Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough.

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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 25, 2011
The PA has no effective control whatsoever over at least a third of the population in Gaza and the WB. Its hard to fail harder as a pre-state.

Flying Dutchman
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 26, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:Without the rule of law Palestine is already a failed state. IMO, you have to earn a state and not sit in a chair and wine and think you can get a state on a silver platter. You have to work on it. Right now it has all the marks of a maffia state.

Maybe if Israel let's go of Palestine they would be able to sort out the internal differences they have. Israel isn't without it's internal differences. Earn statehood? Just how did Israel do that??? Exactly what did they "work" at to get it?
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 26, 2011
Another clip from a well respected Jewish individual, Noam Chomsky, professor at MIT.

It seems that intelligent, impartial and informed Jewish figures condemn Israel's actions quite widely. The end of clip makes an important point namely how the legislation that was enacted to prevent crimes similar to those which the Nazi's committed (namely the Geneva convention) is now being contravened by Israel fairly regularly. You would expect that Jewish people more than anyone to know better surely.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vpw-h6WY ... re=related
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 26, 2011
Where are you from DearJohn?
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Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough. Sep 26, 2011
Oh already looking for that angle, eh herve.
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 26, 2011
Drop me a PM if you want to get me know me better Herve otherwise try and stay on the topic for the benefit of the thread and its participants. There's a good boy.
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 26, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:The PA has no effective control whatsoever over at least a third of the population in Gaza and the WB. Its hard to fail harder as a pre-state.

You have choosen your avatar very wisely. The kind of control you're talking about only dictatirs have over their population. Till now its been nothing but non sense from your side for arguments against Palesteninan state hood.

Whats next ? They don't "deserve" a state because they wear pants ?
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Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough. Sep 26, 2011
^DDS - it's called desperate attempt at 'smoke and mirrors'.

Let's try and distract away from the main issue: the Military Occupation and illegal Colonies being built on occupied land.

As a side note - watching the French coverage of the recent news, they don't use euphemisms found in the English coverage. The news channels, France 24 etc, call the colonies 'colonies' and the colonials 'colons' - not 'settlements' and 'settlers'. Interesting that.

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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 26, 2011
It takes quite some gullibility to believe Hamas and the PA can rule together in harmony over a Pali state. More likely it will result in two seperate entities, like today, not one state.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough. Sep 26, 2011
You're speculation is interesting, but it is still speculation.

However, the fact remains - it is Israel that is militarily occupying Palestine and not the other way round.

As the title says, Israel should change. The excuses for the Military Occupation and illegal colonisation aren't even remotely convincing.

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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 26, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:The PA has no effective control whatsoever over at least a third of the population in Gaza and the WB. Its hard to fail harder as a pre-state.

Having Palestineans torn apart that way, two different sides separated from each other (The West Bank region), and then (Gaza). Any human being with common sense would surely call this an enforced brutal occupation to erase a complete native nation from its own land, and still criminals like you still refuse to admitt the right of Palestineans to claim the leftovers of their own land.

Keep a close eye FD, justice is yet to come.
Justice: No more occupation of the complete historical Palestine, if there is any just God up in heavens, then thats also his will.

Feel free to keep running away from those Morroccan kids :D - -
You're not a Jew, nor a Semite, not a Middle Eastern. You're a Dutch who couldn't careless about his country, and rather defend Israel/Jews to the maximum, but surely you will never offer your soul to it. Thats the hypocrite identity of yours. You look for any reason to express your hatred towards Muslims (with all their different ethnicities), and "Israel" surely serves your purpose ;)
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 26, 2011
herve wrote:Where are you from DearJohn?

I thought he seemed a bit Mauritian :drunken:

-- Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:15 pm --

You're not a Jew, nor a Semite, not a Middle Eastern. You're a Dutch who couldn't careless about his country, and rather defend Israel/Jews to the maximum, but surely you will never offer your soul to it. Thats the hypocrite identity of yours. You look for any reason to express your hatred towards Muslims (with all their different ethnicities), and "Israel" surely serves your purpose

Wow! Sym's been playing with his crystal balls again! Amazing insight to another poster's mind. :lol:
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 26, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
herve wrote:Where are you from DearJohn?

I thought he seemed a bit Mauritian :drunken:

It seems you are somewhat obsessed with where people are from and what passports they hold.
Let us know if have anything to contribute to the topic.
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 26, 2011
DearJohn wrote:Another clip from a well respected Jewish individual, Noam Chomsky, professor at MIT.

It seems that intelligent, impartial and informed Jewish figures condemn Israel's actions quite widely. The end of clip makes an important point namely how the legislation that was enacted to prevent crimes similar to those which the Nazi's committed (namely the Geneva convention) is now being contravened by Israel fairly regularly. You would expect that Jewish people more than anyone to know better surely.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vpw-h6WY ... re=related

LoL. Chomsky intelligent and informed?:

The U.N. would presumably recognize Palestine in the internationally accepted borders, including the Golan Heights, West Bank and Gaza.

:D :D :D


-- Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:58 pm --

Bethsmum wrote:
herve wrote:Where are you from DearJohn?

I thought he seemed a bit Mauritian :drunken:

DearShafique would be more appropiate. :wink:
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 26, 2011
Flyingloonman wrote:DearShafique would be more appropiate.

LOL - not another loon fantasy!

Can you guys not for once actually deal with facts without launching flights of fancy? Or is any person who speaks reason going to be mistaken for me from now (I'm flattered). ;)

It is funny though, given the first post in this thread is:

DearJohn wrote:I am not a Muslim nor am I a Jew but I am a human being and surely any person with a sense of decency and compassion has to see that what Israel is doing to the Palestinian people is just simply inhumane.

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Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough. Sep 26, 2011
Maybe you guys should get in touch with Herve, he's got a big database on Shaf. I'm sure if he runs it through his server farms, compare and analyse writing styles, posting patterns, use of vocagulary and so on, I'm sure he might come up with an answer to this connudrum. :)
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Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough. Sep 26, 2011
What's vocagulary?
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Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough. Sep 26, 2011
Yeah DDS - what is vocagulary? Is it something only a French dis-intelligence (or is it ex-intelligence) operative would understand or just a typo? :D

I'm going to enjoy this latest conspiracy theory though - it makes a change from the usual fanbois excuses for Israel's occupation. :D

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Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough. Sep 26, 2011
Its when a lunatic Frenchman has gone off the deep end ! What you didn't know that ? LOL
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 27, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:
DearJohn wrote:Another clip from a well respected Jewish individual, Noam Chomsky, professor at MIT.

It seems that intelligent, impartial and informed Jewish figures condemn Israel's actions quite widely. The end of clip makes an important point namely how the legislation that was enacted to prevent crimes similar to those which the Nazi's committed (namely the Geneva convention) is now being contravened by Israel fairly regularly. You would expect that Jewish people more than anyone to know better surely.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vpw-h6WY ... re=related

LoL. Chomsky intelligent and informed?:


He is a controversial figure and might not be your cup of tea but I don't think you can deny that he is intelligent and informed. You might not be aware but MIT doesn't tend to take on just anyone to teach its students. I don't expect you to adjust your opinion as you don't seem that open to reason or logic but here is an excerpt from his CV if it helps...

Noam Chomsky is a recipient of the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award of the American Psychological Association, the Kyoto Prize in Basic Sciences, the Helmholtz Medal, the Dorothy Eldridge Peacemaker Award, the Ben Franklin Medal in Computer and Cognitive Science, numerous honorary fellowships and degrees and many other honors. His significant published works in the field of linguistics include Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (1964), The Sound Pattern of English (with Morris Halle, 1968), Language and Mind (1972), Studies on Semantics in Generative Grammar (1972), The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory (1975), and Knowledge of Language (1986).
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Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough. Sep 27, 2011
Yeah but his failing point is he doesn't speak fanboi language.
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 27, 2011
Hey FD

If you didn't like Noam Chomsky or disqualified him for being too smart you can read this link about a whole bunch of Israeli intellectuals that recently supported the Palestine bid for an independent state and agree with many of the comments made on this thread, apart from yours of course.

http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/is ... bled=false

Unlike yourself these individuals live in Israel full time (I believe you just frequent nightclubs occasionally) and are certainly well placed to judge. They are also intellectuals and therefore intelligent, something which can't be taken for granted in your case. While I doubt this will have any effect on your own ingrained and indefensible perspective I would think that you might gain some comfort from knowing that just by virtue of a Jewish person agreeing that the occupation of Palestine needs to come to end doesn't make them any less Jewish or a traitor.

Here is an excerpt - I am sure you know who Yael Dayan and Prof Galia Gola are - if not google them.

Yael Dayan, speaking at the Tel Aviv event, said it was a disgrace that Israel was calling the Palestinian move a unilateral one, asking: "Isn't the occupation unilateral?"

"Are both sides occupying? To both sides have similar infrastructures? Everything we have, the Palestinians don’t have. The Palestinians deserve to have everything we do."

Prof. Galia Golan blamed the inability to strike a peace deal between Israel and the PA on the Israeli leadership, saying: "We could have reached an agreement since 1988 and it's entirely our fault that we didn't."

"In 1988 the PLO accepted a historical compromise. They gave up 78% of the land in order to get peace and put an end to the occupation. We demand them to give up and give up, and they have nothing left to give," Goland said, adding: "We have been the deniers all these years."
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Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough. Sep 27, 2011
DearJohn - good luck with your efforts. I've found that Fanbois and facts don't mix, and I tried patiently.

But hey, perhaps this time round you may get through.

You may be interested in this as well:

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough. Sep 27, 2011
DearJohn, you need to understand that FD is a hypocrite, who finds pride in cheering for the pain and sorrow of the Palestinean holocaust. He supports Israel blindly with extreme passion, makes you think he's an Israeli or a Jew, but the fact is he's just a dutch, with miserable history, who is ashamed of his own country and decided to run away from Netherlands, claiming that Moroccon immigrants (teenagers) are giving him a hard time, lol. - -

The funny part is when he acts extremely patriotic about Israel, and accuses moderate Israelis/Jews for being traitors!! - - Coming from a complete Dutch intruder :lol:
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 27, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
herve wrote:Where are you from DearJohn?

I thought he seemed a bit Mauritian :drunken:

-- Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:15 pm --

You're not a Jew, nor a Semite, not a Middle Eastern. You're a Dutch who couldn't careless about his country, and rather defend Israel/Jews to the maximum, but surely you will never offer your soul to it. Thats the hypocrite identity of yours. You look for any reason to express your hatred towards Muslims (with all their different ethnicities), and "Israel" surely serves your purpose

Wow! Sym's been playing with his crystal balls again! Amazing insight to another poster's mind. :lol:

BM, I have a strong feeling that DearJohn IS shafique. I exposed al shafique already with his 21/7 posting on DF, and for his blatant violation of the quran for taking a mortgage. Give me time and i will find out this Dearjohn aka shafique
If true posting under another avatar allows him to "dilute" his presence on DF, and also get a "favorable" audience, which obviously he lacks. al shafique made a fool of himself and lost his credibility, and here we have dearjohn poping out of the woodwork with a clean slate for shafique.
Watch the style and the links, they are very similar to shafique and his posts go in the same unmistakable direction (biased careful, as opposed to biased for al shafique).
DD, uaekid ,symetric they all have a unique signature and style.
dearjohn and shafique have the same signature.
Just be alert, and observe.
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Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough. Sep 27, 2011
The French service must be so glad you no longer work for them herve.

You're obsession with me and conspiracy theories are a bit disturbing - but they are funny!

(I guess you are still licking your wounds after having to admit you are a liar. I do think DearJohn is exposing you guys quite nicely though - and it is extremely interesting that you're going for the messenger rather than his rather quite well written posts. Hmm, perhaps I should take the credit for his posts... LOL )

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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 27, 2011
Why are you on the defensive al shafique?
afraid of being uncovered?
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Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough. Sep 27, 2011
LOL - yes, I must be afraid of being uncovered. :roll:

Were you afraid of being uncovered when you were in a burqa?? :D :D

I wonder when DearJohn (oops, that's me I guess) will post again.

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Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough. Sep 27, 2011
shafique wrote: Were you afraid of being uncovered when you were in a burqa?? :D :D


I wore the burka in late eighties during covert ops in Pakistan and many other times throughout the ME, and the abaya in dubai in 2008 for my escape, .
I never felt so secure, as it is the perfect attire to be invisible, as moslem men want their women to be.
I turned around a backward side of islamic culture and used it against them.
You should be surprised as to how many other covert operatives use the same trick in the middle east. It is a really easy thing to do to fool moslems countries.
However i was surprised that the hit team who eliminated that piece of palestinian thug in Dubai, did not use the abaya trick (I would have), and as you may know it, they all got video'ed and photographed.

BTW, as shafique , what is your opinion on the niquab and abaya, do you force Ms al shafique to wear one?
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Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough. Sep 27, 2011
Why are you being defensive herve? ;)

Could it be because after being caught in a lie you are desperately lashing out?

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