Two Men Arrested For Insulting Untouchables Via Video Upload

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Two men arrested for insulting Untouchables via video upload Feb 11, 2011
You wouldn't want to express an opinion not allowed for by the state...

Police arrested two men yesterday for allegedly publishing a catalogue of vile and racially inflammatory material on the internet.

One of the men, from Paignton, is thought to be responsible for a series of anti-Muslims videos.

He was one of two men arrested by Devon and Cornwall police on suspicion of publishing racially inflammatory material at 8.30am yesterday.

He and a 41-year-old unnamed male, also from Paignton, were yesterday bailed by Police until May.

Material was confiscated from an address in South Devon and a banner was removed from the boot of a car.

One neighbour, who did not wish to be named, said: ‘‘I saw five uniformed officers outside this morning and one female officer in plain clothes.

‘‘I don’t know the man in question very well myself, he lives alone and keeps himself to himself a lot of the time.’‘

A police spokesman said: ‘‘We have investigated a number of incidents across the internet after they were brought to our attention last year. ‘We have yet to analyse what has been seized and will then be in a better to look at what, if any, offences have been committed.’‘

To quote/paraphrase Rober Spencer,[t]he police. That's what they're there for, right? To serve and protect against murder, rape, theft, assault, and... insults... ... ticle.html

event horizon
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Re: Two men arrested for insulting Untouchables via video up Feb 11, 2011
Jeez, Shaf should be scared after all his anti Semitic posts on DF! But no! wait! it's only the untouchables we shouldn't bad mouth!! Silly BM!!
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Re: Two Men Arrested For Insulting Untouchables Via Video Up Feb 11, 2011
LOL - I love the hypocrisy.

When an blogger alleges that Hamas denies the Holocaust, and it transpires there is no real evidence for this - the resident Islamophobes insist that he is guilty because they believe it to be so (not because they can produce the actual full speech).

BUT when two presumably white dudes get collared for an actual crime, and evidence is found, by the police - suddenly the Islamophobes are up in arms! :shock:

So, the Islamophobes are having a go at the UK police force for upholding the law. :roll:

But hey, Islamophobes will of course support those who incite hatred against Muslims - it would be perverse if they criticised bigots who shared their views - even if it means bad-mouthing the UK police.

As for me being arrested - I don't think they've invented the crime of 'imagined insult yet' - they tend to look at evidence and not what people with fantastical imaginations believe was said. :)


(I'm using the term Islamophobe as a short hand for those who openly admit to believing myths about Islam being a violent religion that calls for all non-Muslims to be fought against and who generalise the evil acts of some Muslims on the religion and Muslims in general. If you don't fit these descriptions, you're not an Islamophobe. If you do and you object to being labelled accurately, tough.)
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Re: Two men arrested for insulting Untouchables via video up Feb 11, 2011
Sticks and stones may hurt my bones but words will never hurt me!

My mum taught me that when I was 6! :D
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Re: Two Men Arrested For Insulting Untouchables Via Video Up Feb 11, 2011
shafique wrote:So, the Islamophobes are having a go at the UK police force for upholding the law. :roll:

But hey, Islamophobes will of course support those who incite hatred against Muslims - it would be perverse if they criticised bigots who shared their views - even if it means bad-mouthing the UK police.

You see, anti-Muslim propaganda is free speech, but pro-Islam propaganda is potential terrorism. :lol:
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Re: Two Men Arrested For Insulting Untouchables Via Video Up Feb 11, 2011
Kudos to the UK police.
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Re: Two Men Arrested For Insulting Untouchables Via Video Up Feb 11, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Kudos to the UK police.

More like [bleep] to them on this occasion! :D ooops of to the FC!

[Mod edit: no need for foul language]
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Re: Two Men Arrested For Insulting Untouchables Via Video Up Feb 11, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:Kudos to the UK police.

More like [bleep] to them on this occasion! :D ooops of to the FC!

[Mod edit: no need for foul language]

That's right BM!!!! Apparently you don't get a pass for having a potty mouth :shock: , unless you are in FC. :lol:
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Re: Two men arrested for insulting Untouchables via video up Feb 11, 2011
LOL, I'm guessing which mod edited my post! It can't be DDS cause he says (bleep) isn't that bad!

I bet I know who it was! You can say death to all Jews and Isrealis, but not (bleep)! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Two men arrested for insulting Untouchables via video up Feb 11, 2011
Love the double speak of Islam being totally compatible with free speech yet we see Muslims cheer leading the *arrest* of fellow citizens over a video.

That would be as absurd as arresting gadfly over his posts on this forum. It's the serious disconnect between the concept of free speech and speech that only one group of people believe should be free.

I don't know what to say about the UK, other than this being the fruit of Left wing policies that have eroded civil liberties.

Here in America, where free speech is practiced, attorneys at the ACLU would have a field day over these Leninist policies.

LOL - I love the hypocrisy.

When an blogger alleges that Hamas denies the Holocaust, and it transpires there is no real evidence for this - the resident Islamophobes insist that he is guilty because they believe it to be so (not because they can produce the actual full speech).

BUT when two presumably white dudes get collared for an actual crime, and evidence is found, by the police - suddenly the Islamophobes are up in arms! :shock:

So, the Islamophobes are having a go at the UK police force for upholding the law. :roll:

But hey, Islamophobes will of course support those who incite hatred against Muslims - it would be perverse if they criticised bigots who shared their views - even if it means bad-mouthing the UK police.

As for me being arrested - I don't think they've invented the crime of 'imagined insult yet' - they tend to look at evidence and not what people with fantastical imaginations believe was said.

Wow - how many hyphens did you have in that post?

(I'm using the term Islamophobe as a short hand for those who openly admit to believing myths about Islam being a violent religion that calls for all non-Muslims to be fought against and who generalise the evil acts of some Muslims on the religion and Muslims in general. If you don't fit these descriptions, you're not an Islamophobe. If you do and you object to being labelled accurately, tough.)

So you want to poison the well and not engage in debate. Got it.

Anyone who forms an opinion based on facts and analysis is to be tarred and feathered. Might as well go ahead and lock them up along with rapists and murderers.

Thankfully you're a minority in the West.
You see, anti-Muslim propaganda is free speech, but pro-Islam propaganda is potential terrorism.

You could have a point if Muslim propaganda were illegal in Britain or the US. I would be against that just as I'm against arresting citizens of a country for a video upload because of its political slant.

But it isn't, and instead of addressing the actual substance of the issue (perhaps because you're unable to express an independent idea) , you're content with a vacuous caricaturization of the point made in the OP.

Kudos to the UK police.

And yet the vast majority of the UK population are totally against arresting someone for their beliefs.

Kudos to most of Britain's population.
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Re: Two men arrested for insulting Untouchables via video up Feb 11, 2011
event horizon wrote:And yet the vast majority of the UK population are totally against arresting someone for their beliefs.

Kudos to most of Britain's population.

Spot on EH!
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Re: Two men arrested for insulting Untouchables via video up Feb 11, 2011
It's funny when you criticize backwards laws you become guilty of blaspheming against the blasphemy law.

Extreme nut jobs masquerading as moderates, I'd say.

I'd be frankly embarrassed to have fascists present themselves as those who speak for Islam if I were a Muslim.

Alas, Islam has no free speech warriors. No one to play devil's advocate and side with what is right even when it is sometimes or often used 'unproductively'.

We just call such people fascists here in the states.

But I'd rather be called an Islamophobe for discussing the teachings of Islam than be known as a moderate for silencing those who would dare form and freely express their views.
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