Wall Street Is The "Tower Of Babble"

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Wall Street is the "Tower of Babble" Oct 18, 2008
Wall Street is the "Tower of Babble"

Now that you've seen the "Banksters Robbery" at Wall Street, know then that the "Tower of Babble" isn't located in Babylon but rather on Wall Street.

That's where these back-door economists and analysts have been explaining the dumb ducks, plebs about the economy, currencies, interest rapes, commodity jargons, hedge bets,derivatives, and the stock market boosters...that stands as a solid foundation on a layer of Quicksand.

There was almost a perfect correlation between the specificity of an analyst's forecasts and the chances that they were giving useless and dangerous advice to make you jump into the River for a swim with the Crocodiles, and many just jumped in with closed eyes.

They said : The market has broken through its 50-day moving average and will begin testing new lows this week.

They Meant : Here's what I got when I read my tea leaves, deal my tarot cards, and gaze into my missing bxlls.

When they said : Expect the S&P to hit 1,210 before rebounding to 1,350 and then finding support at 1,970.

They Meant : I am wearing a sandwich board that says, "I haven't the foggiest notion what I'm talking about, find it yourself.

The Signs were there for a Manmade Market Crash

The Great Stock Market Crash of 1929 marks its 75th anniversary with the usual questions of could it happen again, yes.....The Signposts were there, sheepheads were too busy to observe them.

The worst day in market history didn’t occur in the 1929 crash, but in more modern times on October 19, 1987 when the Dow dropped over 500 points, as the buying panic rose, complex computer programs kicked in and began issuing more sell orders. Known as programmed trading, these automated systems added fuel to the fire. When the dust had settled, over $1.5 trillion in value had disappeared from the market and this February, investors witnessed a drop of $583 billion in U.S. market wealth.

On Feb. 27 of this year, a 9 percent market sell-off in China sent ripples of fear through stock markets across the world. In the United States, the Dow's one-day plunge of 416 points was the steepest decline since the market opened after Sept. 11, 2001. This was the sign to watch.....

....Now we have the October 2008 Paulson-Barnanke "Tower of Babble" Crash - The Bell has Rung"

Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Oct 19, 2008
Yup, there is a global economic crisis...

However its 'Babel', not 'babble'.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Dubai Knight
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Oct 19, 2008
Dubai Knight wrote:Yup, there is a global economic crisis...

However its 'Babel', not 'babble'.

:roll: :roll: :roll:


However its 'Babel', not 'babble'.

can we settle for 'Bubble'
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Oct 19, 2008
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Oct 19, 2008
britisharab wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:Yup, there is a global economic crisis...

However its 'Babel', not 'babble'.

:roll: :roll: :roll:


However its 'Babel', not 'babble'.

can we settle for 'Bubble'

YUP, the bubble has certainly burst - even in Dubai

UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Oct 19, 2008
$600 TRILLION DOLLARS in Derivative Debt

Yeup, $600,000,000,000,000.00

This means that Paulsen will have to intervene 857.14 times with $700 billion dollars each time, in order to clear the derivative debt from the books. He will only be able to do it about 4 times before the dollar is reduced to a penny or two.

What is a Derivative :

Anything that carries a price can spawn a derivatives market.

Derivatives are the 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' that Bush was talking about, He sent Soldiers to look for it in Iraq, instead of finding it at Wall Street. There are all sorts of derivatives. They are essentially bets -- you can bet that a market will go up, or down, or that a particular company will do well or poorly. You can bet on interest rates going up or down, or the value of a country's currency, or you can make more exotic bets bout just about anything in the world -- even what the weather will be like at some point in the future.

The derivatives market is worth more than $516 trillion, roughly 10 times the value of the entire world's output: it's called the "ticking time-bomb" that just exploded.

Hedge Funds and Derivative Brothels is where these hyenas go to feast as Parasites on imaginary Betting on anything and everything.The complex and opaque derivatives markets in which these hedge funds are played are the world's biggest black hole because they operate outside of
the grasp of governments, tax inspectors and regulators. They operate in a parallel, shadow world to the rest of the banking system. They are private contracts between two companies or institutions which can't be controlled or properly assessed.

In the mid-Nineties, Nick Leeson lost Barings £1.3bn trading in derivatives, and the bank went bust, why did the Banks not learn a lesson from this. Why do Banks and Stock markets play Poker-Games with these Economic Terrorists. We desperately need a "War on Economic Terrorists"

The titans of high finance are trying desperately to shift blame for the crisis onto others, but this dead cat lies squarely on their doorstep.

Why is it that these Crooks, Rouges or Axis of Evil cannot be prosecuted. Is It because they have also purchased a 'heavy bet' on every Politician Bribed for Life or else an extortion order be released to expose their Secrets in the open media.

How can we rely on Paulsen & Bernanke to solve this Problem when in fact they represent the Axis of Evil. Don't expect any favors from these two Termites.

It's Time for A Revolution to Topple these Deadly Termites.
Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Oct 19, 2008

I would kindly ask to post your narrow minded views elsewhere in this forum ie politics and not in General please.

At the end of the day they are not your views, you have merely copied and pasted your posts from elsewhere on the web.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Oct 20, 2008
^Are you asking him to stop babbling?
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Oct 20, 2008
arniegang wrote:BritishArab

I would kindly ask to post your narrow minded views elsewhere in this forum ie politics and not in General please.

At the end of the day they are not your views, you have merely copied and pasted your posts from elsewhere on the web.

Agree. However, the content was rather funny and incisive wherever it came from!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dubai Knight
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