WITWM? Arson Attack Against Saint Joseph Chapel In Indonesia

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WITWM? Arson attack against Saint Joseph Chapel in Indonesia Oct 16, 2010
Coordinated Jihad:

Arson attack against Saint Joseph Chapel in Central Java

Jakarta (AsiaNews) – Someone tried to set fire to the small Chapel of Saint Joseph in Pare, a few kilometres from Delanggu subdistrict in Klaten Regency (Central Java). The building is regularly used by local Catholics to pray during weekends.

On Wednesday, a group of young shepherds saw smoking coming from the front of the building. When they came closer, they saw some inflammable material, including used tyres and fuel containers, at the entrance, under the windows and near gates and a fire starting to take hold.

Usually, the chapel is not monitored at night, or when it is not in use. Fr Saptaka, the parish priest at the Delanggu church, said that a similar attack occurred on 12 December 2009 but did not cause any victims.

Local Catholics do not know who might be responsible for the act, but they think they must be outsiders.

Fr Sutrasno, parish priest at St Maria Assunta Church in Klaten, told AsiaNews that when the previous attack took place in December 2009, he surveyed local Catholics to see if they had had any “problems” with local Muslims.

“Local Catholics told me they have good relations with other residents,” he said. “In fact, the area in front of the church has been used for volleyball matches involving both Catholics and non-Catholics.” People also use the church’s compound to store the harvest.

“It is almost impossible that locals are behind this. They have always respected the chapel,” the clergyman said.

Yesterday morning at dawn, another arson attack hit a Protestant church in Gebyog at Ngemplak, Kartasura subdistrict, some 20 kilometres from Delanggu. Someone saw flames coming out of the building.

Still, Rev Setyo Budi Utomo said that the fire caused very little damage, mostly the windows.

http://www.asianews.it/news-en/Arson-at ... 19730.html

Real mystery here, boy.

If this continues, and our Indonesian ACE detectives do not catch the perps, these cases could be featured on Unsolved Mysteries.

Of course the authorities could always just arrest Christians for these arson attacks and call it a day.

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Re: WITWM? Arson attack against Saint Joseph Chapel in Indon Oct 16, 2010
More loon exaggeration - but, looking on the positive side - I hope that they do catch the perpetrators and prosecute both the numpties and those inciting them to attack churches.

Of course, this year we've had a number of mosques attacked around the world too - a Florida mosque had a pipebomb attack against it, and indeed just a few weeks ago in Palestine a mosque was burnt.

Now, did they catch the perpetrator in Jacksonville (pipebomb event took place in May, IIRC) - and the FBI were on the case. (Genuine question, I don't recall hearing about an arrest - but perhaps it just didn't make the news).

Not sure about the colonist arsonists in Palestine either - were they caught?

So - I presume young eh will be as critical of the FBI and IDF if it transpires that they haven't actually caught the loons who attacked mosques. I won't hold my breath though.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: WITWM? Arson attack against Saint Joseph Chapel in Indon Oct 28, 2010
Loon exaggeration indeed:

Some 700 Catholic and Protestant churches have been attacked in Indonesia over the past decade, according to the Indonesian Christian Communication Forum. Between October 12 and October 17, a Catholic parish was attacked, another was threatened with attack, and a Protestant church was burned down.

“The violence and attacks, against Christian churches of all denominations, has grown in recent years and now in the past several days,” said Bishop Johannes Pujasumarta of Bandung, secretary general of the Indonesian bishops’ conference. “Those responsible are small radical Islamic groups that are sowing panic among our people, especially in the Dioceses of Jakarta, Bandung, and Bogor. They are minority groups, but they should be stopped. The violence also increases the indifference of the civil authorities and police, who shrug off the violence. We demand more attention and protection for the Christian communities and that such acts may not remain unpunished.”

3% of the nation’s 224.9 million people are Catholic, according to Vatican statistics; 6% are Protestant and 86% are Muslim, making Indonesia the country with the largest Muslim population.

Careful Kuffar, you're not the one making demands.

http://www.catholicculture.org/news/hea ... oryid=8057

700 Churches?!

Indonesia's prisons must be filled with Christians!
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