Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions

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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 04, 2012
I'm not doing any detective work. Sorry to disappoint you. :)

Since you don't like to ask Andyba yourself, would you like me to email Andyba for you to ask him to check the IP addresses? You'll have to PM me the username you want to check, since I don't know it. Once I have that I can email him and ask him to do some detective work on the IP addresses and come here to give the results. I'll also ask him to check Shaf and DearJohn's IP addresses too. Do let me know BM, I'm happy to help. :)

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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 04, 2012
kanelli wrote:I'm not doing any detective work. Sorry to disappoint you.

No answer to all those pm's you've sent out asking for my name? That must be terribly disappointing for you Kanelli. Never mind, don't give up hope, there's still time yet!

You'll have to up your game a bit and work a little harder :D It really isn't that difficult you know! LOL. You'll kick yourself for not getting it sooner :P
Keeeeep trying!
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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 04, 2012
So that's a no to contacting Andyba to clear up your conspiracy theories?

Don't worry BM, its only been a day or so, at some point someone will PM me. You've offered to give me your name yourself but then have backed out for some reason.
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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 04, 2012
kanelli wrote:You've offered to give me your name yourself

If you can't see the wood for the trees it's not my problem!

--- Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:53 pm ---

Don't worry BM, its only been a day or so, at some point someone will PM me.

Now why would I be worried? What is the worst you can do? :D Announce it on DF? :D Out of the, say, 12 people who visit on a regular basis, 80% of those know me and I can bet that the other 20% couldn't give a sh1t :D

I'll have to get ready with my reply to your big announcement :D

I still can't believe that someone who thinks they are so clever, hasn't got it yet.
Let's hope someone comes to your rescue shortly. Even then you're going to look like a right t1t :P

Oh na na what's my name what's my name 8)
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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 04, 2012
I won't announce anything. Like I said. The name will just sit with me, and if there is any further abuse on your part by bringing my personal off-forum life onto the forum, I'll be able to give your name to the proper authorities. I have never posted, and never will post, anyone's private info on this forum.
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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 04, 2012
kanelli wrote: I'll be able to give your name to the proper authorities

Oh sh1t!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Is that it? What a let down.

--- Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:19 pm ---

I hereby charge you, BM, with bringing DF into disrepute. How do you plead?

Guilty as charged Your Honour.

Take her down!

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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 04, 2012
kanelli wrote: I'll be able to give your name to the proper authorities.

Is that a threat? So typical!
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 04, 2012
What authorities? The internet police? :shock:
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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 04, 2012
FD, who has been threatening people by posting details about someone's illegal cohabitation status and mentioning their police friend, and posting people's real names on the forum? Was it me? Sorry, that would be BM (and Herve). You've picked a nice group of people there! The anti-Islamic bias is the glue that holds you together, no matter what seedy things the others have gotten up to.
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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 04, 2012
kanelli, I think BM was wrong. DDS and Symm threatening violence or suggesting it against me was very wrong (I believe there was also somebody else but I forgot). And you are wrong.
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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 04, 2012
I'm wrong about what? That BM has threatened people, that you are an Islamophobe? Please do tell me where I'm wrong. :D
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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 04, 2012
kanelli , you are wrong with threatening BM. You are wrong with suggesting profiling me never to leave the Netherlands. Very wrong!!!
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 04, 2012
The information about DDS was already in the public domain He put it there and somebody pointed me in that direction. i think you are conveniently forgetting that he was the first to cross post my posts.
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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 04, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:You are wrong with suggesting profiling me never to leave the Netherlands. Very wrong!!!

Could you get any more sillier than this?
Bora Bora
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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 04, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:Could you get any more sillier than this?

It seems the consensus is that profiling for terrorists is wrong, but profiling for drug traffickers is not.
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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 04, 2012
BM, Arniegang posted your stuff from JBR Community Forum first - the threads are stamped with the date and time. I've provided that evidence to you on at least two occasions in threads that are now in Fight Club. Nothing that DDS said was a threat, it was simply re-posting a comment from JBR Community Forum where you were saying catty things about DFers and asking your friends there to come and support you here. If you didn't mean to threaten him, you simply could have posted what he said on the other forum and not have even mentioned your ex-police chief friend. Why did you mention the police BM? Because you were trying to threaten him.

FD, how do I know you won't bring down a plane to kill the Muslims on board and force the governments to profile Muslims if you feel so strongly about it? With all of your intolerant posts on here, maybe people should be afraid of you? You have painted many Muslims on this forum as potential terrorists for their hate. If you can get all fantastical about other people and their motives, then why are you so disapproving when it is applied to you?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 05, 2012
kanelli wrote:FD, how do I know you won't bring down a plane to kill the Muslims on board and force the governments to profile Muslims if you feel so strongly about it? With all of your intolerant posts on here, maybe people should be afraid of you? You have painted many Muslims on this forum as potential terrorists for their hate. If you can get all fantastical about other people and their motives, then why are you so disapproving when it is applied to you?

Because I have no problem to state that I am against hijacking of any plane, or against blowing it up. I have never stated any comment indicated that it would be a good idea to whipe out a country. My posts have never suggested any kind of violence against Muslims for being Muslim. That's why.
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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 05, 2012
kanelli wrote:If you didn't mean to threaten him, you simply could have posted what he said on the other forum and not have even mentioned your ex-police chief friend. Why did you mention the police BM? Because you were trying to threaten him.

How is that any different from you threatening to report me to the appropriate authorities?

I didn't threaten him as it happens. I said I would ask my friend what the penalties were for living in sin. If he didn't want the information out there he shouldn't have posted it on an internet forum.

The link was given to me by someone who obviously thought he needed teaching a lesson or just thought it was hugely funny. I'm not sure which.

--- Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:07 am ---

And apart from the that I don't appreciate being called a fat whore.
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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 05, 2012
Flying Dutchman , neither has Shaf or BB, yet you make disgusting assumptions about what they believe based on their religion.

BM, are you seriously feeling threatened by me? Where is my track record of abusing people's off-forum info or meddling with their personal lives? Nil. Anyone getting on your bad side clearly needs to feel threatened by you because at any time they may find their personal s.hit appearing on the forum.
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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 05, 2012
Lets start with one:

Bora Bora wrote:Here's an idea - blow Israel right off the face of the map. So many problems will be resolved.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 05, 2012
Flying Dutchman , Why are you constantly posting a snippet of a quote without posting the thread page so people can read completely before commenting?
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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 05, 2012
I was counting on people's ability to use the search function.:-).

Flying Dutchman
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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 05, 2012
Flying Dutchman, I'm sure.

Ah, from 2009. Missed that thread. Anyhow, I read through and it was a hateful comment for sure. Then she goes on to explain that she doesn't hate Jews as a people, but hates the government of the State of Israel and extremists. This is similar to how you guys claim that you aren't against Muslims as a whole, just extremists. However.... I'd like to point out that you guys post anti-Islam topics daily on this forum, while Bora Bora is not posting anti-Jewish topics. As well, some anti-Islamists here seem to imply that Islam is inherently bad and try to paint all Muslims as potential extremists, especially ones who disagree with them. Every person on this forum has hateful views about something - sometimes it comes out once in a while, sometimes it is expressed daily. It is never pleasant to read.
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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 05, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:Bora Bora wrote:Here's an idea - blow Israel right off the face of the map. So many problems will be resolved.

To which you replied:

Hitler is reincarnated it seems.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Everyone says things out of anger. I really don't care if Israel disappears along with Palestine or any other country for that matter. As I stated I am only concerned with the US. That's my country.

I don't support Israel and nothing mandates that I do. I don't support Palestine and nothing mandates that I do. I have absolutely no connection to either. I see Israel being the bully in the region, and I am entitled to that opinion. I see Israel as the child that no one wanted and the United States ended up being it's foster parent. You might want to look at how Palestine was the bargaining chip for other countries before the US became it's foster parent.

How many other countries send financial aid? I didn't see Holland on any list. Actually, there is only one country and that is my country. It's easy for you to sit back and do your rah, rah, rah, when your country isn't being dictated to by another country, bankrolling another country that is down right ungrateful, and the possibility that your fellow countrymen will have to go into battle to protect the bully. If your country lost as many military personnel over unjustified wars as the US you might - might - understand how an American would feel.
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Re: Yet Again - Eh Runs Away From Questions Mar 05, 2012
A very interesting discussion.

Points I've noted:

1. FD's examples are all from a while back and directed against the state of Israel and the Military Occupation, not Jews.

2. This thread is originally about event horizon running away from yet another set of questions. He is no where to be seen in the thread.


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