Is Wahhabism Propagated By The British Empire?

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Is Wahhabism propagated by the British Empire? Mar 11, 2010
From the book of "Confessions of a British Spy"
(73) The British applied the twenty-one article destruction plan, which they had prepared in order to annihilate Islam, to the two great Islamic Empires, Indian and Ottoman. They established heretical Islamic groups, such as Wahhabi, Qadiyani, Tabligh-i-jamaat, and Jamaat-i-Islamiyya, in India.

Shafique are you aware of anything as such. It's all news to me as I havent dewelled on this sort of history before..
However I heard before that to speed up the erosion and fall of khilafat and ottoman Empire, the Sephardi Jews of Ottoman Empire, later in Repulic of Turkey known as the "Young Turks" (apostate jews) were in colloboration with the British and French a lot for destruction to establish a secular state Turkey.(which is very rigid secularity as you know). Infact it is also said that the Sabbatean Jews (seemingly muslims but still jews) in Ottoman Empire/Turkey were also behind to establish and propagate Wahhabism in the whole of Arabia..

Livingstone goes into detail about how the Cabalists, operating through their control of Saudi Arabia, the Bank of England and British/American Imperialism, conspired to break up the Ottoman Empire and keep the Middle East backward. He also explains how they used a variety of cults like Wahhabism (1700's) and Salafi (1900's), and Masonic secret societies like the Muslim Brotherhood (1930's) to divide Islam, create fanatical fundamentalism and foster terror in preparation for the coming "War of Civilizations."

. (The "Jewish" Conspiracy is British Imperialism) ... erry.shtml (The Sabbatean Jews and their Affect on Global Politics)
Abdullah Cevdet, a supporter of biological materialism, who later in his life promoted the Baha'i Faith.
It goes even as far as Bahaism to hijack and destroy sunni islam brought by the prophet.

There is some history!? here :shock:
(Globalists created Wahhabi Terrorism to Destroy Islam and Justify a Global State)

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Re: Is Wahhabism propagated by the British Empire? Mar 11, 2010
Berrin wrote:From the book of "Confessions of a British Spy"
(73) The British applied the twenty-one article destruction plan, which they had prepared in order to annihilate Islam, to the two great Islamic Empires, Indian and Ottoman. They established heretical Islamic groups, such as Wahhabi, Qadiyani, Tabligh-i-jamaat, and Jamaat-i-Islamiyya, in India.

Shafique are you aware of anything as such. It's all news to me as I havent dewelled on this sort of history before..
However I heard before that to speed up the erosion and fall of khilafat and ottoman Empire, the Sephardi Jews of Ottoman Empire, later in Repulic of Turkey known as the "Young Turks" (apostate jews) were in colloboration with the British and French a lot for destruction to establish a secular state Turkey.(which is very rigid secularity as you know). Infact it is also said that the Sabbatean Jews (seemingly muslims but still jews) in Ottoman Empire/Turkey were also behind to establish and propagate Wahhabism in the whole of Arabia..

Livingstone goes into detail about how the Cabalists, operating through their control of Saudi Arabia, the Bank of England and British/American Imperialism, conspired to break up the Ottoman Empire and keep the Middle East backward. He also explains how they used a variety of cults like Wahhabism (1700's) and Salafi (1900's), and Masonic secret societies like the Muslim Brotherhood (1930's) to divide Islam, create fanatical fundamentalism and foster terror in preparation for the coming "War of Civilizations."

. (The "Jewish" Conspiracy is British Imperialism)

Say Berrin, some interesting stuff you plant there.

As for the 'clash of civilizations', though a bit prophetic on first sight, it does have a resemblance with current day events if you read the works of Noam Chomsky. Did you read the book 'Failed States' also?

Then you would get a more clearer picture as to why American Imperialism used the open opportunity to spread its influence after the fall of the bilateral standing with the Soviet Union in 1989 and its manipulation of states accross the globe.

btw: Turkey is having some difficulties maintaining secularity now. If you follow the news, you get the impression that the Military is having issues with maintaining the secular stance while fundamentalists seem to be getting more influence, or am I wrong in that view?
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Re: Is Wahhabism propagated by the British Empire? Mar 11, 2010
My view (not having yet read the links though) is that this is classic conspiracy theory which is over-reaching and just ignoring a simpler truth.

The problems of the Muslim ummah lies with the Ummah - and a cursory examination of British treatment vis a vis religions shows that the claim they are behinf wahabissim etc to be absurd.

The undoubted divide and rule tacics and the efforts of Christian missiona3ies are all well documented. There are grains of truth however that the consp theories are built on.

Saudi Arabia is a British construct in many ways and a consequence (unintented I'd argue) is that this lead to wahabbi ideology dominating theology there and abused to control the people (shia in the east are particularly disadvantaged)

Wahabism does have its good sides imho - eg the extreme aversion to anything approaching idolatory - and a strong emphasis on sreading info about islam. I cannot see why the British would encorage this (as it goes head to head with missionary activities of Christians)

Similarly in India with the Qadiyanis - they are a strongly missionary group and tackle Christianity head on - Britain has nothing to gain by supporting them (and I've not seen any credible evidence of any anyway - but the allegations are they are secret zionists and British spies is one that is repeated often)

Then again, perhaps the British are more cunning than I believe - but I thinl Muslims cab reform themselves when it comes to reeligion, ad don't nred to look outside for excuses.

(Sorry for all the typos :( )

I also am readinf Chomsky's Failed States - recmmended. (I'm on cht 6 now ). That shows the ugly world of real injustices.
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Re: Is Wahhabism propagated by the British Empire? Mar 11, 2010
American Imperialism/Euro Imperialism..the two always go together..isn't it?.. which we muslims call "the west", the big brothers..
btw: Turkey is having some difficulties maintaining secularity now. If you follow the news, you get the impression that the Military is having issues with maintaining the secular stance while fundamentalists seem to be getting more influence, or am I wrong in that view?

As far as I understand from the news, the country is going through transformation to bring its laws and coup constitution in line with Copenhagen criteria, hopefully this will also solve the problems and rights of the both secular and sincere pious muslims currently (practising muslims) persecuted in public instituations such as universities, as well private orginasations...
If you read the history of Turks, you will see that since the establishment of the Republic (secular state) the rights of its people not recognised in greater extent due to democracy being under the custody of military. (which I personally believe is on account of stoping islam from flourishing again). But no.. there is no fundemantalism or threat to democracy as far as I can see it, if it seems like extremism that's probably due to state oppresion.
Changes can be followed from Turkish newspapers..
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Re: Is Wahhabism propagated by the British Empire? Mar 11, 2010
Berrin wrote:American Imperialism/Euro Imperialism..the two always go together..isn't it?.. which we muslims call "the west", the big brothers..

Well, I rather nuance it abit.

The US/British are clearly the military imperialists, while the Northwest Europeans are more imperialist in the sense that they try to reform Islamic ideology with modernization. Europe obtained that after rivers of blood were sacrificed for an internal battle for 'enlightenment' as in the separation between church and state and its prosperous advantages of individual liberty, rights and dignity, parliamentary democracies and separate justice system.

Ofcourse this 'enlightenment' does have some disadvantages in modern day age, like egocentrism, capitalistic greed and less communal feelings, but such problems can be modified when you try to establish the good parts of both Islamic society and secular societies together.

We are a long way off, just to be able to discuss our differences and convince eachother about the benefits we can both use. But from a prosperous and development point of view, it should be clear that the West is more modernized than the Middle Eastern region.

Secularity is key to that in my opinion. Think of emancipation, human rights, social welfare, tolerance etc. etc.

Objectively seen, I think you would agree with me on this one. Do you?
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Re: Is Wahhabism propagated by the British Empire? Mar 12, 2010
Very interesting article. It's a well known fact that the founder of Qadianism, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, was working for the British to help the British tighten their grip on India.

Here are some facts on Qadianism for any of those interested:

The following are some of the difference between Islam and Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat ):


Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) is based on the belief that Mirza was an improved second reincarnation of hazrat Muhammad(SAW).

Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) rejects the concept of absolute Finality of Prophethood in hazrat Muhammad(SAW), as confirmed in Quran, Hadith, Sunnah of the Holy Prophet(SAW), Tradition of Companions, the writings of Muslim Scholars and personalities, and concensus of the entire Ummah for almost 1500 years.

Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) maintains that Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was a Prophet (nabi and rasul) of God.

Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) rejects the concept of completion of the revelations of Allah(SWT) in the Holy Quran.

Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) holds that Mirza Ghulam Qadiani's revelations (Books) were on the same level as all prior revelations (Quran, Bible, Torah). In their view, simply following Quran and Sunnah, as Muslims have done since the beginning of Islam, is not a basis for living a righteous life and gaining the pleasure of the Creator. Interestingly, the Qadiani leadership has refused to allow a translation of these books, so that everyone may become familiar with the irrational teachings and contradictory claims of the founder of their organization.

Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) rejects authentic Hadith based on Mirza's alleged revelations and teaches his personal interpretation of the Holy Quran. Qadiani (Ahmadiyya) leadership has forged several unauthentic translations of the Holy Quran to try to confuse and mislead uninformed individuals.

Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) teaches that Jesus(pbuh) had been crucified, but did not die from his injuries. Instead, it advocates the view that Jesus(pbuh) recovered from his injuries, escaped to Kashmir (India), where he lived for another 86 years, and is buried there.

Whereas Jesus(pbuh) is acknowledged as a great prophet of Allah in Islam, Mirza Ghulam took the liberty of making demeaning and vulgar remarks against him and his honored mother, rejected his miracles, belittled his mission and denied his return before the Day of Judgment. It is such unbecoming teachings that have resulted in hateful retributions by extremist Christians evangelical groups against Muslims, Prophet Muhammad(SAW), and Islam.

Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) maintains that Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was "the promised Messiah". The Qadianis (Ahmadis) reject the advent of Jesus Christ(pbuh), son of Mary, as the Messiah, just before the Day of Judgment.

Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) teaches that Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was also the promised Mahdi (guided one).

Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) teaches that Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was also the expected Hindu lord, Krishna.

Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) intollerantly declares the entire manking, except for those who naively accept the irrational notions and contradictory claims of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani, to be unbelievers and bound for hell. Qadiani leadership has announced all Muslims to be unbelievers and has forbidden its followers from wedding their daughters to Muslims, praying behind Muslims, and offering prayer on their deceased - be it a child or an adult.

Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) teaches that struggle for freedom, independence and self-determination against the tyranny, extremism and oppression (Jihad) of those military powers that support Qadianism has been made Haraam.

At its birth, being a protoge of the oppressive British Empire of the time, Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) required complete devotion and obedience to the British Government, as an article of faith. While freedom loving people around the globe were rising up against the British subjugation, Qadianis were being required to be willing to sacrifice their wealth, talent, and soul in the cause of the Crown. Britain is presently the headquarter of the Qadiani Movement.

Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) holds two cities in India (Qadian) and Pakistan (Rabwah) as holy as Mekkah and Madinah. Qadianis (Ahmadiyya) are supposed to perform Hajj by attending their annual congregation, instead of visiting Mekkah.

Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) maintains that Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was superior to all the Prophets(pbut) of Allah(SWT).

Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) refers to the companions of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani as Sahaba and his wives as Mother of the Believers (Ummahatul Muminin).

Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) advances the notion that many verses of the Holy Quran were revealed to Mirza Ghulam Qadiani and that many of the praises of Prophet Muhammad(SAW), mentioned in Quran, were really intended for Mirza Ghulam Qadiani.

Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) claims Mirza's Mosque at Qadian (India) to be Masjid-ul-Aqsa.

How do Qadiani (Ahmadi) Missionaries Operate?
The followers of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani refer to themselves as "Ahmadi Muslims" and pretend to belong to the Sunni school of thought (individuals who follow the example and teachings of Prophet Muhammad). They approach individuals, who have never heard of Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat), and, relying on their financial and political resources and baseless missionary arguments, try to convert Muslims into Qadianism.

They try to acquire new members by relying on traditional missionary techniques:

* Misrepresenting the holy Quran, hadith, Muslim scholars, and historical records;
* Attempting to discredit devote Muslims and alienating their victims from the ummah;
* Preaching the appealing message of Islam at a ritualistic level;
* Misleading those who have not heard of Islam or Mirza Ghulam Qadiani;
* Confusing those with a very elementary knowledge of Islam;
* Building prayer halls, schools, and missionary houses to earn the trust of the needy.

They recruit new missionaries by:

* Bribing and buying the services of officials;
* Offering financial and material incentive to weak individuals;
* Funding the work and life of missionary workers in the West.

Followers of other faiths, after having unsuccessfully attempted the missionary method of attacking the Muslims, seem to have abandoned their ways and be now supporting the Qadianis (Ahmadis) with their work! Why would they feel so strong about supporting these "self-professed Muslims"?

Naturally, except for the elite in the Qadiani (Ahmadiyya) Mission and those who follow the cult in way of loyalty to the way of their fathers, not too many individuals are aware of the core doctrine of Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat). For over a century now, the Qadianis (Ahmadis) have refused to make a complete translation of their books available in other languages. While they boast about having distributed their false translation of the holy Quran in dozens of languages, they have refused to translate the writings of their own founder in any other language (original writings are mostly in Urdu, Persian, and Arabic)! What are they hiding?

The enemies of Islam and the modern colonialists trying to enslave the Ummah are afraid of the resurgence of Islam; they fear the unity of Muslims and their spirit of Jihad. They know too well that a Muslims converted to Qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) is a blindly obedient person who will never move against the will of his/her masters. These unbelievers will stoop to anything to achieve their goal and certainly have no qualms about condemning many souls to hell, in the process.

Every Muslim should strive very hard to spread the true word of Islam and to expose the hypocrisy of the Ahmadiyya Mission Against Islam.
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Re: Is Wahhabism propagated by the British Empire? Mar 12, 2010
Secularity is key to that in my opinion. Think of emancipation, human rights, social welfare, tolerance etc. etc.

Islam is the key to that in my opinion. Think of emancipation, human rights, social welfare, personal welfare, tolerance, honour, life, health, morals, business etics, prevention of crime and hatred, equality of races, justice in welfare of the earth, justice in welfare of the humanity on earth, justice in human life, justice after death etc. etc.etc
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Re: Is Wahhabism propagated by the British Empire? Mar 12, 2010
Berrin wrote:
Secularity is key to that in my opinion. Think of emancipation, human rights, social welfare, tolerance etc. etc.

Islam is the key to that in my opinion. Think of emancipation, human rights, social welfare, personal welfare, tolerance, honour, life, health, morals, business etics, prevention of crime and hatred, equality of races, justice in welfare of the earth, justice in welfare of the humanity on earth, justice in human life, justice after death etc. etc.etc

No serious discussion possible?

You can't blame everything on other people. Try and look towards your shortcomings first and establish a difference in modernisation so we can start off from a realistic offset. From a reasonable perspective, start with replying to someones inquiry per private message. Show some friendlyhood, and open up.

We Europeans are not the same as the Americans, nor are we like the British. I remember a time of a Renaissance where Europe regained the written knowledge of the Greeks/Romans, stored from Latin into Arabic and translated it back to continue progress we once lost. Even though the Arabs in Andalusia or Al Andala, were naming it 'Land of the Vandals', doesn't mean we aren't grateful for that period in time. ;) It brought us where we are today!

So Berrin, I would say to you: Agree to disagree, but be a man and face some facts. Islam and its rulers have turned itself backwards long enough now if you compare it to the blessings of your forefathers in the Ottoman empire.

Time to come together!

(Hows that for a reconcilliation effort?) :wink:
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