What is wrong with our Shafique...
Did he lost his ability to discuss realities other than rhetoric?
Let us not forget that Mussolini was a fascist dictator (teacher even) and thus authoritarian, whom compares better with modern day dictators from the Middle East.
Geert Wilders on the other hand needs to build coalitions to get things done. It is called consensus politics. It's democratic FYI.
People don't just vote for him because he has strong views about totalitarian ideologies, like Islam. Don't be misled by certain lefty media outlets and their populist agenda's. I can tell you the man is a blessing to Dutch politics cause he breaks the status quo with remarkable ease. Eloquent speaker. And you know why? Because he's a straight talker. A new wind is blowing in this country.
The only comparison I could (possibility) make with Geert and dictators is that he's a socialist. And we all know how an eloquent national socialist was appointed leader of Germany to get her out of grips of hated French war repayments (Versailles accord) after WWI.
But I don't see this as an issue today. Situation is very different today. Better keep an eye out for Southern peripheral nations like Greece, Ireland and perhaps even Spain and Italy. There lies the real nationalistic threat in my view. Geert's views are a lil' too liberal for dictatorial power grabs.