3 Is A Crowd...?

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Jun 29, 2006
Corcovado wrote:
naruto wrote:
Corcovado wrote:
naruto wrote:well if that will please her, i will do it ,why not she have the right to be entertained .

yeah yeah whatever :evil:

i was joking
ie. sense of humor

dear women have the right to be entertained and thats not a joke ... but men are just too selfish to acknowledge this fact

yeah yeah whatever

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Jun 29, 2006
Oh Lord........Raidah and her erotic questions... :lol:

Personally I think having relationship or S*x is like riding a horse......if u ride on a wrong wild horse......u fall down and break ur back bone.........and try to ride on two horses at a time....well u know

so get a tamed horse if wild learn to tame then u will enjoy ur smooth ride... 8)
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Jun 29, 2006
Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they just need to run free til they find someone just as wild to run with them
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Jun 29, 2006
too heavy for the morning eh? :P
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Jun 29, 2006
Corcovado wrote:Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they just need to run free til they find someone just as wild to run with them

Therez only for some time a horse can remain wild or a man on wild horse.....eventually either the rider may fall or horse may b tamed
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Jun 29, 2006
or they will be both wild and then ....................................
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Jun 29, 2006
Corcovado wrote:or they will be both wild and then ....................................



And you called ME naughty?
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Jun 29, 2006
Corcovado wrote:or they will be both wild and then ....................................

.......and then a gay cowboy rides up, throws a lassoo around his neck and they mince off together to live on Brokeback Mountain!

"Of course, when I caught him, he was totally wild..."

"Wild? I was absolutely livid!"

:shock: :shock: :shock:

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Jun 29, 2006
ok DK ur sooooo funny :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Plain and simple Jun 30, 2006
Friends are we are missing the basic principle: It all comes down to the almighty p*enis.
While a woman has a v*agina, it is unique in its own way. I mean, you never here a woman talking about her cooch and how big it is. On the other hand, us guys have to constantly mention how big our schlongs are and how hard it is to cross our legs (cuz we all know, if its difficult to cross your legs, you MUST have a huge schlong). And the truth is, a lot of us do have decent schlongs, but we constantly think we have to show its representation somehow, either through our material goods or our wit or our job or etc. Wait, im getting to psychological, let me just stick to the technical stuff.
Ladies, if your husband/bf asks you to make out with a chick thats probably all he wants, the whole fingering each other would preferably be done by him. Becuz, once again, if you dont need his schlong, then he's pretty much useless. But if two guys do it, i mean, what if we were just doing stuff with you and then our schlong hit each other. Oh my god, and what if the other guy is like huge! I mean ladies wont care if another girls clit is extra nice or if, i dont know, her hymen is still intact. But for guys, the penis is the almighty, and we need to make sure ours is the best.\

and you know some girl out there will convince her boyfriend to do this and then will non stop talk about how big the other guys schlong was, or how, "you seemed like you were the girl in the kiss" or some other demeaning thing you ladies like to throw at your guys.

Sorry to be all crude, but hey, thats what forums are for :D
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Jun 30, 2006
very educational for a 1st post :shock:

a little vulgar, but u have sense of humor :lol:
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Jun 30, 2006
shiekh i dont think the forum is all about s.e.xual cheap talk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! come on thats too much for the morning... u know what? It is too much for anytime :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Jul 19, 2006
raidah wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:OK, lets get this one back on topic and ignore the Dacus Troll...

i was not talking about ppl with deviations here. i wanted to know what would a hetero guy say if after asking his mate to play with another girl, she would ask him to do the same with another man, just to entertain her?
now in my knowledge that guy would puke and be offensed...
the question is why? i mean for me as a hetero women is just as dezgusting approaching another women that way, as it is for a hetero guy to touch another man's penis

if one can not be satify then try to other
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Jul 19, 2006
raidah wrote:very educational for a 1st post :shock:

a little vulgar, but u have sense of humor :lol:

if you seek then you get him very near of you :shock:
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Jul 20, 2006
Wow, i just got back to this post (i had written it so long ago). I didnt realize how many times I referenced genitalia! Sorry bout that guys. I dont usually use such vocabulary but if I use something more subtle or proper it gets blanked out. Anyways, it was supposed to be more humerous than anything else. Take it with a grain of salt :P
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Jul 22, 2006
Yuck!!!! I would never be with a guy!!!! Not even if Salma Hayek tells me to do it!!!! And i would only ask a woman to be with another if she agrees to it and enjoys it herself.
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Sep 15, 2008
do these things really happen/
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Sep 15, 2008
Talldiva wrote:do these things really happen/

You may be a Tall Diva...but you are obviously very innocent!

This and a lot more happens in our crazy old world.

:shock: :shock: :shock:

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Sep 17, 2008
Aww come on am not an 18yr old girl. But these thigns happen only in movies definitely. PERIOD.
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Sep 17, 2008
Talldiva wrote:Aww come on am not an 18yr old girl. But these thigns happen only in movies definitely. PERIOD.

Movies only echo real life, they happen and they happen here!

8) 8) 8)

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Interesting topic Oct 01, 2008
I can see the gurls point of view..."why is it different" for men? Because men are hairy and don't look as nice together as two women do....Geez, that sounds pretty lame doesn't it?
Ok, I don't know, but I do know I've seen more women together than men, I'm talking sexually. I've been with a man before and a woman as in threesome, and didn't find it offensive. Could have been the amount of Vodka and Tonics I had too though. Much better with two women, yes, every man's fantasy.
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Oct 02, 2008
Well cos women tend to have that Yin energy where they love to stay together and dont mind the nearness......where as in men it's totally different, th emore masculine the man the more space he wants from other men. His mere presence can radiat the most feminine women. It' s all about masculine and feminine energy.

I personally believe most women are bi , just layers of social conditioning has messed them up.
desert surfer
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Oct 02, 2008
desert surfer wrote:Well cos women tend to have that Yin energy where they love to stay together and dont mind the nearness......where as in men it's totally different, th emore masculine the man the more space he wants from other men. His mere presence can radiat the most feminine women. It' s all about masculine and feminine energy.

I personally believe most women are bi , just layers of social conditioning has messed them up.

It could also be to do with the 'Alpha' male syndrome. Put 2 males together in a competitive situation (ie with another male competing for the attention of a single female) then the old green eye of jealousy could creep in and it becomes an uncomfortable situation. The males would have to be very familiar with each other to make it comfortable.

In nature it is more common to find a group of females being 'serviced' and protected by a single male. Female mammals tend to feel more comfortable in the company of other females.

As Woody Allen once said:

"S.e.x between two consenting adults is great...between three, its Fantastic!"

:D :D :D

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Oct 02, 2008
Dubai Knight wrote:
desert surfer wrote:Well cos women tend to have that Yin energy where they love to stay together and dont mind the nearness......where as in men it's totally different, th emore masculine the man the more space he wants from other men. His mere presence can radiat the most feminine women. It' s all about masculine and feminine energy.

I personally believe most women are bi , just layers of social conditioning has messed them up.

It could also be to do with the 'Alpha' male syndrome. Put 2 males together in a competitive situation (ie with another male competing for the attention of a single female) then the old green eye of jealousy could creep in and it becomes an uncomfortable situation. The males would have to be very familiar with each other to make it comfortable.

In nature it is more common to find a group of females being 'serviced' and protected by a single male. Female mammals tend to feel more comfortable in the company of other females.

As Woody Allen once said:

"S.e.x between two consenting adults is great...between three, its Fantastic!"

:D :D :D


Well to understand better why i would recommend "The red queen" by Matt Ridley or visit local zoo and observe the male species in mammals like peacock and lions that's how I convinced my gfs to "why I am so horny"... :lol:
desert surfer
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Dec 23, 2008
Hell yes I would enjoy a MMF 3some and have done already.... very enjoyable....... open your minds up
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Dec 23, 2008
sniper420 wrote:Personally I think having relationship or S*x is like riding a horse......if u ride on a wrong wild horse......u fall down and break ur back bone.........and try to ride on two horses at a time....well u know so get a tamed horse if wild learn to tame then u will enjoy ur smooth ride... 8)

What if the two tamed horses rides you? you're as good as dead!! ...har,har! :angel9:
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