Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia Unleashed

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Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia unleashed Aug 08, 2012
Here are some of the things we know about Wade Michael Page: He led a “racist white power trio” called End Apathy; he had a tattoo commemorating 9/11; he shaved his head; and, on Sunday, he killed six individuals and wounded a police officer at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin.

We have yet to determine if Page mistook Sikhs for Muslims, but such questions are irrelevant. In today’s Islamophobic atmosphere, there has been increased marginalization of all AMEMSA (Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, South Asian) communities. In particular, Sikh Americans have faced the brunt of post-9/11 hate crimes and backlash, with Sikh men often being mistaken for Muslims. The first post-9/11 hate crime murder was of Balbir Singh Sodhi, a Sikh gas station owner in Arizona, whom the murderer chose because he was “dark-skinned, bearded and wore a turban.”

This extremist violence and fear-mongering does not exist in a vacuum. The Southern Poverty Law Center recently reported the highest number of hate groups ever recorded in U.S. history, with nearly 1,018 active groups. Furthermore, anti-Muslim hate groups have increased 300 percent in the last year, and the FBI reported a 50 percent increase in anti-Muslim hate crimes. The reasons for the record rise in hate groups are due to the faltering economy, changing racial dynamics in America leading to a minority-majority country, and the election of Barack Hussein Obama.

However, the reality according to the latest studies is that American Muslims help law enforcement and are more likely to reject violence than any other U.S. religious community, and nearly all American Muslims have no sympathy or loyalty for al-Qaida.

Full article: http://www.salon.com/2012/08/07/wade_mi ... unleashed/

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Re: Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia Unleashed Aug 08, 2012
Thanks - that is an interesting article about this far-right terrorist:


The article also stated the facts about terrorism in the USA:

In the U.S., 56 percent of terrorist attacks and plots have been perpetrated by right-wing extremists, 30 percent by eco-terrorists and 12 percent by Islamic extremists.

Interesting fact that.

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Re: Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia unleashed Aug 09, 2012
Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia Unleashed


We have yet to determine if Page mistook Sikhs for Muslims

So, there's nothing to justify the title of this article, basically?

Two words do come to mind:

Sick opportunists.
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Re: Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia unleashed Aug 09, 2012
I think that the good thing on this forum is that the rhetoric by the Islamophobic posters is largely ignored. However, the article does make some very hard-hitting points:

Anders Breivik, the anti-Muslim, Norwegian murderer who killed 77 people last year, left behind a 1,500-page manifesto frequently citing the writings and ideology of the American Islamophobia network. Upon reviewing the manifesto, counter-terrorism expert Marc Sagemen said the Islamophobes’ “writings are the infrastructure from which Breivik emerged.”

“This rhetoric,” he added, “is not cost free.”

The senseless murder of six Sikh Americans was the tragic cost of hate-mongers’ perverse ideology rationalizing violence against innocent civilians.

Perhaps it is time we turn the tables and expose the enablers and disseminators of divisive, fear-mongering rhetoric that has no place in today’s fragile and racially sensitive environment.

We have a poster here who chooses to believe the propaganda of the 'American Islamophobia network' - but as I said, his rhetoric is easy to identify and ignore.

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Re: Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia Unleashed Aug 09, 2012
Ignore? :lol:

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Re: Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia Unleashed Aug 09, 2012
shafique wrote:rhetoric by the Islamophobic posters is largely ignored.

Who ? :D
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Re: Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia Unleashed Aug 09, 2012


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Re: Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia unleashed Aug 09, 2012
Serial Liar wrote:Anders Breivik, the anti-Muslim, Norwegian murderer who killed 77 people last year, left behind a 1,500-page manifesto frequently citing the writings and ideology of the American Islamophobia network.

Actually, Anders' "manifesto portion mentioning others was lifted from someone else. So, he hardly himself cited others frequently.

Now, I wonder who Osama bin Laden, Muhammad Merah and Shafique frequently cite to justify their hate?

shafique wrote:We have a poster here who chooses to believe the propaganda of the 'American Islamophobia network' - but as I said, his rhetoric is easy to identify and ignore.

I only know one member here who called for the killing of another's children; but that never bothered you.

As for beliefs, I don't hold Antisemitic views on Jews:

shafique wrote:Zionists segregationist policies and Jews marching in favour of apartheid in Jewish schools similarly are facts. Karmi points out that this segregationism does stem from a view that they are chosen people (not all Jews/Israelis are segregationist though).
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Re: Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia unleashed Aug 09, 2012
Huffington Post reports that there have been over 300 hate crimes against Sikhs in the USA since 9/11:

History of Hate: Crimes Against Sikhs Since 9/11

The mass shooting of a gurdwara (Sikh temple) in Wisconsin on Sunday is merely the latest chapter in a history of violence. In the months following the attacks of 9/11, more than 300 incidences of hate crimes against Sikhs were reported, according to the Sikh Coalition (PDF).

Though their numbers make up the world's fifth-largest religion, Sikhs are still misunderstood (No, they are not Muslims or Hindus). Below is a round up of notable hate crimes and bias incidents against Sikhs since 9/11.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/0 ... f=religion

Most of the attacks are because Sikhs 'look like Osama bin Laden'. The right-wing attackers clearly are from the shallow end of the gene-pool. :shock:

(However, to put the 300 attacks in perspective - there are over 1000 anti-semitic attacks by Americans each year. There's a lot of hateful people who share Page's anger over there! :shock: )

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Re: Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia unleashed Aug 09, 2012
According to numerous Arab websites (including UPI Arabic), the Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs sent out an alert to mosque imams not to pray for the destruction of Jews and Christians in their Friday sermons, noting that the "correct" prayers should be against "aggressors" only.

Apparently, religious incitement in Saudi mosques is so widespread that even the government has to get involved to tone it down.

And these are the "moderates."


Thanks for your views. When you learn to distinguish "incident" from "attack", we can tally up attacks against Christians in Nigeria and elsewhere and address the writings and ideology of the Christianophobic network, which is not cost free:


I'll ignore that nucleus, a Muslim and resident of the UAE, only posts "terrible" US news while ignoring the incitement and promotion of hatred going on in mosques in neighboring nations.

With "moderates" like you and nucleus, it's no wonder Saudi mosques have been bastions of extremism for so long until even the Saudi government had to muzzle their imams.
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Re: Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia Unleashed Aug 10, 2012
However, the reality according to the latest studies is that American Muslims help law enforcement and are more likely to reject violence than any other U.S. religious community, and nearly all American Muslims have no sympathy or loyalty for al-Qaida.

This fact does cause some heart ache amongst the Islamophobes who like to smear Islam and Muslims with their hype.

The conclusion of the article is spot on as well:

Perhaps it is time we turn the tables and expose the enablers and disseminators of divisive, fear-mongering rhetoric that has no place in today's fragile and racially sensitive environment. Let Bachmann and company enjoy their short term profit in the dustbins of history, seated next to ideological allies like Joseph McCarthy, as the rest of us move forward as communities united against hate.

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Re: Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia Unleashed Aug 10, 2012
shafique wrote:This fact

You're not stating any facts, just repeating empty rhetoric.
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Re: Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia unleashed Aug 10, 2012
Perhaps it is time we turn the tables and expose the enablers and disseminators of divisive, fear-mongering rhetoric that has no place in today's fragile and racially sensitive environment. Let Bachmann and company enjoy their short term profit in the dustbins of history, seated next to ideological allies like Joseph McCarthy, as the rest of us move forward as communities united against hate.

Let me know when you and Ali Wajahat decide to start:

Antisemitism Unleashed - "People Thirst For Jews' Blood"

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