i found this nice precaution on chatting from "http: www.herword.com.uk" hope it can help u ladies...

Women always be careful some men are born to lie.
1 Men love to lie about their age.
Men like to lie when they know they will never meet you in real life. Ask him if he has a web cam so you can see for yourself, if he says he has not got a webcam tell him to buy one soon, if he still does not get a webcam within a week! he probably never will. At least you will know he's hiding him-self and not telling you the truth about something.
2 Men lie about their jobs.
He could could be a useless bum, sat at home drinking alcohol, popping pills, or smoking weed for all your know.
3 Men online say i am single or not married.
Certainly do not believe this, tell yourself it could be your man who is throwing himself at all the women online. Listen Ladies single men can talk to you anytime of the day and not just at a fixed time of the day or week or from there phones. When your talking to them if they rush off, or leave without saying bye, tell yourself his-wife or-girlfriend has come home or he might have to go out to pick her up from work! who knows for sure? you don't.
4 Oh you're the only girl online i talk to.
Its amazing how fast you can become popular if you got a Webcam. Test this Man, create a new ID (Don't tell him it) pretend to be another women, send him messages chat him up, send him fake pictures of yourself to get him to trust you, you will soon find out and know if he is interested in other women.
5 You're the most beautiful girl online i have ever seen.
Men say this to all the girls don't be a fool you might be beautiful but your not the only one in the world.
6 I love you and have missed you so much
He is probably watching six other females on their Web cam, while you think your the only one who got his attention. Test this Man, create a new ID (Don't tell him it) pretend to be another women, send him messages chat him up, send him fake pictures of yourself to get him to trust you, you will soon find out and know if he is interested in other women.
7 You're the only woman or girlfriend i have on my friends list
Remember this man probably has several chat ID names he uses, if i was you! keep a record of all your conversations and few months later, look through your archive of messages and ask him questions he told you about himself a few months before, if he answers the same then maybe he tells the truth or if he answers different and cant remember a thing, then you will know he is not telling you the truth about him-self and he is a liar.
8 If he says, one day i want to marry you
Danger he is trying to wrap you round his finger and get your undivided attention, ladies be strong don't believe him. Any man you have not even met in real life who manages to wipe you off your feet too quickly is dangerous! and one of the biggest players on this earth. Who'll find it to easy to love all women. Remember it takes years to really get to know some-one and love them and respect them as a person. Test this Man, create a new ID (Don't tell him it) pretend to be another women, send him messages chat him up, send him fake pictures of yourself to get him to trust you, you will soon find out and know if he is interested in other women.
9 If he says he's filthy rich
Ladies again may i remind you all. Men will say anything to get what they want. He is probably a desperate pervert who thinks all us women will do anything for money. Teach him a lesson , tell him to shove it up his backside.
10 If he says he has no kids
Does not mean he's telling the truth for instance if you're living in the UK, he might be living anywhere in USA , how are you to know the truth...Simply remember to chat and have fun and don't take things too seriously, don't believe every word you're told. Most men are online to feed their sexual habits, there are more men using chat rooms than women. Ladies your going to be in undated with messages from men. Remember all they want is your Web cam on and you in-front of it if you have one, if not, you'll probably end up talking rude to them. Do not give out too much information about where you live to anyone on the internet, they might stalk your house and become obsessed with you.