Why No Hatred For USA/UK And Its Kindreds?

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Jan 23, 2009
kanelli wrote:Sorry, but a heck of a lot of people misbehave on this forum - it is an internet forum after all ;) Do you have higher expectations of the Western posters?

Well actually from one ;-)


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Jan 23, 2009
Hey, I always behave myself. :wink:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 23, 2009
kanelli wrote:Sorry, but a heck of a lot of people misbehave on this forum - it is an internet forum after all ;) Do you have higher expectations of the Western posters?

I'm sorry, I have ADD and get bored very very easily, especially when some keeps writing the same old tripe over and over and...ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 23, 2009
Tell me about it. I hope adolfbangladeshi won't be back with more of the same old same old. Get your scroll button ready Chocs :)
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 23, 2009
kanelli wrote:Tell me about it. I hope adolfbangladeshi won't be back with more of the same old same old. Get your scroll button ready Chocs :)

Its been a while since Mumblingbangabumboy has posted? Its quiet out there...

Too damn quiet!

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Dubai Knight
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Jan 23, 2009
Totally true K.

I wonder if Bangladesh experiences floodings again...so quiet...

A well, a small break won't hurt a man/woman. Regain some vocubolaric strength before sending those ICBM's phrases up his tar-palace again.

Maybe the CIA did lift him from his bed this morning after all that anti-Western talk of his. I surely wouldn't be surprised if that happened.

I would feel a tad saver if they checked us out by now. You never know what this MB guy is up to...
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Jan 23, 2009
Dubai Knight wrote:
kanelli wrote:Tell me about it. I hope adolfbangladeshi won't be back with more of the same old same old. Get your scroll button ready Chocs :)

Its been a while since Mumblingbangabumboy has posted? Its quiet out there...

Too damn quiet!

:shock: :shock: :shock:


Just read it in CNN: They have a problem with the internet connection in Guantanamo bay, so Saddambangladshi is dammed to be quiet :shock: :shock:
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Jan 24, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:'Hate' is a very strong word people! There should be no hate between human beings, we are all made of the same stuff after all.

Do you seriously think we approved of what our Governments have done? No, the majority of us did not and do not agree with many of our foreign policies and what they have done to places like Iraq, it was wrong and everyone knows it.

Do you think as a UK citizen, that I agree with my Government blindly following Bush and his idiotic decisions? No I certainly do not.

But there should be no 'them' and 'us'.

We all share this planet, we all live here, everyone has a right to live the life they want, so long as it doesn't harm others.

It's ironic coming from you.

Aren't you and other Westerners the 'champions of freedom' and 'democracy'? In that case, aren't your governments answerable to your public? Doesn't it make your public complicit in the crimes they committed and continue to do?

And now you blame me for bringing these facts to the fore?
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Re: Why no hatred for USA/UK and its kindreds? Jan 24, 2009
Red Chief wrote:MB,
Why do you always hide behind your religion? Muslim countries differ each other as much as Christian ones... IMHO religion isn't enough to unite very different countries...

Muslim countries differ but not as much as Christian countries.

Christian countries don't have the Hajj - pilgrimage to Makkah- or a similar event where whole world's Christians congregate.

The Hajj is the proof that all Muslims have similarities and can shed the differences for a common goal.

There were Muslims who killed each other in millions as mad dogs in Iran-Iraqi war and all Arab world supported "secular" Iraq, not Muslim Iran...

The same Muslim brothers invaded Kuweit and destroyd all country and US were the only force who stopped Sadam from father conquest...

Saddam Hussein led a secular government, and that is the situation you are describing. It explains all the issues raised in your post.

Saddam Hussein was against religion and supported by weapons, money and political aid by West and other countries. Look at what happened to him and his country.

Is it a coincidence they were secular too?
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Jan 24, 2009
TheChoosen wrote:GREAT, thats what i need in the morning, like a big cup of coffee, lets wait till 2morrow.

Or does this sounds better:


LOL, maybe he will quit after he saw the links you and i posted

We all know you are a moron. Like already repeated numerous times (by me), you may be an idiot, but you don't have to publicize that so loudly all the time.

Adolf hitler was your kin and kith, german isn't it?
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Jan 24, 2009
dubai1970 wrote:Chocoholic and others are giving the same treatment to MB what he deserves but can we just think about why all this hate among us in this forum? Cant we as humans tend to agree on the injustices being done across the world irrespective of east, west or otherwise religion?

Can't agree akhi.
If we could agree on injustices, we wouldn't be seeing USA and UK killing millions of Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Somalia etc.

It's those countries' citizens you are backing for no good reason while I call for justice. And mere calls won't be heard unless you ensure you have the might to enforce justice.

That's why looking at the future (next few decades) we need to unite the whole Ummah.

Look at the rise of China. Look at how USA is declining and dragging the whole West down with it.

If the Muslim world were to unite, no USA nor UK nor any other Western puppet would dare to invade any part of it, nor would Humbleman or other brothers need to plead westerners for mercy or justice.

We need to look after our own interests, we can't ask or expect others to help us out. That's very simple to follow isn't it?

MB, chocoholic is saying that she does not endorse what her govt is doing for that matter, so isn't that something you should respect her for? Don't you see so many issues in the muslim world? Just saying lets unite (economic, military bla bla) will make you what? Are they not the children of God as you are? Why does God has to be on your side and not on theirs? Think about it seriously.....and lets all of us talk about the ills of the world in a mature manner.


Tell that to the millions of innocents who have died due to her government. Isn't her government elected by her and her compatriots? If anything, she and other Westerners should be held responsible for all their crimes as they claim to be 'democratic' and try to act superior over other regions including Dubai by providing advice on what is right and what needs to be done. By acting condescendingly.

If anything, since Saddam Hussein was repressive and secular, he didn't represent Iraqis in which case they are not responsible for any wrong SH may have done.

Moreover whether SH was evil, wrong or whatever, there is no legal, logical or humane reason for invasion of Iraq and killing so many innocents.

It is our responsibility to look after ourselves, don't forget that. That's why a united front is necessary.
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Jan 24, 2009
kanelli wrote:dubai1970, you make good points. I'd like to point out though, that the only hatred currently coming from this forum is contained in the posts by adolfbangladeshi.

Adolf isn't a bangladeshi name. Another western idiocy.

I don't know why it needs to be explained again, but as Chocs mentioned, citizens of Western countries are not happy with what their governments do all the time.

Who elects these Western governments? So who is responsible for ur govt's actions?
Big business and political ties with other countries are influences beyond the control of the average person. There is a lot of critique by citizens about how their governments conduct their foreign policy in the Middle East. We have people marching, writing petitions, and forming and running NGO's to do aid work in countries affected by bad foreign policy. However, governments are lobbied by economic and political forces to act as they do, for an agenda that not all citizens approve of or even know the end-game for.

Aren't they Western groups you are talking of? Didn't you say that you are not a lascivious lewd promiscuous immmoral Westerner? Didn't you also say you wanted to take off your trousers in public in an airport?

Didn't you also say that it's only right Muslims are discriminated against in nonmuslim western airports? Why do you make a pathetic excuse when it's your turn to bite the bullet?

Do you expect us to violently overthrow our governments because they are actively or passively letting things happen in the Middle East? Do you expect us to create instability and unrest in our home countries which can cause political crisis and damage the economy? We are all just trying to survive and have a good quality of life every day - going to work, feeding our families, living peacefully in our towns and cities.

Do you expect us to take all your gibberish nonchalantly while you continue to kill millions of our brothers in Iraq, Afghanistan and so on? Do you expect us to blithely invite your lascivious, lewd, promiscuous, homosexual and erotic kinds in our midst after your aforementioned actions?

If you think yes - all Western citizens should overthrow their governments because of bad foreign policy, then return to the question of why governments of the Middle East haven't been overthrown by their citizens in order to change the domestic and foreign policy to what they want? Aren't we all in the same pickle? Economic and political barriers make instant change difficult.

No. Millions of nonmuslim Westerners aren't being killed, tortured, maimed or occupied by Muslims. The situation is vastly different. Blaming a handful of people to avoid responsibility is a common tactic that commonly fails to impress the knowledgable and shrewd persons.

Who brought those governments to power? who are the people that form the militaries, the bureaucracy, the government offices of western governments? Westerners only!

And that's who you must blame.

I would have to say that Americans have taken a step forward by booting out the Republicans and bringing in Obama, who has already promised to right some wrongs. Tony Blair was already booted. Unfortunately, in Canada we elected a conservative moron who butt kissed Bush, but that was because of a political crisis affecting the former Liberal government (see - domestic issues can over-rule foreign policy in voter's criteria).

Your opinions in this case are worthless. USA pledged blind allegiance to zionists already. How is a new government going to undo the damages done by the previous one ? By restoring the dead? By rebuilding the damaged Iraqi society and Afghan infrastrcture etc?

Why do we Westerners/non-Muslims collectively deserve to be wiped out and our culture written off by people of the mindset of adolfbangladeshi who think that an Islamic way of life is the only way to live, and our government's actions should condemn us all as individuals?

Are Western/non-Muslim people on this forum calling for Islamic people and culture to be wiped off the planet, because Christianity is superior and the only path?

Westerners in this forum have railed against Islam and even the Adhan in a forum dedicated to a Muslim country/emirate/city.

Westerners in their own countries have called for invasion of all Muslim countries and bombing all of them. Westerners have called this a start of a new 'crusade'. Westerners are the ones who caricatured and insulted the Prophet (PBUH) not other way around. Westerners are the ones who have ACTUALLy already killed and invaded millions of Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Palestine etc. And threatened Iran, Pakistan, Syria and so on.

Have you heard of Graham, Pipes, etc other anti Muslim feverish Westerners who are ALLOWED to live and propagate such tripe in the West?

What a load of hypocrisy that I haven't insulted Christianity once in this forum and your Western immoral hypocritical lascivious lewd homosexual pornography loving drunkard types have IN DUBAI forums!

I think it is obvious that adolfbangladeshi's hatred of Westerners is abnormal, unjust and distasteful. He needs serious help to get rid of the hate, because it looks to me like it is consuming his life and that won't lead to good things - for him, or for any Westerners who might cross his path.

Obvious to you and your lickspittles.

Read above and counter them.
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Jan 24, 2009
busa wrote:I think that this prat is not what he says he is,no one could be stupid enuff to spout such hatred,everything the prat posts is just to get a rise out of everyone,i think that he/it is a computer program as all his reply's to everything are basicly the same and no rational Humanbeing would do that,there is never any variation in his posts it just mixes the words around.

Rubbish. Saying nobody could do this doesn't remove the allegations levelled against the Westerners which are seen to be factually provable.

If it is human i would liken him to some mentaly abnormal outcast who is neither well travelled or well educated his attacks on the Dutch i find very amusing,he see's Mr & Mrs cloggy and there 2 blond kids as a familly who goes out on a Friday night to watch a live p<3n show,why ? well thats all they have in Holland aint it ?i can only assume that he has been there,as for the Brits and yanks killing a million Iraq's i can again only assume that he has visited Iraq and seen this,but in the Iraq i have just spent a year in i saw lots of Iraq's blowing up other Iraq's,as for the freedom of religeon in the UK well the UK that i come from would have a Church,Mosque,Temple,and all the other places of worship on the same street and maybe the call to prayer isnt sounded by loud speaker but at least you know its there and you are free to go there whenever you please,is this true of Bangladesh ? i knows it aint true in the KSA.

hypocrisy exposed.
No Adhan as you said, in the UK! Enough said mate.

All my posts are based on the fact that i have seen things with my own 2 eyes,they are not based on propaganda,news papers or what me mate thinks he saw.

Get out of your cave MB and sample the world,sample different cultures.

Get out of your cave busa and learn to use logic rather than repeat the same old illogical tripe coming from the immoral homosexual lewd lascivious incestuous paedophile Western world.

If you can counter them logically do so, otherwise your advice is not welcome.

I still think that you are a cheeky chappie and i am glad that i make you laugh it shows that i am making in roads and building bridges.

Anyways gotta go as i bumped into 3 lesbians a weed smoking donkey and a dwarf dressed as a gladiator last night and they all want to have my child.

I told you what westerners are like.
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Jan 24, 2009
RobbyG wrote:Totally true K.

I wonder if Bangladesh experiences floodings again...so quiet...

A well, a small break won't hurt a man/woman. Regain some vocubolaric strength before sending those ICBM's phrases up his tar-palace again.

Maybe the CIA did lift him from his bed this morning after all that anti-Western talk of his. I surely wouldn't be surprised if that happened.

I would feel a tad saver if they checked us out by now. You never know what this MB guy is up to...

Your idiocy amidst true and logically consistent statements reflect the intellectual capacities of fornicating incestuous paedophile homosexual lewd lascivious dutch.

I thought Netherlands is the only country under sea level, isn't it?
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Jan 24, 2009
TheChoosen wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:
kanelli wrote:Tell me about it. I hope adolfbangladeshi won't be back with more of the same old same old. Get your scroll button ready Chocs :)

Its been a while since Mumblingbangabumboy has posted? Its quiet out there...

Too damn quiet!

:shock: :shock: :shock:


Just read it in CNN: They have a problem with the internet connection in Guantanamo bay, so Saddambangladshi is dammed to be quiet :shock: :shock:

Typical of Westerners to use lies, deception, hypocrisy, double talk and all sorts of evasive techniques to divert attention from their criminalities.

What more can we expect from lewd, lascivious, paedophile, promiscuous, incestuous, beastiality loving, drunkard, drug abusing, homosexual, immoral, deceptive, hypocritical westerners?
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Jan 24, 2009
Hahahahaha same old cut and paste rubbish! Moving on!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Why no hatred for USA/UK and its kindreds? Jan 24, 2009
muslimbangladeshi wrote:Why are the Arab and Emirati forum members like Humbleman, uaekid, mesheditor, and other muslims in this forum (and elsewhere too) not in favour of directing their hatred towards USA and its kindred?

Why do you only hate the Zionists who are but a tiny dot - insignificant in every way imaginable - that can't survive without USA?

Moreover zionist atrocities over its last 60 year history pales in comparison to USA and Western atrocities in their history. Even in last decades and continuing, USA and UK etc has invaded and killed millions of Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc

Why are you so pro USA/UK/West only hate the Zionists?

All 5 fingers are not same !! you cant say all people from american/uk are same. how about your country people ? are all of them same and peace lovers ?
Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Jan 24, 2009
I love the way 'Westerners' have now transmuted into:

'lewd, lascivious, paedophile, promiscuous, incestuous, beastiality loving, drunkard, drug abusing, homosexual, immoral, deceptive, hypocritical westerners'

I think I might add that to my profile!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Jan 24, 2009

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Re: Why no hatred for USA/UK and its kindreds? Jan 26, 2009
gLoBalTeCh wrote:
muslimbangladeshi wrote:Why are the Arab and Emirati forum members like Humbleman, uaekid, mesheditor, and other muslims in this forum (and elsewhere too) not in favour of directing their hatred towards USA and its kindred?

Why do you only hate the Zionists who are but a tiny dot - insignificant in every way imaginable - that can't survive without USA?

Moreover zionist atrocities over its last 60 year history pales in comparison to USA and Western atrocities in their history. Even in last decades and continuing, USA and UK etc has invaded and killed millions of Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc

Why are you so pro USA/UK/West only hate the Zionists?

All 5 fingers are not same !! you cant say all people from american/uk are same. how about your country people ? are all of them same and peace lovers ?


Bangladeshis are far from perfect, there are many ills in Bangladeshi society.

However I rarely see Bangladeshis preaching our Bangladeshi way of life superior to all others and trying to IMPOSE this on others, by using warfare, violence, murder, treachery, deception, lies, propaganda, hypocrisy, and other heinous methods.

So far, to the best of my knowledge, Bangladeshi criminals haven't got hold of nuclear and other Weapons of "mass destruction", haven't killed millions of innocent civilians in other countries, haven't insulted other religions and asked for killing and invading more and more countries.

The list is endless but I am yet to see Bangladeshi criminals indulging in such large scale global hypocrisy that Westerners have been involved in for last 3 centuries.
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Jan 26, 2009
Really? Then what are you trying to do here then! Hypocrit!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 26, 2009
Typical of alcoholic drunk immoral lewd Westerners.

They can't even read before replying. Inebriated state of theirs doesn't allow them to use logic (if they were willing to use it earlier); it's their homosexual paedophile incestuous lascivious fornicating customs that lead to such immoral cess-pits.
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Jan 26, 2009
i can't find my dictionary. oh yeah! i'll go for online one.
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Jan 26, 2009
No need for that bro, just take note of chocoholic, dubai knight and other britons' actions.
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Jan 26, 2009
You need PEACE and LOVE no HATE. :roll:
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Jan 26, 2009
One wishes the world were so idyllic as you imagine in your little head.

Unfortunately the anglo Western hypocrites think violence, terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, homosexuality, pornography, alcoholism, lascivious, lewdness, incest, paedophilia should be part and parcel of global lifestyles.
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Jan 26, 2009
I am curious... I would like to relocate in Dubai but... do you hate italian people? Can westerns and easterns live together in peace?
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Jan 26, 2009
I don't want to hate westerners, I got a lot of friends from the west and to be more specific Americans . oh I normally don't hate anyone.

Can someone defines hatred ? I think hatred is the absence of love :)
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Jan 26, 2009
mesheditor wrote:I don't want to hate westerners, I got a lot of friends from the west and to be more specific Americans . oh I normally don't hate anyone.

Can someone defines hatred ? I think hatred is the absence of love :)

Good answer, I like it.
I mean hate for different religion (I'm Catholic) and lifestyle (let's make it clear: I'm not gay, paedophil, perv, I don't use drugs and so forth :wink: ).
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Jan 26, 2009
Francesco wrote:
mesheditor wrote:I don't want to hate westerners, I got a lot of friends from the west and to be more specific Americans . oh I normally don't hate anyone.

Can someone defines hatred ? I think hatred is the absence of love :)

Good answer, I like it.
I mean hate for different religion (I'm Catholic) and lifestyle (let's make it clear: I'm not gay, paedophil, perv, I don't use drugs and so forth :wink: ).

But we bet you like a drink?
or have a girlfriend and may not be married...

Join the "lewd, lascivious, paedophile, promiscuous, incestuous, beastiality loving, drunkard, drug abusing, homosexual, immoral, deceptive, hypocritical westerner" club!
Its free.
All you need to be a member is not to be born in Bangladesh!

You will be on MB's hate list.
He hates everyone.

:shock: :shock: :shock:

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