The extremist said they don't consider Arabs (which include Christians and Muslim Arabs, remember) to be equal to Jews - as the Jews were the 'chosen people'. Trying to spin this as Arabs 'have less rights' is quite alarming.
It is true that those living under Military Occupation have less rights and are discriminated against - but this film was all about the extremist zionists who are illegally settling in land under Military Occupation.
The truth isn't nice, obviously. No wonder we see posts which try to demonise those living under occupation, rather than address the ugly face of religious racism and stealing of land so graphically shown.
As for name calling - examples from the Israeli side are just as ugly:
May 3, 1983:
"When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged roaches in a bottle."
– Rafael Eitan (1929-2004) served as Chief of Staff of the IDF, and later as Knesset member and government minister.,