Re: My Fault? Not So Much.
May 20, 2010
It doesn't sound like it's a balanced friendship in that you have more vested in it than he does. Or he just behaves like a child and wants his own way. Does he have a problem apologizing to everyone, not just you, or does he always see himself as being right?
The next time you have an argument, don't be the one to pick up the phone to apologize. See if the friendship means as much to him as it does to you. See if he comes around and apologizes to you (assuming he was the one at fault). Since it is already a pattern he will just wait for you to call and do your usual, apologize. Whatever it takes, wait for him to make the move. He may be surprised if you took a different approach. When he doesn't hear from you he may call you and then you can tell him that you are tired of apologizing when you know, and he know's, that you weren't wrong. Friends respect each other. He isn't showing you much respect if he holds back friendship until you apologize, even when he knows he may have been in the wrong.
Good luck.
- Bora Bora
- Dubai OverLord

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