Chuckedup.. Dubai Sux In Terms Of Relationship

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May 10, 2009
portland wrote:where do you gather for dinner ?

And you think you are invited uninvitedly :D

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May 10, 2009
wordyexpat wrote:Surely, the right person will just come along, right?

There's no such thing as the "right person". Two people make a relationship successful or they don't. It's the hardest thing in the world to succeed at, and the best thing when you do.

wordyexpat wrote:Am I just completely old-fashioned? I mean, why look around for a girl or guy?

To make it hard.
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May 10, 2009
zuzudiva wrote:doesnt have to be night club, u could meet them in the public places.

And that's he want's to know where!!..... hahhaha Just kididng arond Don;t mind girl!!..........

well Mate that's not a thing you want to buy from somwhere!.....
realationship Just occured if just by luck!.. you Can't go somwhere n Pick one for you're self!... i mean you know!... people came a cross eachother meet's eachother Understand one n other!.. after that relationship goes on!... it's all need time so keep discovreing!.. best of luck!!...........
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May 10, 2009
just finished downloading The Pickup Artist (TV serials), for some tips ;)
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May 11, 2009
Haha you can't force relationaships to happen, they just sorta do.
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May 11, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:Haha you can't force relationaships to happen, they just sorta do.

Lust just happens, Relationships take a lot of effort.
Misery Called Life
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May 12, 2009
I was once told that the supermarket is a good place to meet decent people.

Just look for the one who only grab things the way single ones do.

Don't chase after those in the Diapers section though.

I found mine the most strange way possible, dropped from heaven!
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May 12, 2009
farthestpoint wrote:I was once told that the supermarket is a good place to meet decent people.

Just look for the one who only grab things the way single ones do.

Don't chase after those in the Diapers section though.

I found mine the most strange way possible, dropped from heaven!

I thought it was only lucifer who got dropped from heaven for his insurrection...

No....don't tell me it's him.
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May 12, 2009
DDS wrote:
farthestpoint wrote:I was once told that the supermarket is a good place to meet decent people.

Just look for the one who only grab things the way single ones do.

Don't chase after those in the Diapers section though.

I found mine the most strange way possible, dropped from heaven!

I thought it was only lucifer who got dropped from heaven for his insurrection...

No....don't tell me it's him.

when did lucifer went shopping ?
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May 12, 2009
portland wrote:
DDS wrote:
farthestpoint wrote:I was once told that the supermarket is a good place to meet decent people.

Just look for the one who only grab things the way single ones do.

Don't chase after those in the Diapers section though.

I found mine the most strange way possible, dropped from heaven!

I thought it was only lucifer who got dropped from heaven for his insurrection...

No....don't tell me it's him.

when did lucifer went shopping ?

Are you stu as what most of your post shows or were you just trying to be funny?

which is not really...
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May 12, 2009
DDS wrote:
portland wrote:
DDS wrote:
farthestpoint wrote:I was once told that the supermarket is a good place to meet decent people.

Just look for the one who only grab things the way single ones do.

Don't chase after those in the Diapers section though.

I found mine the most strange way possible, dropped from heaven!

I thought it was only lucifer who got dropped from heaven for his insurrection...

No....don't tell me it's him.

when did lucifer went shopping ?

Are you stu as what most of your post shows or were you just trying to be funny?

which is not really...

Add him to your "doesn't get it" list, which will continue to grow as time goes by.
Bora Bora
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May 12, 2009
Bora Bora wrote:
DDS wrote:
portland wrote:
DDS wrote:
farthestpoint wrote:I was once told that the supermarket is a good place to meet decent people.

Just look for the one who only grab things the way single ones do.

Don't chase after those in the Diapers section though.

I found mine the most strange way possible, dropped from heaven!

I thought it was only lucifer who got dropped from heaven for his insurrection...

No....don't tell me it's him.

when did lucifer went shopping ?

Are you stu as what most of your post shows or were you just trying to be funny?

which is not really...

Add him to your "doesn't get it" list, which will continue to grow as time goes by.

Nope i got it she must have got the demon as her boyfriend cos she telling she got hers drop from heaven lol hehehe...
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May 12, 2009
Oh well, short-minded people is a no-no to me. So devil or not, I know one thing, you guys won't get it!

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May 12, 2009
who's Short minded people over here!....
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May 22, 2009
Ya Dubai sux in relationship. I totally agreed with you.
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Jun 03, 2009
wordyexpat wrote:Am I just completely old-fashioned? I mean, why look around for a girl or guy? Surely, the right person will just come along, right? Or is it not the right person ppl are looking for, but just a fling? I think we should be a bit more selective about the people we choose, saves the heartbreak and there's more longevity to the relationship.
But then, what do I know, I've had to kick out my husband of 9 years for cheating on me!

Hey...agree with you and if we really call it old-fashioned. I don't really understand why look for a partner and seem to fall only for fun! I know some people who are just into flings, waste their $$$, compromising their relationship with their own family for having an affair / flings with others. Ok, ok..guys or maybe do girls just find it for fun...people are really sick! How i wish there should be some medications for this ailment!
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Jul 05, 2009
Dubai has some really nice girls, but it also has the worst men on earth!
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Jul 06, 2009
We are all not bad!!!! ....
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Jul 06, 2009
We are all not bad!!!! ....
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Jul 06, 2009
When I go to the supermarket, I just ram my shopping cart "accidentally" into a girl's and BINGO, "How you doin'...?"

No seriously, the club ain't the place to be, you need to be in the hospital.

Yup!! You read it correctly. The hospital works. You have your choice of:

1. Training docs. Usually these young ladies are becoming family medicine docs or pediatricians, so they have lots of time to go out compared to other specialists. Be sure to ask intelligent questions not like, "What do you recommend for ablation of genital warts and STDs?" or "My nephew has lice, any ideas?"

2. Nurses. Your choice. Phillipino, Indian, Malaysian, Chinese, Africa, Australian, Canadian, American, British, French, German, Russian, Czech....and on and on and on. Problems you will encounter, english is not fluent. Questions to avoid, "Hey baby can I get a sponge bath?" or "I have a fetish and it involves enemas."

3. General Staff. This includes receptionists, assistants, etc. Again, all ethnicities are present. That soft sexy voice over the hospital announcement system, is connected to a wonderful woman.

4. Patients. This is unethical. Dont do go there.

5. Family of patients. For example the sister of a woman that has given birth. "Ohhh you have a new cute...come, lets go to the gift shop together and pick out a present." Ofcourse choose your person wisely, make sure they are at the hospital for a happy reason, not a sad one.

Do I partake in this...nope. Never. Have I seen it done. Sure. One of the biggest pick-up joints, is the hospital. And where else can you buy a gift, eat healthy food together and get blood tests done to make sure you are not too closely related so that you can get married. So come on down, and be sure to ask for me, Dr. Love.
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Jul 06, 2009
@ Guardsil
HA a doc with a sense of humor! :D

What chance does an outsider have in the hospital mating process? Docs to nurses are pilots to air hostesses....
Patients and Passengers rarely get a second glance!
Misery Called Life
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Jul 06, 2009
Guardasil, priceless, thanks :D

Maybe you missed one other benefit...the togetherness of dropping drugs which are available to order... ;)
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Jul 06, 2009
@Guardasil: tooooo funny. And probably all very true.

Thanks for that. :D
Bora Bora
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Jul 06, 2009
MCL, you'd be surprised actually, certainly in the airline industry most will not take their work home with them i.e. get inbolved with people they work with.
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