Two Beheaded, 8 UN Workers Killed Over Florida Koran Burning

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Two beheaded, 8 UN workers killed over Florida Koran burning Apr 01, 2011
Kind of makes you sympathetic to the reason why Pastor Terry Jones decided to burn the Koran in the first place.

The beheaders must have gotten the idea to behead somewhere. Now where could that have possibly come from?

This is only one of several 'retaliatory' attacks against non-Muslims since Pastor Jones burnt the Koran. In Pakistan, several churches have been bombed or burnt and at least two Christian worshipers murdered.

Naturally, 'moderate' Muslims are demanding all Christians (even the Catholic Church !!!???) and Westerners to apologize to Muslims and condemn Pastor Terry Jones.

Re: 'moderate' Muslims, my apology is in the mail :)

Now with the latest act of mass murder in the name of a deity, 60% of online users surveyed actually blame Terry Jones for the killing of UN workers. ... nity-islam

And the comments section is just as horrendous:


1 April 2011 5:56PM

yes, the Florida pastor is morally responsive for the massacre in Afghanistan. There was no need to burn the Quran nor to make it public. Pity they did not take it out directly with him.

Oh, and food for thought. If Terry Jones can be blamed for inciting violence (and therefore his speech restricted), then why shouldn't the Koran be blamed (and banned!) for the beheadings? Terry Jones has never actually advocated violence. On the other hand, beheaders and terrorists will and do cite the Koran as justification and motivation for their actions.

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Re: Two beheaded, 8 UN workers killed over Florida Koran bur Apr 02, 2011
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Re: Two beheaded, 8 UN workers killed over Florida Koran bur Apr 02, 2011
Here's a comment over at JihadWatch:

Jones was obviously attempting to draw attention to the violence and hatred in the Qur'an. Thus he is playing an important social role as a critic, with what is essentially performance art or peaceful demonstration. By your logic, anyone who peacefully and lawfully draws attention to these problems is to blame for those problems.

I thought liberals loved free speech warriors who push the envelope and challenge existing cultural norms in society? ... l#comments

There are many online versions of the Qur'an. What happens if the webmaster of one of those sites decides to delete the online copy, which is the equivalent of burning it? I don't agree with book burning, but it is the words that are important, not the medium on which they are communicated. Islam, or course, is not a rational ideology, and so doesn't understand this fundamental point. ... l#comments
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Re: Two beheaded, 8 UN workers killed over Florida Koran bur Apr 03, 2011
This world is crazy.

Terry Jones holds a trial for Islam, one-sided trial, with prosecution and no defense. They find Islam guilty, and sentence the Quran to be burned on a BBQ grill. He knew very well, beforehand, that many innocent people would die as a result, because he could count some crazy Muslims to do that. And that’s what in fact has happened.

Sure, what these ignorant fanatic Muslims did is sickening and abhorrent, but I feel Jones is no less guilty of what happened. He simply used those crazies to do the killings for him.

He’s just as responsible, in my opinion.

Suppose I tell you not to throw bricks from the top of a high building down onto an adjacent, vacant, well-fenced lot where no one is supposed to be there. Because I tell you I saw kids playing down there earlier but these kids could not be seen from high above. If you still do it anyway, and some kids do die as a result, you are definitely guilty, even though your action was legal, because that lot was well fenced and designated for this purpose (part of the job). But, if you decide to ignore the warning anyway, and people end up dead as a consequence, you're definetly GUILTY of murder, in my book!!

I hope Pastor Jones, and those crazy Muslims whom he incited , all burn in hell for eternity!!!

:evil: :evil:
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Re: Two beheaded, 8 UN workers killed over Florida Koran bur Apr 03, 2011
Tom, your equivocation between murdering someone to free speech that does not promote violence but manages to incite the uncivilized is absurd.

Jones was obviously attempting to draw attention to the violence and hatred in the Qur'an. Thus he is playing an important social role as a critic, with what is essentially performance art or peaceful demonstration. By your logic, anyone who peacefully and lawfully draws attention to these problems is to blame for those problems.

Would you ever blame flag burners if their actions led to right wing extremists killing random people?

And if we hold Terry Jones responsible for the deaths of random people by religious crazies, then is the Koran just as responsible if Muslims cite the Koran as a reason for a violent action?

What about anyone who publishes the Koran? In this day and age, it's almost a given that someone, somewhere is going to use the Koran to justify murder. So we might as well blame publishing houses for murder if they publish the Koran and bookstores if they sell the Koran.

Isn't that right, Tom?

I hope Pastor Jones, and those crazy Muslims whom he incited , all burn in hell for eternity!!!

Tom, I'm sorry, but you sound like those crazy Muslims. You want Terry Jones alongside Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein for .... burning a book?

Do you think flag burners should burn in hell forever?
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Re: Two beheaded, 8 UN workers killed over Florida Koran bur Apr 03, 2011
event horizon wrote:Tom, your equivocation between murdering someone to free speech that does not promote violence but manages to incite the uncivilized is absurd.

Jones was obviously attempting to draw attention to the violence and hatred in the Qur'an. Thus he is playing an important social role as a critic, with what is essentially performance art or peaceful demonstration. By your logic, anyone who peacefully and lawfully draws attention to these problems is to blame for those problems.

Would you ever blame flag burners if their actions led to right wing extremists killing random people?

And if we hold Terry Jones responsible for the deaths of random people by religious crazies, then is the Koran just as responsible if Muslims cite the Koran as a reason for a violent action?

What about anyone who publishes the Koran? In this day and age, it's almost a given that someone, somewhere is going to use the Koran to justify murder. So we might as well blame publishing houses for murder if they publish the Koran and bookstores if they sell the Koran.

Isn't that right, Tom?

I hope Pastor Jones, and those crazy Muslims whom he incited , all burn in hell for eternity!!!

Tom, I'm sorry, but you sound like those crazy Muslims. You want Terry Jones alongside Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein for .... burning a book?

Do you think flag burners should burn in hell forever?

Yes, absolutely. Anyone who knows damn well, in advance, that what he’s about to do will SURELY result in the harm or death of innocent people, is, in my book, just as guilty of that crime when it happens.

That applies to all, from flag burners, to Quran burners and to all those who desecrate anything that’s holy, revered and sacred to millions of people, provided the above pre-conditions hold true!!!

The UN personnel, who were killed in Afghanistan, would have NOT died, and would have been alive today, had it not been for the so-called man-of-God Terry Jones. You cannot deny that, can you???

I bet if Terry Jones had a son with that UN regiment who died at the hands of those mentally deranged fanatics, he would not be saying today I am not responsible for that!

Those evil people who did the killings are obviously sick and out of their minds. Even the Book they are so-called “defending” tells them that if you kill innocent people, you will go to Hell. And I hope they do, along with the equally mentally-deranged Pastor, who, knowingly, caused this tragedy .

8) 8)
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Re: Two beheaded, 8 UN workers killed over Florida Koran bur Apr 03, 2011
The line seems to be now "donot aggravate the aggressor", or you will be the aggressor as well. This opens truely a whole can of very nasty worms. This does seem however to be a typical Islamic way of reasoning, after all a man (the agrressor) is allowed to beat a woman (the aggravator) and she will be hold responsible.
We should continue walking on egg shells.
Next to that the burning of a book is compared to the beheadings of people. There is something so wrong on many levels with this picture!
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Two beheaded, 8 UN workers killed over Florida Koran bur Apr 03, 2011
Ok, Tom. You're not a fan of Rosa Parks, I take it.

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Re: Two beheaded, 8 UN workers killed over Florida Koran bur Apr 03, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:Next to that the burning of a book is compared to the beheadings of people. There is something so wrong on many levels with this picture!

I never, ever compared or made equal the burning of the Quran to the heinous killings of the innocent UN staff. That would be totally absurd.

Yes, I agree that there is something wrong with the whole picture. But, unfortunately, that’s the insane world we live in right now.

How do we fix that? I really don’t know. We could go and nuke the entire Muslim world, but that’s not right, and it would never happen!!

Instead, I think we need to learn how to fight and eradicate fanaticism and extremism. But that’s a tall order! And I haven’t got the foggiest idea on how we can accomplish that.

8) 8)
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Re: Two beheaded, 8 UN workers killed over Florida Koran bur Apr 03, 2011
Tom Jones wrote:I never, ever compared or made equal the burning of the Quran to the heinous killings of the innocent UN staff. That would be totally absurd.

I thought the core of your argument is that the book burner and those that behead people hold the same amount of responsibility and accountibility for the beheadings. Just writing it down makes my head boggle.

Tom Jones wrote:How do we fix that? I really don’t know. We could go and nuke the entire Muslim world, but that’s not right, and it would never happen!!

One thing is for sure, the fix doesnot come within, from the Muslim world itself. When you scrape the surface, even the most moderates are not moderates!
One way to fix it, is not giving in to constant Muslim black mail ("donot insult us, or we keel you")
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Re: Two beheaded, 8 UN workers killed over Florida Koran bur Apr 03, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:("donot insult us, or we keel you")

Cue Jeff Dunham with Achchchmed the dead terrorist!

:lol: :lol:

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Re: Two beheaded, 8 UN workers killed over Florida Koran bur Apr 03, 2011

I'm sure FD still remembers this story and the accompanying video of the attack.

Ahmadis were blamed for the riots against their communities because their religious beliefs provoked non-Ahmadis into attacking them.

There's no difference between blaming Terry Jones for the ensuing riots and blaming Ahmadis for attacks against them.

The difference so far is that Terry Jones has not been punished for exercising his right to free speech but Ahmadis have now been banned in several regions (provinces?) in Indonesia from open displays of their faith.
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Re: Two beheaded, 8 UN workers killed over Florida Koran bur Apr 06, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:The line seems to be now "donot aggravate the aggressor", or you will be the aggressor as well. This opens truely a whole can of very nasty worms. This does seem however to be a typical Islamic way of reasoning, after all a man (the agrressor) is allowed to beat a woman (the aggravator) and she will be hold responsible. We should continue walking on egg shells.
Next to that the burning of a book is compared to the beheadings of people. There is something so wrong on many levels with this picture!

Look who's talking .. A bastard-minded person who doesn't know how to identify himself throwing random comments on others. :blackeye:
How about elaborating more on the orders of God in Torah urging the believers to kill sucklings and infants?
I got plenty of stuff for you to elaborate on :shock:

Where to start? A bastard god? Jesus? or sinful prophets such as Lot with the incest occured between him and his 2 daughters? Let alone the LONG LIST of extreme strict talmudic teachings! There is a long list..!

But you know what? I'm not a lunatic who enjoys offending other people's religions & beliefs, or throw ugly comments with dirty intentions. Such attitude are meant to be for low class stray ignorants, like yourself :blackeye:
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Re: Two beheaded, 8 UN workers killed over Florida Koran bur Apr 06, 2011
^ forum rage. :lol:
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Re: Two Beheaded, 8 UN Workers Killed Over Florida Koran Bur Apr 06, 2011
Contempt :D
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Re: Two beheaded, 8 UN workers killed over Florida Koran bur Apr 06, 2011
Where to start? A bastard god? Jesus? or sinful prophets such as Lot with the incest occured between him and his 2 daughters? Let alone the LONG LIST of extreme strict talmudic teachings! There is a long list..!

What does Lot offering his daughters up to a mob of men in the Koran have anything to do with what FD wrote?
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Re: Two Beheaded, 8 UN Workers Killed Over Florida Koran Bur Apr 06, 2011
Perhaps you and FD are in fact practicing similar culture of Lot's people :shock:
Seriously you two need to get out of the closet :D Feel free to declare your relationship in front of everyone ;)
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Re: Two beheaded, 8 UN workers killed over Florida Koran bur Apr 06, 2011
Depends on which source regarding Lot's people you're referring to.

The Bible lists several reasons for why Sodom was destroyed, hedonism/homos.e.xuality was no more a primary reason than the others.

I suppose, in that way, the Koran can be said to be more homophobic than the Bible.
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Re: Two Beheaded, 8 UN Workers Killed Over Florida Koran Bur Apr 06, 2011
symmetric wrote:Seriously you two need to get out of the closet

I have already stated before that I happily turn bisexual if street terrorizing Moroccans leave Holland.
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Re: Two beheaded, 8 UN workers killed over Florida Koran bur Apr 06, 2011
event horizon wrote:Depends on which source regarding Lot's people you're referring to.

The Bible lists several reasons for why Sodom was destroyed, hedonism/homos.e.xuality was no more a primary reason than the others.

I suppose, in that way, the Koran can be said to be more homophobic than the Bible.

It still applys on both of you.

Btw, which bible you're refering to? There are many edited versions out there :blackeye:

I suppose, in that way, the Bible is less reliable than the Koran that only has 1 fixed version.

-- Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:28 pm --

Flying Dutchman wrote:
symmetric wrote:Seriously you two need to get out of the closet

I have already stated before that I happily turn bisexual if street terrorizing Moroccans leave Holland.

On behalf of all Emaratis, let me tell you that we contempt your presence in Dubai, and we'll be more than happy if you and the rest of your stray stock leave the Emirates. :blackeye:

P.S: You are a homosexual already 8)
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Re: Two beheaded, 8 UN workers killed over Florida Koran bur Apr 07, 2011
symmetric wrote:On behalf of all Emaratis, let me tell you that we contempt your presence in Dubai, and we'll be more than happy if you and the rest of your stray stock leave the Emirates. :blackeye:

Yet, every time they let me in with a greeting "Welcome" and even pay me to stay.

symmetric wrote:P.S: You are a homosexual already 8)

You know what they say about guys being too much obsessed with it. :D

Knowing Emiratis and their sexual frustations I would say homosexuality is more wide spread amongst young Emiratis than the Dutch.
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Re: Two beheaded, 8 UN workers killed over Florida Koran bur Apr 07, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:Knowing Emiratis and their sexual frustations I would say homosexuality is more wide spread amongst young Emiratis than the Dutch.

Ooh I don't know FD, I couldn't resist posting this link :lol: :lol: ;

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