A few weekends ago I was out in Amsterdam and was part of an amazing sight. A chav bartender lady dancing the whole evening with an old Dutch Indonesian grandpa in a wheelchair. Both had the absolute time of their life. The Indonesian grandpa shouting "whooha, whooha" all the time. At the end, a guy (I assume a grandchild) thanked the bartender lady, for he hasn't seen so many smiles on his grandpa's face for a long time. And I was thinking, damn I love this country.
Why do you love your home-country, or what are you proud of?
For me:
-Its freedom
-Because it perfected the 4-3-3 line-up
-Because it is a refugee for all (no matter color, religion) people around the world who have to fear for their lives because of political or religious reasons. Damn that's beautifull isn't it? And I fully support that.
Proud to be Dutch, proud to be 100% Dutch! For some reasons it's not PC to say that anymore, but I am proud to be 100% Dutch. Oh, and for the record, I think the Dutch Indonesian grandpa is 100% Dutch too! And perhaps he is more 100% Dutch than I am, because he had to fight for respect and earn his place, much more than a white Dutch person. What made him big? He worked hard and respected local culure, while practicing his own in his house. I learnt a little about grandpa's background and history, and it made me feel humble.