HP wrote:Dear Ian / ejb ,
Thanks for showing interest in our beloved sister scarlet. The real name of my sister scarlet is Fatima . Let me ask you some question and then we will decide if you can qualify for our beautiful , intelligent sister. I can not give my hand to any Tom , jerry or banana.
1= Are u sunni or Shia Muslim ?
2= What do Desi people (indian /Paki) eat in Breakfast ?
3= Are u virgin ?
4=Write any indian song , so we feel that you like our culture ?
5= Have u ever been to friday prayer in any mosque?
6= Do u drink in Ramadan?
7= How much do u save after sending money to your family through western union?
8= Do u use Gel or Jasmine hair tonic oil?
9= How many times do u curse Israel in a day? we expect atleast 40 times.
10 = Have u ever forward this sms to other people " say Allah(God)
10 times , send this message to 5 people and u will get a villa in paradise"
11= what would u like to have muslim names?

HP your too funny!!
I'll assume you were meaning AJB and not trying to set EJ and Scarlet up??
1 = No but I can pretend
2 = Scarlet can have whatever she likes she just has to ask the maid!!
3 = In my next life I am
4 = Indian song .... ummmm theres that techno song with the knightrider music in the background and then indian singing ... punjabi MC or something like that
5 = Ive never even seen a mosque ..... and I have only been to church twice .... once for a wedding and once for a funeral. We did get taught "religious studies" at school but I got asked to leave after I requested they stop teaching us only about Christianity and teach me all about buddhism
6 = I must say I unknowingly have always drunk through Ramadan .... seeing as I had no idea Ramadan existed until a few months ago ... however it was always in private (I was in NZ so Im sure you couldnt see me)
7 = More than enough to buy you some chicken from the Carrefour!!
8 = only in cocktails!!!
9 = Im far too polite to know who to curse anybody
10 = Sadly people must think I am a religious lost cause as I have never received that sms message ..... however I would likely forget my answer to question 9 and curse the hell out of them for wasting my time
11 = Perhaps you can run a poll to decide my Muslim name ...... by the way Fatima's is a middle eastern takeaway chain over here ... I hope Scarlet (Fatima) can make chicken chawarma just the same!!!