but really

it's a great day, he may not change much,. but I hope he tries

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
motion wrote:all american presidents are the same. they lie and lie and will start a war. if this guy is any good and brings peace to world i will be suprised that he wont be assasinated.
Melanie wrote:motion wrote:all american presidents are the same. they lie and lie and will start a war. if this guy is any good and brings peace to world i will be suprised that he wont be assasinated.
The war didn't start in America. America has NEVER started a war, but NATO has been asked to come in so that the idiots who did, won't try to take over the world.. .. but countries sure beg America to jump in and stop it. Those who are illiterate vote for the wrong person, they have no idea what they are voting for. voting doesn't mean just marking or punching a box.. it should mean being informed of what they represent. too bad that doesn't happen, they choose to vote based on what they hear on the media and the color of their skin.. funny though, those that voted for Obama think that the troops will come home, foreign policy will change and taxes will be lowed.. i think i'll have a better chance of winning the lottery, santa clause is real and the tooth fairy really does exist.
Melanie wrote:motion wrote:all american presidents are the same. they lie and lie and will start a war. if this guy is any good and brings peace to world i will be suprised that he wont be assasinated.
The war didn't start in America. America has NEVER started a war, but NATO has been asked to come in so that the idiots who did, won't try to take over the world.. .. but countries sure beg America to jump in and stop it. Those who are illiterate vote for the wrong person, they have no idea what they are voting for. voting doesn't mean just marking or punching a box.. it should mean being informed of what they represent. too bad that doesn't happen, they choose to vote based on what they hear on the media and the color of their skin.. funny though, those that voted for Obama think that the troops will come home, foreign policy will change and taxes will be lowed.. i think i'll have a better chance of winning the lottery, santa clause is real and the tooth fairy really does exist.
Dubai Knight wrote:Well it looks like no-one read the twelve reasons then?
Melanie wrote:motion wrote:The war didn't start in America. America has NEVER started a war, but NATO has been asked to come in so that the idiots who did, won't try to take over the world.. .. but countries sure beg America to jump in and stop it.
DPS wrote:Melanie wrote:motion wrote:The war didn't start in America. America has NEVER started a war, but NATO has been asked to come in so that the idiots who did, won't try to take over the world.. .. but countries sure beg America to jump in and stop it.
ha ha ha!!! Tell me another joke.
The only one point I disagree with Obama is that he plans to withdraw troops from Iraq. I think the world should put pressure on the americans to stay back another 25 years so that they bleed and bleed and pay for the war they started in the first place. Till date I have seem no evidence of the weapons of mass destruction which GWB saw so clearly all over Iraq.
I say .... don't let the Americans get of of Iraq so soon.
DPS wrote:yeah..... this same set of Americans are using FEAR once again to camouflage their own intentions. Till date I have not heard of any evidence of WMDs.
The way the Americans had had them covered, i thought they'd have driven up in their tanks right up to the WMDs.