Chocoholic wrote:Oh wow, threads like this only serve to reinforce my opinion, that the only good religion, is no religion at all. Then no-one can go about believing that they're better than others because of their religion or killing people in the name of it.
Have you ever seen an athiest kill another person, because of their belief? er no!
I rest my case.
I dont think anyone here is saying that Islam is better or christianity or hindusim is better. All i know is that Islam makes sense.
Ok I am not going to make fun of christianity or something. But christianity real confuses me even though am a muslim. And i am sure there are christians who probably feel the same way. The same could be said about Hinduism in which there are over 100 gods. God for light god for air sun etc. There is so much confusion in other religions. Is that why ppl are converting to islam because it is simple and answers all your questions???
And really which RELIGION in the world says you should kill each other? Islam doesnt I have asked ppl to find a verse from the quran which says that a muslim should kill an infidel at point blank range. Does it say that in the Bible? Does it say it in other forms of religions. NOOOO it doesnt.
Follow the religion that makes sense to you. That answers all you questions such as how was earth made and even WHO really designed the organ systems of human beings? how we eat something, how it travels down our throat, down various veins and into the stomache where the muscles digest it. How does it happen? who designed it this way? Y was it this way? we have eyes nose ears who gave us all this?? how come we all look different. some have blue eyes, green eyes, black eyes. some of us EVEN look similiar?? Y how did this happen??? lol Islam answers it all and its all there in the Quran from the explantion of the human body to whether aliens exists or not

There are so many questions. And i can go on and on and on. the list is huge with so many questions. Most of them are answered in the Quran or even in Islam.
I ll give you an example about how simple Islam is. we muslims believe in one god and Muhammad was his last messenger. Yet there are different verions of Islam. Such as Suni, Shiasm, Sufism, Wabism and the list goes on. (more on this later on when someone starts a post about them

But if you look at christianty. You believe in one God yet Christians also believe in the Christ as God as well . How can a human be a god? This is just an example that shows y other religions are complex and Islam is simple. Dont get me wrong i am sure there is a good explanation behind Christ as a god and as a human being. But you can see how even christians can get confused about their own religion.
i am not forcing anyone to change their religion. Believe in what you think is right.
By the way Choco have you seen a muslim kill a non-muslim cos of their beliefs or cos their religion said so???
heheh being an athiest is an easy way out i guess but choco i am sure even you have some questions that confuse you. questions about god, life, earth, human beings and the war happening around us.