Thanks for the recommendation. It should make some interesting reading.
Now back to the topic at hand.
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
The majority of us totally agree with you
it is the way you respond to people like Choc that is becoming the issue.
Linda_Stuiv wrote:Sadly bias, bigotry, prejudice and misunderstanding are to be found in the four corners of the planet. I don't really know whether Dubai is any worse than anywhere else. Maybe it's given a sharper edge and more focus because of the incredible mix in one place.
Your particular case is probably a personal example of what happens on the world stage... there is a lack of understanding and will to understand each other between the Muslim world and the West. Maybe if they started in schools teaching kids about each others beliefs and ways it might be a start....
I agree Goodbai, I just hope I can make a change, although some seem to kick and scream in resistanceoh well.
As for arniegang : it's cheated On her final exams, not in.
It's psycho analysis, not psycho analayising, that sounds like an island in the Pacific ocean.
It's brilliant , not brillaiant.
It's Juvenile, not Juevenial
It's Issues, not issue's
It's Counselling, not Counciling.
Ok .... now you were saying something about intelligence and cheating on exams? I totally missed it![]()
But I'll give you a B for the effort.
P.S: You're yet to say anything about the topic itself, I repeat for the 3rd time
sniper420 wrote:
I love reading flames and retorts and this was one of the best posts of the year. HEY LIBAN MAKE THIS POST A STICKY!!! OK guys carry on!
yorky500 wrote:Well Linda,
I am sorry to say, but you will have to live with it. Bigotry, racism etc are evident in every single country in the world, without exception. If it really bugs the hell out of you, then you need to grow up and face it.
There is one simple answer to get you over all your worries = convert to his religion!
Sorry to butt in but bigotry is learned. A child is not born with prejudices against others. "Teaching" acceptance is not the answer whereas showing or leading by example is. (Yeah! Don't finish a sentence with is! Done that twice now!! ) Watch young children play with others -neither language nor race will be a barrier unless they have been taught to believe otherwise.
Actually, I thought of that... Why don't you convert?
If you don't care nthen why are you making such a big deal of it all?
Go and live happily ever after and forget about everything.
Bloody hell if this is the way you act towards you patients, they probably all need extra treatment. For a Psychologist you're not exactly good at looking at other peoples perspectives and seeing the bigger picture.
Look at you! You're now running around the forum posting in every topic, like a silly little school girl who desperately wants to be friends with and be accepted by everyone 'Oh please like me, please be my friend'
arniegang wrote:Linda
I think, as much as you have a clear perspective regarding others, i must ask you to just stop, think and review how others may percieve you.
I said earlier, you have a good point for discussion and a case to some extent. But if you want people to listen and discuss, then you must not sink to the level that you feel they have sunk too, whether valid or not.
I would have assumed that, as a professional you can relate to this. Getting "personal" does nothing to get your point across and damages any credability you may have.