My first post or reply.... hehehe....but not with the best words...

Well my friend i've read your post... and alexandra's post... i tell you a bit of my story... i'm also working were in Emirates... I had a girlfriend and we where together for already SIX years... this work opportunity was simply impossible to say no, even to the future of our lifes...she even gave me all the suport to me to come here... but now, after three months away, and calling everyday (for instants, in the first month i had my european number on roaming...i spent 1.500€!!!), speaking on internet, never the less, we're finished... i cant explain you why...maybe because of the distance, maybe because of missunderstads, maybe because of destiny.... I totally agree like 200% with what Alexandra told you, but at the same time, and forgive for beeing so "cold", but you know, you must live day by day and you're the one you should take care of... to me when a couple is split away because of this kinds of things, it's a proof of what you have....if it's strong it will last and believe for sure, it will be much but much better afterwards...if it isn't strong enough, time will show it to you... it's life man... so my advice to you is...all that Alexandra told you, and once again, be cool man, very cool and get ready to fights and arguments....they're natural in this situation...when you're away from the one you love, things get complicated on the mind, on the body and on the be cool take it easy and think of this like an exam to what you have... dont stress out!!! remenber always: life is beautifull, and one popular saying of my country: man and have tons of it!!!! Of course, its a popular saying...

By the way, forgive me for my very bad english writting... long time without doing it!!!! Regards to everyone