Women: "Filthy Little Things" ?? !!

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Women: "Filthy Little Things" ?? !! Dec 30, 2011
Hard hitting article from Haaretz. I suspect this type of article would not be published in the USA and had it not been written by an Israeli, the author would have been accused of anti-Semitism - despite the fact it is factual.

Orthodox Jews in Beit Shemesh have recently taken to rioting and violence against Israeli security forces - setting fire to trash cans and throwing stones at police.

Orthodox Judaism treats women like filthy little things

If a man and a woman are drowning in a river, first they'll save the man, 'who is obligated to perform more commandments,' whereas a woman's 'wisdom is only in the spindle.' In fact, 'words of Torah should be burned rather than being given to women.'
By Yossi Sarid

If you would like to know the source from which your brothers derive their brazen behavior, go over to the study hall and open a page of Talmud. It's true that the Torah has 70 faces, but the trend of these faces is clear: The source of the pollution is in halakha (Jewish law ) itself. What is happening in Beit Shemesh and its satellites is not "contrary to halakha," it is mandated by halakha. And the rest will be told to the grandmothers, daughters and granddaughters.

Anyone ignoramus knows that the Torah's "ways are ways of pleasantness," that "the honor of a king's daughter is within," and that "proper behavior comes before the Torah," but it's worth knowing more. It's worth knowing that a woman is unfit to be a judge, and is also unfit to give testimony. She is unfit for any public position with authority. "Thou shalt appoint a king over thee" - a king and not a queen.

A daughter, commanded the sages, must not be taught Torah, because "the mind of woman is not suited to be taught, but [only] to words of nonsense." Women are light-minded and have little knowledge.

And if a man and a woman are drowning in a river, first they'll save the man, "who is obligated to perform more commandments," whereas a woman's "wisdom is only in the spindle." In fact, "words of Torah should be burned rather than being given to women."

A man must say three blessings every day during morning prayers: He thanks God "that He didn't make me a gentile, that He didn't make me a woman, that He didn't make me an ignoramus." And it's not proper to speak to a woman too much, since "all her conversation is nothing but words of adultery," and whoever talks to her too much "causes evil to himself and will end up inheriting hell." And let's not even talk about the fate of someone "who looks even at a woman's little finger."

The extremists who spit at women, who call themselves Sikarikim, learned their lesson 101 times and learned it well: A husband would do well not to let his wife go outside, into the street, and should restrict her outings "to once or twice a month, as necessary, since a woman has no beauty except by sitting in the corner of her house."

Because inside the house - very deep inside - her glorious honor awaits her: "Every woman washes her husband's face and feet and pours him a cup and prepares his bed and stands and serves her husband. And any woman who refrains from doing any of these tasks that she is obligated to perform - is forced to do them." Some recommend forcing her with a whip or by starvation "until she gives in."

And needless to say, she is at her husband's disposal whenever he is overcome by a desire "to satisfy his urges with her." And if she continues to rebel, he always has the right "to divorce her without her consent."

And there are many similar halakhot, only a few of which we have collected here. Nor have we cited everything in the name of the ones who said them, for lack of space. The readers are invited to find the references on Shabbat - and to browse around - on their own; this is a good opportunity for study. We will direct your attention to Tractate Shabbat, which does a good job of summing up halakha's attitude toward women: "a sack full of excrement" with a bleeding hole.

Some people will seek to console themselves: It's true that this is the halakha both m'doraita (from the Torah ) and m'drabanan (from the rabbis ), but that is not what is taught nowadays. But it suffices to listen to the sermon the sage Rabbi Ovadia Yosef delivered five years ago, based on the well-known halakhic work "Kitzur Shulchan Aruch": "A man must take care not to walk between two women or between two dogs or two pigs, and men should also not allow a woman or a dog or a pig to walk between them."

Treating women as impure and filthy begins with halakha and continues with actions. As long as the religious and ultra-Orthodox parties - Shas, United Torah Judaism, Habayit Hayehudi and National Union, none of which have any women in the Knesset - are not disqualified, their nakedness will continue to sing out and the nakedness of the land will be revealed.

http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/op ... s-1.404505

Shocking stuff.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Women: "Filthy Little Things" ?? !! Dec 30, 2011
No surprise that you would take all that serious. It's a bit extreme dontchathink?? I'm of the understanding that in Islam all a man has to do is say to his wife: "I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you" and viola!!! it's over. I'm also under the impression that all a man needs is 3 (4?) witnesses to testify that the wife committed adultry. There are many Muslims who treat their wives (note the use of multiple) like chattel. Stoning women is still a popular source of punishment in Iran and probably one or two other Muslim countries. This usually happens in remote villages. Afghanis are the worst when it comes to treatment of women.

This idiot is talking about what goes on behind closed doors, and what goes on behind the closed doors of Muslims can be just as bad, maybe worse. I think some of the practices of Muslims, in the name of religion, overrides what you find so shocking.

Substitute Koran for Torah and it would come out the same way.

Anyone ignoramus knows that the Torah's "ways are ways of pleasantness," that "the honor of a king's daughter is within," and that "proper behavior comes before the Torah," but it's worth knowing more
Bora Bora
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Re: Women: "Filthy Little Things" ?? !! Dec 30, 2011
Most of your whole post is a long 'whataboutery' argument. "The orthodox Jews may consider their women filthy little things, but you think Muslims are just as bad?" :shock:

I guess you would have quoted the misogynistic verses of the New Testament if the poster of the OP was a Christian?

But let's address your non-whataboutery point:
Bora Bora wrote:This idiot is talking about what goes on behind closed doors,

Firstly, why is this journalist an idiot exactly?

Secondly, he's talking about the very public goings on in Beit Shemesh (I said so in my introduction) and talks about the Orthodox political parties who do not accept women in their ranks as politicians. That's not behind closed doors is it?

The quotes he gives are what he's saying are being implemented in practice by these people - in public, and in private.

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Re: Women: "Filthy Little Things" ?? !! Dec 30, 2011
Shaf, I'm not hot for or against any religion, you should know that by now.

The quotes he gives are what he's saying are being implemented in practice by these people - in public, and in private

1. Because he says something, it's truth and fact?
2. Those are his words, where is the proof?
3. Does he actually know what is going on in each and every household? Where's the proof?

Every religion has it's fair share of nutters. You constantly praise Islam, Islamic practices and it's followers, but you seem to have a greater need to point out what is wrong with Judism and Christianity. Is it your way of justifying and cleansing certain behavior by Muslims/Islam?

The only difference between you and Herve is that you know how to polish and dress up your anti-semitism. Herve was very "in the face" with his Islamic hatred - he had only one layer. But peal back your layers and you are no different than Herve. Beneath one layer or 20, lays hatred. I should add that while Herve had no finesse, eh takes second place in polish and dress. :)
Bora Bora
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Re: Women: "Filthy Little Things" ?? !! Dec 30, 2011
1. Yes, the violence in Beit Shemesh is based in fact, as is the actions of the parties he listed. But no, just because Haaretz says something does not make it fact - but I'll certainly stick my head out and say I'll treat it as fact until proven otherwise. If was a random blogger with a track record of making things up - I'd take the opposite view, of course.

2. The quotes he gave are true - I checked out one or two of them (and he's posting in Israel, in Haaretz)

3. He's talking about what is going on in Beit Shemesh and the Knesset - and how the actions there are linked to the teachings against women.


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Re: Women: "Filthy Little Things" ?? !! Dec 30, 2011
shafique ,

Next thing you are going to tell me that OBL is laying in the beach chair under the coconut tree right next to you. And because you are so credible, I'll just go ahead and believe it.

BTW, I have a secret. I'm really the Queen of England and I must dash for a few ticks as Phillip needs help with his diapers.
Bora Bora
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Re: Women: "Filthy Little Things" ?? !! Dec 30, 2011
I'm not a journalist writing for Haaretz on the topic of why Orthodox Jewish parties and groups are anti-women. (Sorry, just wanted to state the obvious).

You SHOULD indeed question anything I write without evidence, and you should indeed choose to agree or disagree with any stated belief I have. (again, I'm stating the obvious).

However, what does this have to do with the OP?


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Re: Women: "Filthy Little Things" ?? !! Dec 30, 2011
shafique ,

I don't need for you to point out the obvious to me Shaf. That's just you talking to me like I'm an idiot.

I head the sirens going off when you were typing the last line of your post. Forum Police at work!!!!! False alarm!!!!!! Obviously you missed the point I was making in my post. Just because someone says something [is true], doesn't make it true. :roll:
Bora Bora
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Re: Women: "Filthy Little Things" ?? !! Dec 31, 2011
Bora - I said I was stating the obvious, and it was more to ensure that there's no confusion from anyone, rather than me assuming you didn't already know that.

But please clarify what your point is for me (feel free to explain to me like I am an idiot): What particular part of the OP are you referring to when you say that 'someone saying something, doesn't make it true'?

I have no reason/evidence to disbelieve any of the statements in the article as being false. My starting point is that Haaretz's arguments fits in with the evidence and news I've read, and it makes complete sense.

If any statement is false, then please let me know and it will clear up my understanding. I didn't get the sense he was referring to incidents limited to Haredi homes - but was talking about Haredi influencing Israeli society generally.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Women: "Filthy Little Things" ?? !! Dec 31, 2011
hmmm, Based on that article , them Orthodocks Judaysem are all gayfaghomo's
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Re: Women: "Filthy Little Things" ?? !! Dec 31, 2011
uaehop wrote:hmmm, Based on that article , them Orthodocks Judaysem are all gayfaghomo's

As they say, it takes one, to know one.
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