28, 2006
alina_4u wrote:u are a one jealous *censored*.

I'm a bit confused as to what I am supposed to be jealous of.

The people here who aren't from Dubai do keep it mostly to Dubai. Apart from your posts bashing Dubai you haven't contributed anything.

This is NOT a dating forum or a problem solving forum. The Romance section I believe is to help people with Romance issues in Dubai which are pretty bloody common due to the high stress environment.

As for me? I have very little to be jealous of, and I am certainly not jealous of a 14 year old girl with boy troubles.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Aug 28, 2006
alina_4u wrote:thank u sara.

df members i was expecting replies like sara replied me. see this is what i meant before that ppl of dubai are arrogant and up em self.

Yes but you made up the whole story, so of course you were going to get the replies you did.

As said previously, you can't even hack criticism let alone someone's hotmail.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Aug 28, 2006
^ian^ wrote:
alina_4u wrote:thank u sara.

df members i was expecting replies like sara replied me. see this is what i meant before that ppl of dubai are arrogant and up em self.

Yes but you made up the whole story, so of course you were going to get the replies you did.

As said previously, you can't even hack criticism let alone someone's hotmail.

no ian, it not about hacking criticism, the thing is that i don't let anyone attack me n someone says something rude they get what they deserve.

u shud ask urself y u r jealous. i can't answer that. and yeah man how the hell did u know i was 14 and i made that story up?u do try hard to act smart but sorry to say ian U FAIL
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Aug 28, 2006
alina_4u wrote:[
u shud ask urself y u r jealous. i can't answer that. and yeah man how the hell did u know i was 14 and i made that story up?u do try hard to act smart but sorry to say ian U FAIL

You should ask yourself what "jealous" means.

Here's some help: ... us&x=0&y=0

As for acting smart, whatever, this is not a school yard playground little girl, and I've done my time at school, university and in employment. I don't need to pretend to want or act smart, I just pick up the pay cheque each month for it.

Please stop being a cyber-ninja-wannabe and contribute something of value to this forum.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Aug 28, 2006
^ian^ wrote:
alina_4u wrote:[

Please stop being a cyber-ninja-wannabe and contribute something of value to this forum.

may i ask what are u contributing to this forum?
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Aug 28, 2006
Ian and alina first warnign dont call names in Dubai romance forum. Second keep bickering to ur pms or fight club not here.

if u guys dont heed u will be barred from posting here
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Aug 28, 2006
alina_4u wrote:thank u sara.

df members i was expecting replies like sara replied me. see this is what i meant before that ppl of dubai are arrogant and up em self.

maybe cos ur a pshyco :roll: :roll:
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Aug 28, 2006
Corcovado wrote:
alina_4u wrote:thank u sara.

df members i was expecting replies like sara replied me. see this is what i meant before that ppl of dubai are arrogant and up em self.

maybe cos ur a pshyco :roll: :roll:

so nice of u Corc :roll:
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