Tom Jones wrote:
At least we agree on a couple of things.
However, you’re still doing your best not to explicitly acknowledge that there must be, at least, some Quranic influence on why those Egyptian women don not find wife beating so objectionable.
I did say that:
I think it is a totally valid hypothesis. Nothing wrong in thinking this could be a cause.
Tom Jones wrote: Such attitude cannot be totally attributed to other factors because no woman in her right mind, Moslem or non-Moslem, would agree to be beaten by anyone.
Well, my point is quite simple. The non-Muslim women (in Egypt and around the world) who DO excuse the beatings they receive, can't be doing this because of the Quran. Only 'eh' would argue that they are acting like Muslim women

Let me put it another way - the Bible has many more openly misogynistic verses than the Quran (see ).
Therefore, one could argue that women who excuse domestic violence against them and happen to be in Christian countries (or go to Church etc) are doing this because the Bible tells them they need to submit to their husbands.
I personally don't buy that argument.
The main reason I don't buy that argument when it comes to Quran (and Bible, for that matter) is that the overall message of both books is that it is NOT ok to be beaten. I do not think women are stupid to believe the minority of men who think God says it's ok to batter women (or, in 'eh's' case - to enslave virgins).
Tom Jones wrote:Just like the Hijab for example…..
Most Muslim Egyptian women nowadays wear the hijab. Why? Because the Quran says so. It couldn’t be a cultural thing because most Egyptian women (in urban areas) did not wear the hijab during (and prior to) President Nasser’s era. Ask any Egyptian, and they will confirm this fact to you.
I'm sorry, but covering up one's hair and face does not make a woman stupid or subservient.
If anything, it shows that the woman does not stay in the home but goes out and participates in wider society - freely. My contention is that those medieval minded mullahs who think God says it is ok for them to batter their wives, will probably be the same ones that try to keep 'their women' under control and in the house.