Toronto Jihadist Pleads Guilty

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Oct 20, 2009
What is this entrapment you are talking about? He wasn't ordering ammonium nitrate and building detonators to blow fish out of the pond, was he?

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Oct 20, 2009
Did you not read what the police informant did before receiving his millions?

He brought guns to a weekend getaway, incited the numpties with Jihad talk etc - then pointed the finger, pocketed the millions and laughed as he was relocated in Canada.

He also worked with the authorities to set up the sting with the 'ammonium nitrate'.

It's all in the reports linked to - at least the ones that reported the facts rather than the initial hype (to be fair, the hype was generated by the Police etc).

As I said initially, numpty young Tim McVeigh wannabes were entrapped -if it weren't for the paid informer, they'll probably be causing more harm to themselves than others by posting inane posts on the internet or playing video games. ;)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Oct 21, 2009
My bad. I suppose I misread the article when I thought it said Amara (the dude who wasn't the informant) made the detonators by himself and scrapped up enough of his 'own' money to buy what he believed was ammonium nitrate.

It was Amara who built the remote-controlled detonators by hand and made numerous treks to a local library to research ways to procure ammonium nitrate.

And he mustered $4,000 in cash to pay for three tonnes of the fertilizer, earmarked for truck bombs.

You're totally right. Without the informant, this guy wouldn't have been able to do any of that. Of course, he also whipped the men into a frenzy by fabricating the texts and teachings of Islam where it says to wage perpetual warfare against unbelievers. Without the informant to fabricate passages from the Koran and hadith, these men would never have (incorrectly) thought that Allah and his messenger call for violent warfare against unbelievers.

Good point.
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Oct 22, 2009
Well, we should indeed thank you for bringing this story to our attention and allowing us to compare the headlines with the facts.

As I said, the millions paid to the informer who incited and entrapped these numpties at least has resulted in two convictions so far.

And you are right - any numpty can follow easily found instructions on the web on how to make detonators etc, and you are also right that some people share your views about Islam (just like some people do believe the world is flat).

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Oct 22, 2009
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Re: Toronto jihadist pleads guilty Feb 27, 2010
Accused in Toronto 18 plot pleads guilty

Another accused in the so-called Toronto 18 bomb plot case will spend one more day in custody after pleading guilty Friday to participating in a terrorist group.

Jamal James, 26, who was charged under Canada's anti-terrorism laws, entered the guilty plea in a Brampton, Ont., courtroom.

He admitted to going to Pakistan in November 2005 to seek paramilitary training from a terrorist group with the intention of returning to Canada and sharing his training with others in the Toronto 18. He got sick while in Pakistan and never received training.

James would normally face seven years in jail, but because he has spent nearly three years and nine months in pre-trial custody and is awarded two-for-one credit for the time he has served, he will only have to serve one more day in custody. He will be on probation for three years.
'Thirsty for knowledge'

Defence lawyer Donald McCleod has described James as “a Muslim convert thirsty for knowledge." He got in with the wrong people and consequently his religious ideas came to include violent Jihad, the lawyer said.

Read more: ... z0ghzElCVf

Shocker - a Muslim convert becomes militarized by his adopted faith. What's next? A downtrodden suicide bomber blowing up a Shia mosque?
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Re: Toronto jihadist pleads guilty Feb 27, 2010
Another numpty who was entrapped, lock em up I say!

A piece of advice, sheikh, rather than rehash old stories - why don't you and I try and find the 5th actual Muslim convert terrorist - it's a little embarrassing to stick at 4 when I am at 242!

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Toronto jihadist pleads guilty Feb 28, 2010
Right, because the police persuaded the man to travel to Pakistan for the purposes of training at an Islamist terror camp. Then, when he got back, the authorities must have planted the idea to blow up Canadian targets into his mind.

Gee, maybe Muslims are just easily enticed into blowing things up, because I can't imagine joining in on a terror plot just because the authorities had a man on the inside and delivered a fake shipment of ammonium nitrate.
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Re: Toronto jihadist pleads guilty Feb 28, 2010
I guess you just attract numpties with your beliefs, oh sheikh.

Anyway, keep up the good work - I'm impressed with your reverse psychology technique to get people to understand the real teachings of Islam. ;)

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