dale wrote:I had a break off wid my gf a year ago but yesterday I found some of her stuff and some gifts from her in my cupboard. Should I get rid of all things which remind me of her or should I preserve them? Just dun hav the courage to throw these things away as these things bring back the good 'ol memories.
On the other hand I want to move on and get rid of things which make me depressed.
What would you have done if you were in my place? Can you really throw away things which were really v imp to you once?
It's painful but life still have to go on... For me, abt 3 mths after my 4 yrs relationship ended, i kept all the 'our' things in a box. Sealed it and leave it under the bed. A yr later when i felt completely over, I opened the box and tear every pics of 'us'. Had a 1 good glimpse thru memories and threw them away.
Life still goes on. Beautifully.