Video Of Israelis Killing 19 Year Old Activist

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Video of Israelis killing 19 year old activist Jun 15, 2010
I've just had a look at the preview allegedly showing the execution of the American citizen by Israeli troops. There's also the 50min video smuggled out from which this came:

Israeli Commandos Execute American Citizen
http://www.informationclearinghouse.inf ... e25672.htm
Israeli soldiers allegedly killing Furkan Dogan 19 years

EXCLUSIVE: New Video Smuggled Out from Mavi Marmara of Israel’s Deadly Assault on Gaza Aid Flotilla
By Democracy Now!

In a Democracy Now! exclusive, we bring you a sneak preview of previously unseen raw footage from the Mavi Marmara .. The footage shows the mood and the activities onboard the Mavi Marmara in the time leading up to the attack, and the immediate reaction of the passengers during the attack. We are joined by filmmaker and activist Iara Lee, one of the few Americans on the Mavi Marmara ship. Her equipment was confiscated, but she managed to smuggle out an hour’s worth of footage.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Video Of Israelis Killing 19 Year Old Activist Jun 15, 2010
Although I canºt exactly make out who the poor soul is on the recieving end of this but I would love to see the fanbois defend this one and what great scenario they can conjure up to justify this.
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Re: Video of Israelis killing 19 year old activist Jun 15, 2010
Looks serious.

What kind of weapon is it? Never seen such a thing in my life.

Any uneditting video about this with the time displayed?
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Video Of Israelis Killing 19 Year Old Activist Jun 15, 2010
Don't know - I posted the first link I saw of this footage.

Ironically, I got it from a letter of complaint to the BBC saying that it's coverage was biased in favour of Israel:
BBC Complaint

06.14.2010 | Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods

Press Release
150 people have signed an open letter of complaint to the BBC protesting at their biased, selective and ethically dishonest coverage of the murder of at least 9 activists on board the Mavi Marmara, the lead ship of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla.

Matters we have complained about included the use, without comment or even warning, of spliced and selective Israeli video of trained navy seals being ‘attacked’ at the very same time that Israel, by its own admission, confiscated every notebook, camera, mobile and reel of film to prevent its version of events being challenged.

Despite this some footage has got out which shows e.g. that the first navy personnel injured, often from bad falls, were actually medically treated by those on board. So much for the ‘terrorist’ label.

Other film shows the deliberate murder, with 4 shots to the head, of the Turkish-American citizen Furkan Dogan. http://www.informationclearinghouse.inf ... e25672.htm
Naturally the BBC has chosen not to show any footage which directly proves that the Israeli version, whereby its trained navy personnel were subject to a potential lynching by human rights activists, was a lie.

The use of film media by one side, the side that has confiscated the other sides film and recordings, is totally unethical and an invitation to states to repeat the same trick in other situations with journalists.

The letter raises the way the BBC contributes towards a failure to understand the occupation and conflict in Gaza, preferring to engage in mainstream rhetoric about ‘terrorism’. How it mentions Hamas rockets without explaining who broke the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas on 4.11.2008., who has killed over seven thousand people in as many years via its rockets and bombs (Israel) yet it is the puny response that is continually highlighted which has killed 20 Israelis in the same time.

The BBC’s record is so bad and so one-sided that we have initiated this letter - from people like Mike Mansfield QC, Avi Shlaim - an Israeli Professor of International Relations at Oxford University, Moshe Machover, another Israeli Professor at London University and people like the songwriter Leon Rosselson.

Tony Greenstein
Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods

Full letter here: ... ersion.doc
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Re: Video of Israelis killing 19 year old activist Jun 15, 2010
Killing machine .. against the innocent ppl ..

-- Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:13 pm --

Killing machine .. against the innocent ppl ..
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Re: Video of Israelis killing 19 year old activist Jun 15, 2010
Boy, the loony left is really getting desperate.

(Oh, and did you notice that muzzle flash after the soldiers fired at the activist ?! Errr, no.)
event horizon
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Re: Video of Israelis killing 19 year old activist Jun 15, 2010
Flying Dutchman wrote:Any uneditting video about this with the time displayed?

It just occurred to me that I should have asked:
- is the reason I couldn't find any such question from you in relation to the Israeli footage because:
a. It would be stupid to ask for unedited footage from the IDF - they would not release it.
b. the footage they released is unedited and timestamped already
c. some other reason?

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Re: Video Of Israelis Killing 19 Year Old Activist Jun 15, 2010
EH, you might find this interesting. I did a bit of research as to who was responsible for the video:

Written by: Osama bin Ladin
Executive Producer: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Co Producers: Tayyip Erdogan, Bashar al Assad
Director: Hassan Nasrallah
Distributed by: Sons of Arnarchy

Amazing, isn't it??
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Re: Video Of Israelis Killing 19 Year Old Activist Jun 15, 2010
..and staged in Pallywood! ;)
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Re: Video Of Israelis Killing 19 Year Old Activist Jun 15, 2010
shafique wrote:..and staged in Pallywood! ;)

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Re: Video of Israelis killing 19 year old activist Jun 15, 2010
event horizon wrote:Boy, the loony left is really getting desperate.

(Oh, and did you notice that muzzle flash after the soldiers fired at the activist ?! Errr, no.)

Correct, also no recoil. Think this is a paintball gun of some sorts.
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Re: Video Of Israelis Killing 19 Year Old Activist Jun 15, 2010
Perhaps the soldiers were just giving the person on the floor a massage with their feet and then applying a revolutionary new massage system that just looks like a rifle?

Who knew that the 'most moral army' in the world would take such loving care of peace activists?


Anyway, it's been at least five days since the clip has been doing the rounds - so there's a good chance we'll see a great rebuttal from the IDF when they finish the post-production touches to their version.

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Re: Video of Israelis killing 19 year old activist Jun 16, 2010
Perhaps the soldiers were just giving the person on the floor a massage with their feet

And yet there was no condemnation when these 'peace' activists, in the fours, fives and sixes, were using their boots and metal rods and knives on individual Israelis when they were on the ground.


BTW, thanks for the link. Yet another example of the spin that the fringers out there dish out for the unwashed masses and the easily gullible/deluded are always eager to consume.

It's too good not to believe.
event horizon
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Re: Video Of Israelis Killing 19 Year Old Activist Jun 16, 2010
Actually eh - if you go back and look at what I wrote about the pirates of the Mediterranean, you'll find that I said I felt sorry for the boys in green who generously gave away their weapons.

You'll also note that whilst I used the word 'allegedly' to introduce the footage, the fanbois here all lapped up the IDF footage as if it were divine revelations from above! ;)

But carry on, it is always fascinating to see the kettle insisting the pot is black. :)

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Re: Video of Israelis killing 19 year old activist Jun 16, 2010
Why ?

Do you think those iron bars the flotilla combatants used were really sausage links ???

Unlike the videos the Israeli government has shown, where the Israelis correctly describe the events in the video, this video does not show someone being killed.

Do you kinda understand the difference ?

Anyways, I thank you again for showing those on the sidelines what a bunch of nutters the left and their ilk are.
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Re: Video Of Israelis Killing 19 Year Old Activist Jun 16, 2010
Yeah, eh - you're right and the rest of the world is wrong.

The IDF is telling the gospel truth, that is why FD doesn't ask them for unedited footage or the films confiscated from the journalists etc. :roll:

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Re: Video of Israelis killing 19 year old activist Jun 17, 2010

Couldn't see the victim at any stage in the video.
Saw a muzzle flash early on but the weapon could have been firing upwards.
It also looked like a low loaded charge such as you find in rubber salt or cork cartridges (often used as non lethal armaments in riot situations)
Strange also that when they claim he is being shot, the soldier seems to be manually feeding the multi-shot semi-automatic assault rifle without seeming to once fire it...
Maybe the boy in question er...'fell down some stairs' to his untimely demise? Later?

:shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: Video Of Israelis Killing 19 Year Old Activist Jun 18, 2010
DK - I agree, the only incriminating thing in the video was the kicking of what was presumably a 'terrorist' at the feet of the clow..commandos, and pointing a gun shaped object at the 'terrorist'. Whilst this does dent the 'we were victims, honestly' narrative of the boys in green, it doesn't quite match the marketing of the title of the video.

Whoever compiled the video isn't as convincing as the guys in green when it comes to video editing! ;)

What we need to see is all the unedited footage.. ;)

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Re: Video of Israelis killing 19 year old activist Jun 19, 2010
event horizon wrote:Boy, the loony left is really getting desperate.

(Oh, and did you notice that muzzle flash after the soldiers fired at the activist ?! Errr, no.)

Blablablabla :blackeye:

IF only we can have another Nabukhathnassar to torture those Zionist Jews :twisted:
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Re: Video of Israelis killing 19 year old activist Jun 20, 2010
Why not do it yourself?

bawk bawk bawk
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Re: Video Of Israelis Killing 19 Year Old Activist Jun 20, 2010
But eh, your fellow American Bible Bashers believe in the 'Doctrine of the Witness' - i.e. they think the Jews should be tolerated so that they can bear witness to the truth of Christianity when Jesus reappears and you and your fellow believers vanish in a puff of Rapturous smoke:



Which raises the interesting question - when all the Chrisitans have disappeared in Rapture, who will the Jews be witnessing in favour of?? :?

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Re: Video of Israelis killing 19 year old activist Jun 20, 2010
I was once asked if I wanted to be a Jehovah's Witness...

I declined as I didn't see the accident!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Video of Israelis killing 19 year old activist Jun 20, 2010
event horizon wrote:Why not do it yourself?

bawk bawk bawk

Coming soon 8)
(Read some history books to understand how life functions on this planet).
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Re: Video of Israelis killing 19 year old activist Jun 20, 2010
Dude, you look like a young version of Freddy Mercury (only less masculine)!
event horizon
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Re: Video of Israelis killing 19 year old activist Jun 20, 2010
event horizon wrote:Dude, you look like a young version of Freddy Mercury (only less masculine)!

Arent both of us are from the same race 8) (Not familiar with him anyways).

But I guess killing civillians in the name of self defence defines masculinity to you right? :blackeye:

I'm sure you wanna live to see a holocaust against my people, admit it :twisted:
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Re: Video Of Israelis Killing 19 Year Old Activist Jun 20, 2010
Oh come on you dunno Freddie mercury ?

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Re: Video of Israelis killing 19 year old activist Jun 20, 2010
Dubai Knight wrote:I was once asked if I wanted to be a Jehovah's Witness...

I declined as I didn't see the accident!

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Isn't that Richard Pryors line, or was it George Carlin or was it Mitch Hedberg !..damn I'm confused now !
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Re: Video of Israelis killing 19 year old activist Jun 20, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:I was once asked if I wanted to be a Jehovah's Witness...

I declined as I didn't see the accident!

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Isn't that Richard Pryors line, or was it George Carlin or was it Mitch Hedberg !..damn I'm confused now !

Might even have been George Burns...

8) 8) 8)

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