desertdudeshj wrote:Thats what I am also pointing at the descesion making process. As you can see from when the men are first sighted. Oh is than an Ak 47..yeah oh wait is that an RPG . yeah it is. I'm just glad the dude didn't say. Oh wait wait a minute is that a Howizter ??? Yeah boss and I think I see a nuclear silo aswell !
LoL, you are biach sometimes.
But seriously, I just watched a program on tv where they showed zoomed still images of the video and now it is clear to me that there were two camera men, with a strap on their shoulder. In hindsight, those men had no weapons but cameras.
A still image later they show the other individuals walking behind the cameraman with an AK type weapon, clearly visible in the video still images. Weapons confirmed!
Then they show the still image of the individual (militant or cameraman, not visible) hiding around the corner of the building with something in his hand, getting ready to aim at the gunship. These are all identifications from still images of the moving video imagery. The gunship has to make the decision to engage in a short time frame or get hit if they really are militants.
Come on man, They were calm, cool, collected, relaxed and clearly enjoying the carnage. Not under fire. No friedly lifes at stake, not in a middle of a heavy engagement or gun battle that they mistook a camera for RPG in split second wrong choice in a high stress situation.
I agree that they were not under fire, yet. The cool, calm and collected attitude is an attitude of a professional. If they were stressed, the decision could be more irrational. I rather see them relaxed and make the right decision. This was clearly a wrong decision, but engagement was according to the rules. Since 2009, those rules of engagement are tightened under Obama.
And " Come on, let me shoot " like an excited 6 year boy dying to go another round on his favourite shoot em up.
It wasn't meant that way in my opinion. I think he said that to get an easy target instead of chasing a van through the city with millions of civilians. After all, they were convinced it were militant buddies collecting their wounded in the van. You want to get a shot in the optimum moment.
I surely didn't get that enjoyment you try to plant in their decision making.
They saw exact;y what we saw. Infact they saw better as this was in daylight and not night. I couldn't see any identifiable weapons. Saeed the camera man in his dying moments " all you got to do is pick up a weapon " when clearly none or anything that resembled any were around. Two children in the passenger side of the Van. BTW I think its even against the geneva comvention to shoot on injured or surrenderd combatants unless they are still putting up a fight aswell as Ambulances, Red Cross or anyone or anything that is transporting the wounded or dead. Just like shooting at a pilot parachuting after having his plane shot down
Weapon is confirmed. I just saw at least one on tv in a still image of the video information.
I agree that shooting at wounded targets is a bit tricky. A trooper would get caught for that, a gunship with 30mm rounds may have less accuracy to avoid that. Debateable. Close to warcrime indeed.
As for not evac'ing the children to "rusty" and handing over to IP instead ? Maybe I missed something ? You tell me ?
I don't know, but we can only speculate about the possibilities. The medic said that he couldn't help the kid on the spot, so they decided to take her in the Bradley. That changed as the IPS could do the job for them. Its a logistical decision, perhaps considered a better alternative to bring the kid to a nearby hospital where the IPS are most familiar and regulars. Movements in a Bradley is another threat to the crew and the kid as the Bradley is a potential target for real militants. All part of the risk assessment. Troop safety first and outsource as much liabilities as possible under the circumstances.
Like I said Rob your reasoning doesn't make anysense at all whatsoever.
You must be an awful leader mate. If you were squadleader, you probably pose a high risk of team casualties following your logic.
I think I would drop you off at the Sissybar of the Pacifist team.
Just a bunch of rednecks living out their Playstation fantasies !
Welcome to the world of Computer Based Training.