Wall Street Protesters

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Re: Wall Street Protesters Oct 22, 2011
Bora Bora wrote: I'm sure that he is fully aware of the fact that higher education is not a right, but something you pay for (or daddy does. :wink: )

Thank you for calling me idiot but I do think that it is the right if the applicant meets strong requirement of appropriate institution (not SAT of cause). Aristocratia in Greek is power of the best. Unfortunately, the meaning of the word changed long time ago. Now we have power of money and not only in education. :wink:

Red Chief
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Re: Wall Street Protesters Oct 22, 2011
In some socialist countries there is a smaller gap between the lesser and higher educated people, with the average education being quite high for the whole population. As well, ill and disabled people are care for better, so they aren't living off the streets in large numbers and they get an ok standard of help for their needs. The fact that so many "undesirables" are showing up in the NYC rallies tells something important as well.
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Re: Wall Street Protesters Oct 22, 2011
Red Chief wrote:
Bora Bora wrote: I'm sure that he is fully aware of the fact that higher education is not a right, but something you pay for (or daddy does. :wink: )

Thank you for calling me idiot but I do think that it is the right if the applicant meets strong requirement of appropriate institution (not SAT of cause). Aristocratia in Greek is power of the best. Unfortunately, the meaning of the word changed long time ago. Now we have power of money and not only in education. :wink:

Where did I call you an idiot??? If you are paying for your son's education, I don't think you would do it if he didn't deserve it, and I'd think it understands that as well. I'm sure you know a good investment when you see it RC. :wink:

-- Sat Oct 22, 2011 5:32 pm --

kanelli wrote: The fact that so many "undesirables" are showing up in the NYC rallies tells something important as well.

Fortunately the numbers participating in these rallies are small Kanelli. Many people, decent people, have moved away from the rallies because of the scabs that are getting involved.

The US needs to make education affordable. California just passed a law that illegal immigrants residing in California will pay the same tuition as legal residents, whereas out of state students (US citizens) will continue to pay the higher rate. These illegal immigrants can also submit for grants and scholarships. Of course they are on the back of the line for legal residents. The order I believe would be: legal residents, illegal residents, out of state students. The government makes it easy for illegals to get a higher education, while citizens are left to go without or go into serious debt. Go figure.
Bora Bora
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Re: Wall Street Protesters Nov 03, 2011
Recently I read an article about troubled situation with mortgages rated in Swiss Francs in Hungary and way of desision of the problem by the local government.

The most interesting part is how PM "repeated" word to word the Shafique's sentence:

Mr Orban himself has gone further, telling a Hungarian newspaper his government had decided to end an “era of bankers” that had “ruined” Europe and his own country.

Previous socialist governments, he added, had “never prevented the banks from conning the people, who as a consequence entered contracts which said profits belonged to banks and the risks and losses were to be borne by the borrowers”.

There is also a way how banks and borrowers have to share losses. Why did US goverment decide to help banks instead of helping people like in Hungary?

Hungary’s parliament last week passed a law allowing mortgage borrowers in Swiss francs and euros to repay their loans by the year-end at exchange rates about 25 per cent below current market rates. Losses would be borne by the banks, including Hungary’s OTP and foreign lenders such as Erste Bank and Raiffeisen Bank International of Austria, and Bank Austria, a unit of Italy’s UniCredit.

http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/22904922 ... z1cej3ceFa
Red Chief
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Re: Wall Street Protesters Nov 03, 2011
Sorry RC, but what does this have to do with OWS???
Bora Bora
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