Just the facts are presented over at Loonwatch, and it is worth reading the whole article. Here are two extracts as a taster. Deniers of the facts and trolls, please look away now.:
Annual Report: Zero Civilians in U.S. Killed by Islamic Terrorism… Just Like Every Year Since 9/11
Posted on 09 June 2012 by Danios
Following the devastating 9/11 attack, terrorism has become the number one issue for the U.S. government. Just under 60% of discretionary spending for the 2012 federal budget was allocated to the military–ten times the amount spent on education and health care. As a U.S. citizen, over half of your income tax goes to sustaining the war state. Since 9/11, more than a trillion dollars have been spent funding the War on Terror. Aside from depleting the nation’s treasury, thousands of U.S. soldiers have been killed during these hostilities.
A similar situation exists in Europe: Europol has been releasing annual terrorism reports since 2006. As I indicated in my 2011 article Europol Reports Zero Deaths from Islamic Terrorism in Europe:Zero civilians in Europe have been killed by Islamic terrorists in the last half decade. In fact, the only injuries incurred from Islamic terrorism were to a security guard who “was slightly wounded.” Perhaps the “anti-jihadist” blogosphere should find this one security guard and give him a medal of honor and declare him a martyr for the cause.
Unfortunately, since the publication of that article, a French citizen of Algerian ethnicity shot and killed three soldiers and four civilians. This brings the total civilians in Europe killed from Islamic terrorism (2006-present) to a grand total of four, or an average of less than one person per year.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the great threat of Islamic terrorism in the Western world: you are more likely to die from an allergic reaction to peanuts, being struck and killed by lightning, or being crushed to death by your television set than being killed by a Muslim terrorist.
http://www.loonwatch.com/2012/06/annual ... since-911/