the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Mint Tulip wrote:When you're in your "quiet time" phase, what bugs you the most? That someone tries to pull you out of that phase? How long does this phase usually last?
constantine wrote:moody men = i need thinking time = you are crowding me up = that book that i've been meaning to read for a decade-this is the right millenium to do so = i think i ate something bad last night = maybe i am just having a blank moment = i think that episode of DR. WHO was perticularly troublesome = can we not talk about how do i see us in 5 years = my mouth hurts from talking about it yesterday = i haven't had my first coffee-this is what i look like-my friends beat me at football /playstation/tennis/x box last night/ i followed your directions/ had to wake up early to go see that damn bird show on my only day off....dare i say we are multiple choiced too
bear wrote:rvp_legend wrote:noni wrote:What is with the moody men??!!!? Typically women usually get more moody, irritated, cranky ...etc...but now I am seeing more and more guys just being quite pissy too. I, myself don't really have mood swings at all like other women. I mean everyone, regardless of gender is entitled to a bad day. But whats up with this moodyness in men? Men....shed some light for me and any women seein this lately?
You hang with Men who wear pink and then you want to know why their moody?
Stop hanging around the lifters and all will be different
Right on dude...
btw noni... burn
noni wrote:"this has nothing to do with you, I just need my man time"
noni wrote:See I am all about the guy having his own independent time and the same with me. Never in my life would I ask "where do you see us in 5 years" or be nagging..... I am just not that type of girl. But when a guy is in that kind of mood it would just be nice if they could express that..and just be like "this has nothing to do with you, I just need my man time" and khalas. ...because I have no interest in talking to them either when they are in that mood.
^ian^ wrote:I think this gets back to the whole "what do guys talk about?" thing.
Oddly enough, we usually don't talk about girls.
constantine wrote:noni wrote:See I am all about the guy having his own independent time and the same with me. Never in my life would I ask "where do you see us in 5 years" or be nagging..... I am just not that type of girl. But when a guy is in that kind of mood it would just be nice if they could express that..and just be like "this has nothing to do with you, I just need my man time" and khalas. ...because I have no interest in talking to them either when they are in that mood.
no disrespect...but every girl thinks she isnt that kinda girl...she is cool/calm/collected...but inside she is just dying to know/"let him express it out"...i mean come on...there is nothing to express here...its called "quiet time"...not explain why i went quiet in the first place...every girl thinks she is beyond nagging...but it aint true...when you care for a nag/bother to find out/prod/question...the true nature of really being "cool" about keeping your curiosity at bay and really trying to do your own thing...and hey trust me... if i start with a line like"this has nothing to do with you" will have everything to do with you/your dog/your clothes/the last time we went out/why arnt we going doing something/why is it so has EVERYTHING to do with you...because we care too...its what makes us different...i am just trying to give you an insight on how "we" work...shall i end with this has nothing to do with you?![]()
constantine wrote:alright noni
all i can say is...if he is taking too much time out...then it aint really time alone...its just an are a intuition is far more pronounced than most of us lot...or him for that matter...what does your intuation say...also all the classic tell tale signs...if he adores you or its a committed relationship...and if he doing this time alone to do legit things as you say....halleluyah...he will come back wanting you even more...and probabaly you could do with a breather yourself...its never good to crowd/smuther you will end up accelerating what could actually be a good slow burner sustainable relationship...where as if he "rationing" his time with you...its a classic sign of not being totally sure or committed to you...and i am not emplying disloyalty and cheating at might just mean either of you aint sure about things...or its too know its a right of passage...these 3 month/6 months/ a year into a relationship...once you've hit the 3 year'd better get a bling bling or its time to...
noni wrote:And just to clarify...answer this for me const, if there is a problem in the relationship would a guy ever be like "i need time?" I doubt this.....
^ian^ wrote:noni wrote:And just to clarify...answer this for me const, if there is a problem in the relationship would a guy ever be like "i need time?" I doubt this.....
Obviously I'm not Const. but I'll answer on a guys perspective, that yes, a guy can be like "I need time" to sort things out in their head.
Why on Earth not?
noni wrote:^ian^ wrote:noni wrote:And just to clarify...answer this for me const, if there is a problem in the relationship would a guy ever be like "i need time?" I doubt this.....
Obviously I'm not Const. but I'll answer on a guys perspective, that yes, a guy can be like "I need time" to sort things out in their head.
Why on Earth not?
so are we to decipher if its "i need my man time" or "i need to think about this relationship time?"
noni wrote:hahahahaha! good advice....relationship guru? or man guru?
constantine wrote:noni wrote:hahahahaha! good advice....relationship guru? or man guru?
i'll take the first choice please...hahahahaha...not saying i am homophobic or anything..."women only" for me please...
btw man guru sounds like a p<3n star name...
"hi i am man guru...i will solve all your tantric problems...please make a donation to your nearest temple of lurve""
noni to answer your question "use the force" in english it means use your intuition...
asc_26 wrote:Men got moody if they were not able to “score” with their woman (gf, wife, part time lover etc) or anyone who’s their subject of desires & affections. This is where their PMS starts. Men, please don’t deny this.![]()
Ladies, if they're moody, dont nag give them time to cool down but of course you've to watch where they are going.![]()
asc_26 wrote:Men got moody if they were not able to “score” with their woman (gf, wife, part time lover etc) or anyone who’s their subject of desires & affections. This is where their PMS starts. Men, please don’t deny this.![]()
Ladies, if they're moody, dont nag give them time to cool down but of course you've to watch where they are going.![]()
asc_26 wrote:Ladies, if they're moody, dont nag give them time to cool down but of course you've to watch where they are going.![]()
^ian^ wrote:asc_26 wrote:Men got moody if they were not able to “score” with their woman (gf, wife, part time lover etc) or anyone who’s their subject of desires & affections. This is where their PMS starts. Men, please don’t deny this.![]()
Hrmmm I will deny this. Sometimes one can get moody, but not all the time.Ladies, if they're moody, dont nag give them time to cool down but of course you've to watch where they are going.![]()
constantine wrote:asc_26 wrote:Men got moody if they were not able to “score” with their woman (gf, wife, part time lover etc) or anyone who’s their subject of desires & affections. This is where their PMS starts. Men, please don’t deny this.![]()
Ladies, if they're moody, dont nag give them time to cool down but of course you've to watch where they are going.![]()
that could potentially solve 90% of the problem...and perhaps divert world war 3...if only women understood us...sigh...![]()
asc_26 wrote:^ian^ wrote:asc_26 wrote:Men got moody if they were not able to “score” with their woman (gf, wife, part time lover etc) or anyone who’s their subject of desires & affections. This is where their PMS starts. Men, please don’t deny this.![]()
Hrmmm I will deny this. Sometimes one can get moody, but not all the time.Ladies, if they're moody, dont nag give them time to cool down but of course you've to watch where they are going.![]()
?? honest Ian. you are a mature man right?
^ian^ wrote:I don't chuck a spaz if I'm not getting se.x. That's ridiculous.
constantine wrote:^ian^ wrote:I don't chuck a spaz if I'm not getting se.x. That's ridiculous.
ASC you answered your own question there...
IAN is the rest 10%...i am deciding which majority/minority is more beneficial...