Friends are we are missing the basic principle: It all comes down to the almighty p*enis.
While a woman has a v*agina, it is unique in its own way. I mean, you never here a woman talking about her cooch and how big it is. On the other hand, us guys have to constantly mention how big our schlongs are and how hard it is to cross our legs (cuz we all know, if its difficult to cross your legs, you MUST have a huge schlong). And the truth is, a lot of us do have decent schlongs, but we constantly think we have to show its representation somehow, either through our material goods or our wit or our job or etc. Wait, im getting to psychological, let me just stick to the technical stuff.
Ladies, if your husband/bf asks you to make out with a chick thats probably all he wants, the whole fingering each other would preferably be done by him. Becuz, once again, if you dont need his schlong, then he's pretty much useless. But if two guys do it, i mean, what if we were just doing stuff with you and then our schlong hit each other. Oh my god, and what if the other guy is like huge! I mean ladies wont care if another girls clit is extra nice or if, i dont know, her hymen is still intact. But for guys, the penis is the almighty, and we need to make sure ours is the best.\
and you know some girl out there will convince her boyfriend to do this and then will non stop talk about how big the other guys schlong was, or how, "you seemed like you were the girl in the kiss" or some other demeaning thing you ladies like to throw at your guys.
Sorry to be all crude, but hey, thats what forums are for