jabbajabba wrote:rudeboy wrote:true i agree with you but with nuclear war head removed we wont have another country bombing another one where the casualties will be over 100,000 ppl in a single day. example hiroshima.
I agree to mate - I think it's totally nuts that we have them on the earth.
At the present I am more concered about India and Pakistan pointing them at one another then I am with the US or Brit or any future nukes in Iran. But more then anyone that worries me is Israel.
But they are all bad at the end of the day - get rid of em and good riddance.
thats just it. if india decides to launch nuclear war head tommorow it doesnt know that 50% percent of its own ppl will die cos pakistan is basically next to india lol and the same with pakistan. and i guess thats y they havent done it so far because they all know that if they do launch a bomb they will be killing themselves lol.
Israel hmmm i dont know how far their bombs can travel so dont know whether they are worth all the trouble. even if Iran has nuclear bomb does it have the capacity of travelling all the way from Iran to Israel??
Does Iran know that if it bombs Israel that it will be killing palestinians aswell????
What really worrys me is USA. Y? tommorow what if we have another september 11? what if some nutty president decides to wipe out Israel and blame it on Al Qaeda or something and in retaliation USA decides to bomb all the muslim countries and Pakistan, Libya, UAE and KSA decide to nuke USA allies, we will have the end of world on our hand. I know i m using my imagination too much. But did anyone imagine september 11??
I know it wont happen tommorow but what after 5 or 10 years?