These advises are given by psychologists to increase dating confidence:
1. Improve your image: body language, fashion, grooming etc.When you feel like you're "looking good," you send out a positive, sexy vibe that all women pick up on.
2.Be a leader. Be the "man with the plan." Never "ask" a woman what she wants to do on a first date. Decide when, where and how, and show her that you've got things under control.
3.Do the right thing.It's hard to be confident in yourself if you don't respect yourself, and self-respect comes from establishing a reputation as a good human being by doing the right thing. So even if you must go out of your way, always do what's ethical.
4.Conquer your fears.If you're afraid to start a conversation, take it as a sign that you need to go over there and strike it up. If you're afraid of picking up the phone and calling a woman and asking her out, it means you need to pick up the phone and make it happen.
5.Succeed & repeat.So when you find something that works at a certain step in your interactions with women, remember it and make it your "default move." When you find a way to start conversations that works, stick with it. When you find a place that's full of fascinating stuff to talk about, take every woman you meet there.
6.Practice, practice, practice.Take every opportunity that presents itself to interact with a woman. You'll literally feel your confidence sky-rocketing with each and every opportunity you take.
7.Date multiple women.The fact is, you are naturally more confident when you have more than one "iron in the fire," because if things don't work out with one particular woman, you'll have other options to fall back on. So expand your options. It will help you to relax, have fun and give off that confident vibe women love.
8.Focus on having fun. Instead of being uptight and concerned with your goal, relax and have fun. Be playful.The more laid-back and care-free you are, the more confident you will naturally become, and the more attraction a woman will feel for you.
9.Look beyond her looks.Next time you see an attractive woman, remind yourself that there is a very good chance she's not the perfect 10 that she appears to be, and treat her just like anyone else. You'll put yourself at ease and come across as the confident, relaxed man she is looking for.
10.Remind yourself that you're a catch.Get out a piece of paper and list all the reasons why you're a "great catch." Are you funny? Are you loyal? Ethical? These are all qualities that most women would prize.Write down what a woman would like about you, and remind yourself of just how much of a catch you really are.
Good luck