the above link is something which I don't believe but I am sure the cost of war in Afghanistan and Iraq is higher than imagination.
I think war on Iraq is big lie and unnecessary at all, just made things worse....
War on Afghanistan can be explained, but I still think it is a big big mistake, and after 10 years where are we? did they eliminate what is called terrorism? did they manage to control Afghanistan or North Pakistan? the answer is NO, more money spent, more souls passed away, and the world didn't become a better place.
what if, half of this fortune was spent on education in Afghanistan! on health care! I mean what if the plan was to change the Afghani or Taliban present! if the focus was to change the human way of thinking not to stand in a fight?
most of people think that most of terrorists have had brain washing, so what if the money was spent to clean this brains rather than to fight their bodies?
one thing to add, what countries do manufacture weapons! from where did all these terrorists got that bunch of weapons! why there weren't a plan to find the source and shut it first?
my question, do you think the war option is the best in such cases ( taking into consideration where we are after 10 years) or does the mental solution can take place?