well ur either some frustrated sick guy who pretends to be smone else to live through this forum ur pervert fantacies, OR u r telling the truth about who u wanna be and with what kinds of sites u entertain urself with.
so in case the second option is the true one, here is my opinion and advice.
first of all, and this is to the others too who think that we should not talk about backdoor s.e.x to a kid of 15. my dears, if its true that she watches pornsites like she said, than she probably knows a lot more than some of us. so we would not be telling her anything new.
2nd. nowadays anal s.e.x is like not so long ago oral. if we go back in time, we find out that at a point only prostitues did it, while no decent wife practiced it with her husband. now its a perfectly normal thing. with anal is the same. its only a matter of taste. and in my opinion everything is allowed in bed, as long as both parties enjoy it.
3rd. not only gays and some women like anal s.e.x, but also lots of straight men. now don t jump up saying its not true. just think before u do that. im not necessarily talking about penetration...some hetero men like to be touched there or maybe a little more and still they remain heteros.
4th. lets not be hypocrite about things that r in our lives, like it or not, when this is nothing compared to men doing a goat

...or some other animal...or god knows how many other stuff. unfortunately, or maybe not, everything is relative. so whilest i don t find normal sleaping with an animal, there r people who do...and theres not the damn thing we can do about it.
5th. this is mainly for u kid- i remember a documentary movie about people from holland who changed their s.e.x. she used to be a man, but she felt like a woman. and for years she strouggled to become one, finally she had the operation done. well she didn t look like a woman and she said she was sorry for doing it because she never ever felt anything physically after the operation. she practicly mutilated herself. u cannot jut cut off a penis and make a vagina and expect it to work for u, just as well as u cannot make ur vagina disappear and find the next morning a pen to play with. think, where would u get a penis from? hmm? most probably doctors would cut off a finger of urs and place it there. but u really think that would work? not to mention how it would look like. and ur breasts. if they r tiny, that would be ur luck, but if not, they cannot jut be removed. the will grow back.
in my opinion u still have time to start ur sexlife, but if u cannot wait, try a normal hetero experience before u start puking and jumping to conclusions. u might enjoy what u have, despite of what u think now.
and thank god ur underaged to do anything rushed. and by the time ull be older, u might come to terms with what u r and make the most of it.
good luck